My Lasik Experience at American Eye Center – Travel with a Clearer Vision

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Lasik at the American Eye Center is one of the most memorable experiences and one of the best investments I had for myself this year.

It was a year ago, when I was really planning to do it to get rid of my eyeglasses and be more comfortable whenever I read, do my work, yoga and enjoy some great adventures.

Reminiscing my journey, at the onset, I honestly intend to not go for LASIK, since I was hoping of improving my vision (which has an eye grades of 350/375) in natural ways like having my exercise every day, eat healthy food like pumpkin and carrots, also going outside in the morning and absorb the first sun rays while my eyes are closed.

It was a long journey; I must say that I tried it for 6 months, but nothing happens to my eyes. Well paradoxical, something changed, in terms of making me more discipline and valued the importance of exercise and proper diet.

Forge ahead, this August 2021 I finally decided to reserve for a Lasik Treatment. I talked to the staffs of the clinic and they are very informative about how it works, and they stated upfront the things that I need to avoid before and after the surgery.

lasik american eyeInside American Eye Center Clinic

For many, LASIK which stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis and interchangeably referred to as laser eye surgery or laser vision correction is a procedure for the correction of myopia (nearsighted ness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism.

LASIK surgery is a safe operation performed by an ophthalmologist who uses a laser or microkeratome to reshape the eye’s cornea to improve the vision. Many studies and tests note that this will not cause blindness.


In general, there are only few things that we need to perform prior to our eye operation and that include:

  1. Drinking more water
  2. Stop wearing contact lenses – ideally at least 6 months but it really depends on the Doctor’s advice.
  3. Eat healthy


Importantly, on the day of the surgery it is highly suggested not to wear makeup for girls. Also, since we are still battling corona virus, it is a requirement to put a face mask and face shield when entering the clinic.

Secondly, wear comfortable outfit. On the Lasik room, the temperature is within 15-25 degrees Celsius so I would recommend putting your long sleeves or jacket on. During my surgery, I’m wearing a dress for summer and I felt the coldness that adds up to my nervousness.


The moment of truth has arrived and I’m excited.

Day 1: It was last October 2021 when I had my first lasik screening at American Eye Center at Shangri-La Ortigas.

During my test, I’ve seen a lot of eye aperture instruments and if I remembered correctly, I had 6-7 examinations I took, (note this is not as hard as a licensure exam, kidding aside), the different tests are performed by licensed nurses and ophthalmologists of the clinic.

I was pretty comfortable at this stage since, they just need to check my eyes if it is fit and ready for the operation.

Also, to share the significant details that I know most of you will ask was the fee.


     Cost of Eye Consultation = PHP 1,400


Cost of Lasik Screening = PHP 2,500

Day 2: After my screening, I went back the next day at American Eye Center for the actual surgery.

Man, I was a little mousy but I’m excited as well since this plan of mine is becoming real.

Meanwhile, I must say that I have a huge trust at American Eye Center and my doctors, since the Eye Lasik is their expertise for more than 25 years and imagine they already changed the lives of thousands of patients for years.

My procedure happened fast like an arrow. It took me for only 15-20 minutes and I only had a little pain which lasted for a minute or two.

Funny thing, my cousin’s thought that I will be like a mummy after my operation but yeah, I could assure you that there’s no blood at all.

lasik american eye centerMy second screening on the day of my eye surgery

Mainly, your eyes will be engaged in a machine that will do the cleansing and reshape your cornea and after 5 minutes you will be moved to another eye aperture tool from which your eyes will feel coldness, and that would only last for 1 minute for each eye. After that, you are done.

When my operation was completed, I saw immediately the result or improvement of my vision. But they advised me to rest it first for a day as it is the crucial period for the success of my surgery.

They gave me three eye drops and a gaggle that I will use for a week to avoid dry eyes and for protection as well.

The eyes kit they provided are included on the surgery cost so there is no need to worry for any additional payment.

For the LASIK fee, what I also like to share about American Eye Center here in the Philippines is their transparency when it comes to quoting and their initiation of communicating to your HMO and Philhealth should your operation is within the organization’s coverage (which is unluckily not supported in my case).

Anyway, I’m still thankful that American Eye Center gave me 20% discount for my treatment. As during the time of my surgery, they are celebrating their Anniversary.


     Cost of Lasik for both eyes in any grades = PHP 90,000


Cost of my Lasik after 20% Discount = PHP 72,000

Day 3: After my operation, I went back to the clinic for the post checkup. This is performed to make sure that my eyes achieved the expected vision which is in my case the 20/20 vision.

I actually did have a good result and I’m grateful for it. My Doctor told me that I could go back to work ideally after a day or two which is so fast and nice to know. But still, I should avoid punishing my eyes for overwork and going to the beach to swim within a month. Any other things, I could do it like the usual.

Not to mention, inclusive of my LASIK Fee, American Eye Center assured me that I could go to their clinic for FREE within 5 years, whenever I feel the need or when I desire to have an eye enhancement for the maintenance of my 20/20 vision.

And yes, the effect of Lasik could last forever. But still, it may change depending on how we take care of our eyes. Per my research, some maintain it until they reach the age of 65 – 80 years old.

To myself, I’m blissful that I invested for my LASIK. Because of it, there is no more wearing of eyeglasses and I feel like I will enjoy and appreciate more the great places I will visit with a clearer vision.

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