Nodejs and a simple RCE exploit
Nodejs and a simple RCE exploit
Riyaz Walikar
Published in
Aug 24, 2016
2 min read
While reading the blog post on a RCE on by @artsploit, I wanted to build a simple nodejs app that I could use to demo remote code execution.
I built a simple app, vulnerable to command injection/execution via the usage of eval. The exploit code is passed to eval and executed. A simple exploit code could be the following (output in article header):
This will send the contents of /etc/passwd to a netcat listener running on a machine you control and accessible to the nodejs server.
A quick reverse shell can also be obtained using:
This will send a reverse shell back to your machine and you get a proper shell.
reverse shell obtained to a netcat listener
Full details of the code and exploit are available here. The app is also available as a docker image. To setup and run use:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d appsecco/node-simple-rce
And as is with other cool things in the world, the code is available on Github as well.
Happy hacking!!