Oceanami Villas & Beach Club at 3 Bedrooms in Long Hai, Vietnam – reviews, prices | Planet of Hotels
Oceanami Villas & Beach Club at 3 Bedrooms is located at Tỉnh lộ 44A, Long Hải, Đất Đỏ in Long Hai in 2.9 km from the centre.
Why tourists like Oceanami Villas & Beach Club at 3 Bedrooms
The Internet is available all over the territory of the accommodation. A parking lot will please the guests who travel by car. On advance agreement, you can stay here with your pet. It is important to note that payment for the accommodation and amenities is possible only in cash.
Book Oceanami Villas & Beach Club at 3 Bedrooms
You can book Oceanami Villas & Beach Club at 3 Bedrooms quickly and at a profit on our website. Enter the dates of check-in/out, choose the category of the accommodation and fill in the required fields in the form.
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