Paul Hay

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Dr. Paul Hay

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

    Morton Hall, 201
    (434) 223-6982
    [email protected]



Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2017;
M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2012;
B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 2010.

Teaching and Research Interests

Roman Intellectual History, Latin Literature, Ecocriticism, Classical Reception in 19th Century America


“Chesnutt, Helen Maria,” entry in Encyclopedia of Cleveland History (2021)

“The Programmatic ‘Ordior’ of Silius Italicus,” Syllecta Classica 30 (2020), 49-71

“Myron’s Cow Epigrams,” in The Microgenre: A Quick Look at Small Culture, ed. Molly C. O’Donnell and Anne H. Stevens (2020, Bloomsbury), 9-14

“Saecular Discourse: Qualitative Periodization in First Century BCE Rome,” in The Alternative Augustan Age , ed. Kit Morrell, Josiah Osgood, and Kathryn Welch (2019, Oxford University Press), 216-230

“Dendroepigraphy: Botanical Realities in a Bucolic Motif,” Classical Journal 114.1 (2018), 35-58 (co-authored w/ Daniel Buckler, International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist)

“Body Horror and Biopolitics in Livy’s Third Decade,” NECJ 45.1 (2018), 2-20

In Progress

“The Patriotic Singer: Christopher Pearse Cranch’s American Aeneid,” (co-authored w/ John Hay, UNLV) in The Aeneid in the Modern World, ed. Joseph O’Neill and Adam Rigoni (2021, Routledge)

Saeculum: Historical Periodization in Ancient Roman Thought (under contract, UT Press)