Nippon Express | low stock price, good value: 92/100
For every stock, we judge its performance against its peers and rank it on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the rank, the better the stock performs than its peers. And, we do this for six investment strategies:
Value – shows how good of a value the stock is. Green is “inexpensive”; red is “expensive”.
Growth – shows a company’s growth potential. Green is “high growth” expected; red is “tough times ahead”.
Safety – relates to the amount of debt a company has. Green is low debt level; red is high debt level.
Combined Financial – this isn’t an average of the first three ranks but rather a consolidated view across several financial indicators. Green = good; red = tread carefully.
(NEW) Sentiment – quantifies professional analyst ratings and holdings as well as market pulse. Green = positive sentiment; red = skepticism (Only available to Premium Subscribers).
(NEW) 360° View – the ultimate rating with all financial and non-financial indicators.