Minnesota Seasons – American badger



Visitor Sightings




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Kimberly Kosek

Location: McLeod County, lat 44.968831 ;  Lon -94.255861

2 large badgers seen around 8:45pm on gravel road. They both Ran into bean field when we drove up to them.
This is the second time I have seen 2 badgers in McLeod County ever. Both sightings were within the last 2-3weeks and were about 5miles apart.



Location: Grand Portage, MN

Walking along the fence line around 2 am.


Rich Caruso
5/11 to 5/13/2020

Location: Big Lake Township, Sherburne County

Trying to get a picture of it, but for the last two nights have had a large badger tearing into a pile of split wood waiting to be stacked, and scattering the wood everywhere. It’s a very large pile of split wood and it’s out by our polebarn, about 300 ft from the house, so by the time I get close enough, it’s gone. This is occuring around 1-2 AM, so difficult getting a good sighting of it. Have many chipmunks bedded down in that wood pile, I’m sure that’s what it’s after.



Location: Big Lake Township, Sherburne County

I saw a dead badger on highway 95 between North Branch and Cambridge at 7:30am on Sept 20th. It was gone by the time I came back through at 5pm.


Kirk Nelson

Location: Winona County

Very early in the morning, we saw the badger’s eyes reflected in the headlights, then as we got closer saw its head just above its hole. We watched it for a bit, and then it withdrew into its hole. I went back later to take some photos, but I didn’t see it again.

American badger

Wayne Rasmussen

Location: Oxbow Co Park & Zoo, Olmstead County

American badger



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