North and Central America: Countries Printables – Map Quiz Game

While Canada, the United States, and Mexico are easy to find on a map, there are 11 other countries in North and Central America that may pose more of a challenge. This printable blank map is a great teaching and learning resource for those interested in learning the geography of North and Central America. With numbered blank spaces, the PDF maps work great as a geography study aid or as a teaching resource.

You can also practice online using our online map games.

Blank map of North America, Countries (pdf)


Blank map of North America, Countries (pdf)

Labeled printable North and Central America countries map (pdf)


Labeled printable North and Central America countries map (pdf)

Printable North and Central America countries map quiz (pdf)


Printable North and Central America countries map quiz (pdf)

Key for printable South America countries quiz (pdf)


Key for printable South America countries quiz (pdf)


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