North American Numbering Plan Definition: 717 Samples | Law Insider
Some robotext messages are both legal(continued….) network level—texts purporting to be from numbers on a reasonable Do-Not-Originate (DNO)5 list, which include numbers that purport to be from invalid, unallocated, or unused North American Numbering Plan (NANP)6 numbers, and numbers for which the subscriber to the number has requested that texts purporting to originate from that number be blocked.
Administration of the North American Numbering Plan, Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd 2588, 2593-94 (1995) (Numbering Plan Order).methods generally consist of two types: database and non-database methods.29 1.
Valid North American Numbering Plan numbers that are allocated to a provider by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, but are unused, so long as the provider blocking the calls is the allocatee of the number and confirms that the number is unused or has obtained verification from the allocatee that the number is unused at the time of blocking.
The [NANC] will develop policy on numbering issues, initially resolve disputes, and select and provide guidance to the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.286 The fundamental purpose of the NANC is to act as an oversight committee with the technical and operational expertise to advise the Commission on numbering issues.287 The Commission has already directed the NANC to select a NANPA.