Phrasal Verbs | Meaning of call for

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Phrasal verbs –
Meaning of
call for

Phrasal verbs

What does call for mean?

Here is the meaning of call for with examples:

“call for”

Definition1. To shout out in order to summon (a person).

2. To ask for in a loud voice.
3. To request, demand.
4. To necessitate, demand.
5. To stop at a place and ask for (someone).


1. To shout out in order to summon (a person).2. To ask for in a loud voice.3. To request, demand.4. To necessitate, demand.5. To stop at a place and ask for (someone).

Check the phrasal verb call for in a sentence:

1. She called for the maid and asked her to bring a glass of water.
2. We called for a cup of coffee.
3. the opposition has called for more protests
4. This situation calls for understanding the causes of problem.
5. When I’ll be back from work, I’ll call for you.

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