Luật Doanh nghiệp 2020 tiếng Anh – Law on Enterprises 2020
Sau đây là toàn văn Luật Doanh nghiệp năm 2020tiếng Anh (Law on Enterprises) và link tải về TẠI ĐÂY
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
No. 59/2020/QH14
Hanoi, June 17, 2020
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of
The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Enterprises.
Chapter I
Article 1. Scope
This Law provides for establishment, management,
reorganization, dissolution and relevant activities of enterprises, including
limited liability companies, joint stock companies, partnerships and sole
proprietorships; groups of companies.
Article 2. Regulated entities
1. Enterprises.
2. Organizations and individuals relevant to establishment,
management, reorganization, dissolution and relevant activities of enterprises.
Article 3. Application of the Law on
Enterprises and other laws
In case there are other laws that provide for
establishment, management, reorganization, dissolution and relevant activities
of special enterprises, regulations of these laws shall apply.
Article 4. Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms below are
construed as follows:
1. “copy” means a copy extracted from master register or a
copy that has been certified by a competent organization or compared to the
original document.
2. “foreigner” means a person who has a foreign nationality
according to his/her documents.
3. “shareholder” means the individual or organization that
holds at least a share of a joint stock company.
4. “founding shareholder” means a shareholder that holds at
least an ordinary share and has his/her signature in the list of shareholders
that are also founder of the joint stock company.
5. “dividend” means a net profit on each share in cash or
other assets.
6. A “company” can be a limited liability company, joint
stock company or partnership.
7. A “limited liability company” can be a single-member
limited liability company or multiple-member limited liability company.
8. “National Enterprise Registration Portal” means a web
portal used for enterprise registration and access and publishing of enterprise
9. “national enterprise registration database” means the
collection of nationwide enterprise registration data.
10. “enterprise” means an organization that has a proper
name, assets, premises, is established or registered in accordance with law for
business purposes.
11. A “state-owned enterprise” means an enterprise more
than 50% charter capital or voting shares of which is held by the State as
prescribed in Article 88 of this Law.
12. A “Vietnamese enterprise” means an enterprise that is
registered in accordance with Vietnam’s law and has its headquarters located
within Vietnam.
13. “mailing address” means the address registered as the
headquarters of an organization; the permanent residence, working place or
another address of an individual that is registered as mailing address with an
14. “market value” of a stake or share means the price at
which the stake or share is traded on the market at the nearest time, the price
agreed on by the buyer and the seller, or the price determined by a valuation
15. “Certificate of Enterprise Registration” means a
physical or electronic document bearing enterprise registration information
provided for the enterprise by a business registration authority.
16. “legal documents” of an individual include the ID card
(old or new format), passport and other legal personal identification
17. “legal documents” of an enterprise include the
Establishment Decision, Certificate of Enterprise Registration and equivalent
18. “capital contribution” means the contribution of
capital as charter capital to establish a new company or contribution of
additional capital to an existing company.
19. “National Enterprise
Registration Information System” includes the National Enterprise Registration
Portal, national enterprise registration database, relevant databases and
technical infrastructure.
20. “valid application” means an application that contains
adequate documents specified in this Law and all the documents are completed as
prescribed by law.
21. “business” or “business operation” means continuous
execution of one, some or all stages including investment, manufacturing, sale
or provision of services on the market for profit.
22. “relatives” of a person include: the spouse, biological
parents, adoptive parents, parents-in-laws, biological children, adopted
children, children-in-law, biological siblings, siblings-in-law and biological
siblings of the spouse.
23. “related person” means any individual or organization
that has a direct or indirect relationship with an enterprise in the following
a) The parent company, its executive and legal
representative, and the person who has the power to designate the executive
officer of the parent company;
b) The subsidiary company, its executive and legal
c) Any individual, organization or group of individuals or
organizations that can influence the enterprise’s operation through ownership,
acquisition of shares/stakes or making corporal decisions;
d) The enterprise’s executive, legal representative,
dd) Spouses, biological parents, adoptive parents,
parents-in-laws, biological children, adopted children, children-in-law,
biological siblings, siblings-in-law and biological siblings of spouses of the
executive officer, legal representative, controllers, members/partners and
shareholders holding the controlling stakes/shares;
e) Any individual that is the authorized representative of
the companies or organizations mentioned in Point a, b and c of this Clause;
g) Any enterprise in which an individual, company or
organization mentioned in Points a, b, c, d, dd and e of this Clause has the
controlling interest.
24. “executive of an enterprise means the owner of a sole
proprietorship, a general partner of a partnership, chairperson or member of
the Member/Partner Assembly, President of a company, President or member of the
Board of Directors, Director/General Director, or holder of another managerial
position prescribed in the company’s charter.
25. “founder” means the individual or organization that
establishes or contributes capital to establish an enterprise.
26. “foreign investor” means an individual or organization
as defined by the Law on Investment.
27. “stake” means the total value of assets that a
member/partner has contributed or promises to contribute to a limited liability
company/partnership. “holding” means the ratio of a member/partner’s stake to
the charter capital of the limited liability company/partnership.
28. “public products and services” are essential products
and services of a country, area or community, thus have to be maintained by the
State for assurance of common interests or defense and security, and the costs
of provision of which under market mechanism are hardly recoverable.
29. “member” or “partner” means the individual or
organization that holds part or all of charter capital of a limited liability
company or partnership.
30. A “partner” of a partnership can be a general partner
or limited partner.
31. “reorganization” of an enterprise means the full
division, partial division, consolidation, acquisition or conversion of an
32. “foreign organization” means an organization
established overseas under the foreign country’s laws.
33. “voting capital” means the stake or share that endows
the holder the right to vote on the issues within the jurisdiction of the Board
of Members or General Meeting of Shareholders.
34. “charter capital” means the total value of assets that
have been contributed or promised by the members/partners/owners when the
limited liability company or partnership is established; or the total of
nominal values of the sold or subscribed shares when a joint stock company is
Article 5. Protection of enterprises
and their owners by the State
1. The State recognizes the long-term existence and
development of the types of enterprises prescribed in this Law; ensures
equality of enterprises before the law regardless of their types of business
and economic sector; recognizes lawful profitability of business operation.
2. The State recognizes and protects the rights to
ownership of assets, capital, income, other lawful rights and interests of
enterprises and their owners.
3. Lawful assets and capital of enterprises and their
owners shall not be nationalized or administratively confiscated. Unless
strictly necessary, the State may purchase or requisition assets of
enterprises, in which case these enterprises shall be paid or reimbursed for in
accordance with regulations of law on purchase and requisitioning of assets and
in a manner that ensures the enterprises’ interests and non-discrimination
among the types of business.
Article 6. Internal political
organizations, socio-political organizations and employee representative
organizations of enterprises
1. The internal political organization, socio-political
organization and employee representative organization of an enterprise shall
operate in accordance with the Constitution, the law and the enterprise’s
2. Enterprises shall respect and not obstruct the
establishment of internal political organizations, socio-political
organizations and employee representative organizations; must not obstruct
participation of their employees in such organizations.
Article 7. Rights of enterprises
Every enterprise has the right to:
1. Freely engage in any business line that is not banned by
2. Freely run the business and choose a type of business
organization; choose business lines, area of operation and type of operation;
change the scale of business and business lines.
3. Choose the method of mobilizing, distributing and using
4. Freely find markets, customers and enter into contracts.
5. Export and import.
6. Hire employees in accordance with employment laws.
7. Apply technological advances to improve business
efficiency; have intellectual property rights protected in accordance with
intellectual property laws.
8. Acquire, use, dispose of their assets.
9. Reject unlawful requests for provision of resources from
other organizations and individuals.
10. File complaints and participate in proceedings as
prescribed by law.
11. Other rights prescribed by law.
Article 8. Obligations of
1. Maintain the fulfillment of conditions for conducting
restricted business lines and business lines restricted to foreign investors
(hereinafter referred to as “restricted business lines”) prescribed by law
throughout the course of business operation.
2. Apply for enterprise registration; register changes to
enterprise registration information; publish information about the
establishment and operation of the enterprise; submit reports and fulfill other
obligations prescribed by this Law.
3. Take responsibility for the accuracy of information in
the enterprise registration application and reports; promptly rectify incorrect
information if found.
4. Organize accounting works; pay taxes and fulfill other
financial obligations prescribed by law.
5. Protect lawful rights and interests of employees as
prescribed by law; do not discriminate against or insult employees; do not
mistreat or force employees to work; do not employ minors against the law;
enable employees to improve their vocational skills through training; buy
social insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance and other insurance
for employees as prescribed by law.
6. Other obligations prescribed by law.
Article 9. Rights and obligations of
enterprises providing public products and services
An enterprise providing public products and services shall:
1. Have the rights and obligations specified in Article 7,
Article 8 and relevant regulations of this Law.
2. Be reimbursed in accordance with bidding laws or collect
payments as prescribed by competent authorities.
3. Have appropriate time to provide products/services to
recoup investment and make reasonable profit.
4. Provide products/services with adequate quantity, good
quality and on schedule at the prices imposed by competent authorities.
5. Ensure fairness and convenience for customers.
6. Take legal responsibility for the quantity, quality,
supply conditions and prices for their products/services.
Article 10. Criteria, rights and
obligations of social enterprises
1. A social enterprise shall:
a) Be registered in accordance with this Law;
b) Operate for the purposes of resolving social and
environmental issues for public interests;
c) Use at least 51% of the annual post-tax profit for
re-investment to achieved registered targets.
2. In addition to the rights and obligations of an
enterprise prescribed in this Law, a social enterprise also has the following
rights and obligations:
a) The owner or executive of a social enterprise shall be
enabled to obtain relevant licenses and certificates prescribed by law;
b) A social enterprise may raise and receive donations from
individuals, enterprises, non-governmental organizations and other Vietnamese
and foreign organizations to cover its administrative expenses and operating
c) Adhere to the objectives and fulfill the conditions
specified in Point b and Point c Clause 1 of this Article throughout its course
of operation;
b) Do not use donations for purposes other than covering
administrative expenses and operating costs and resolving the social and
environmental issues registered by the enterprise;
dd) When receiving donations and aids, submit annual
reports on the enterprise’s operation to a competent authority;
3. Inform the competent authority when an social or
environmental objective is terminated or profit is not used for re-investment
in accordance with Point b and Point c Clause 1 of this Article.
4. The State shall adopt policies to encourage and assist
in development of social enterprises.
5. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 11. Document retention
1. An enterprise, depending on its type of business, shall
retain the following documents:
a) The charter, internal rules and regulations; the
member/partner/shareholder register;
b) The certificate of Industrial property rights; the
certificate of registration of product/service quality; other licenses and
c) Documents proving the enterprise’s ownership of its
d) Votes, vote counting records, minutes of meetings of the
Board of Members/Partners, General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors;
the enterprise’s decisions;
dd) The prospectus for offering or listing securities;
e) Reports of the Board of Controllers, verdicts of
inspecting authorities and audit organizations;
g) Accounting books, accounting records and annual
financial statements.
2. The documents mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article
shall be retained at the enterprise’s headquarters or another location
specified in the enterprise’s charter for a period of time prescribed by law.
Article 12. The enterprise’s legal
1. The enterprise’s legal representative is the person that,
on behalf of the enterprise, exercises and performs the rights and obligations
derived from the enterprise’s transactions, acts as the plaintiff, defendant or
person with relevant interests and duties before in court, arbitration, and
performs other rights and obligations prescribed by law.
2. A limited liability company or joint stock company may
have one or more than one legal representative. The enterprise’s charter shall
specify the quantity, position, rights and obligations of its legal representatives.
In case there are more than one legal representative, the charter shall specify
the rights and obligations of each of them. Otherwise, each of the legal
representatives shall fully representative the enterprise and take joint
responsibility for any damage to the enterprise as prescribed by civil laws and
relevant laws.
3. An enterprise shall have at least one legal
representative residing in Vietnam. Whenever this representative leaves
Vietnam, he/she has to authorize another Vietnamese resident, in writing, to
act as the legal representative, in which case the authorizing person is still
responsible for the authorized person’s performance.
4. In case the authorizing person has not returned to
Vietnam when the letter of authorization mentioned in (3) expires and does not
have any further actions:
a) In case the enterprise is a sole proprietorship, the
authorized person shall continue acting as the enterprise’s legal
representative until the authorizing person returns;
b) In case the enterprise is a limited liability company,
joint stock company or partnership, the authorized person shall continue acting
as the enterprise’s legal representative until the authorizing person returns
or until the enterprise’s owner, Board of Members/Partners or Board of Directors
designates another legal representative.
5. In case the only legal representative of an enterprise
she is not present in Vietnam for more than 30 days without authorizing another
person to act as the enterprise’s legal representative, or is dead, missing,
facing criminal prosecution, kept in temporary detention, serving an
imprisonment sentence, serving an administrative penalty in a correctional
institution or rehabilitation center, has limited legal capacity or is
incapacitated, has difficulty controlling his/her own behaviors, is banned by
the court from holding certain positions or doing certain works, the
enterprise’s owner, Board of Members/Partners or Board of Directors shall
appoint another legal representative, except for the cases specified in Clause
6 of this Article.
6. In a two-member limited liability company, if the member
who is the company’s legal representative is dead, missing, facing
criminal prosecution, kept in temporary detention, serving an imprisonment
sentence, serving an administrative penalty in a correctional institution or
rehabilitation center, making getaway; has limited legal capacity or is
incapacitated, has difficulty controlling his/her own behaviors, is banned by
the court from holding certain positions or doing certain works, the other
member shall obviously assume the position of the company’s legal
representative until the Board of Members issues a new decision on the
company’s legal representative.
7. The court and other proceeding authorities are entitled
to appoint the legal representative who participates in proceedings as
prescribed by law.
Article 13. Responsibilities of the
enterprise’s legal representative
1. An enterprise’s legal representative shall:
a) Exercise and perform his/her rights and obligations in
an honest and prudent manner to protect the enterprise’s lawful interests;
b) Be loyal to the enterprise’s interests; not abuse
his/her power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets,
business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other
organization’s or individual’s interests;
c) Promptly and fully provide the enterprise with
information about the enterprises that he/she or his/her related person owns or
has shares/stakes in as prescribed in this Law.
2. The enterprise’s representative shall be personally
responsible for any damage to the enterprise within the limits of
responsibilities specified in Clause 1 of this Article.
Article 14. Authorized
representatives of the owner/members/partners/shareholders that are organizations
1. Authorized representatives of the
owner/members/partners/shareholders that are organizations shall be authorized
in writing by the owner/members/partners/shareholders in accordance with this
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by the charter, the
designation of the authorized representative shall comply with the following
a) An organization that is a member of a multiple-member
limited liability company and holds at least 35% of charter capital may
designate up to 03 authorized representatives;
b) An organization that is a shareholder of a joint stock
company and holds at least 10% of ordinary shares may designate up to 03
authorized representatives.
3. In case the owner/members/partners/shareholders
designate more than one authorized representative, the holding represented by
each of them shall be specified. Otherwise, the total holding shall be equally
divided among the authorized representatives.
4. The document designating the authorized representative
shall be informed to the company, be effective on the date it is received by
the company and contain the following information:
a) Names, enterprise identification (EID) numbers,
headquarters addresses of the owner/members/partners/shareholders;
b) Quantity of authorized representatives and their
c) Full name, mailing address, nationality, legal document
number of each authorized representative;
d) The beginning date and duration of authorization of each
authorized representative;
dd) Full names and signatures of the legal representatives
of the owner/members/partners/shareholders and of the authorized
5. An authorized representative shall satisfy the following
a) The authorized representative is not an entity specified
in Clause 2 Article 17 of this Law;
b) Members/partners/shareholders of state-owned enterprises
prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law must not designate a
relative of the executive and the person having the power to designate the
executive as representative of another company;
c) Other requirements specified in the company’s charter.
Article 15. Responsibilities of
authorized representatives of the owner/members/partners/shareholders that are
1. Authorized representatives of the owner/members/partners/shareholders
shall exercise and perform their rights and obligations in accordance with this
Law. All limits imposed by the owner/members/partners/shareholders to the
authorized representatives’ performance at the Board of Members/Partners or
General Meeting of Shareholders shall not apply to any third party.
2. Authorized representatives have the responsibility to
attend all meetings of the Board of Members/Partners or General Meeting of
Shareholders; exercise and perform the authorized rights and obligations in an
honest and prudent manner to protect lawful interest of the
owner/members/partners/shareholders that designated them.
3. Authorized representatives shall be responsible to the
owner, members/partners/shareholders for fulfillment of the responsibilities
specified in this Article. The owner, members/partners/shareholders that
designate these authorized representatives shall be responsible to third
parties for performance of these authorized representative.
Article 16. Prohibited actions
1. Issuing or refusing to issue the Certificate of
Enterprise registration against regulations of this Law; requesting the founder
to submit additional documents against regulations of this Law; delaying,
obstructing, harassing enterprise founders and business operation of
2. Obstructing the enterprise’s owner,
members/partners/shareholders from performing their rights and obligations
prescribed in this Law and the enterprise’s charter.
3. Doing business as an enterprise without applying for
enterprise registration; carrying on busines operation after the Certificate of
Enterprise Registration has been revoked or while the enterprise is being
4. Providing dishonest or incorrect information in the
enterprise registration application or application for changes to enterprise
registration information.
5. Declaring false charter capital; failure to contribute
adequate charter capital as registered; deliberate contribution of assets with
false value.
6. Engaging in banned business lines or business lines from
which foreign investors are banned; engaging in restricted business lines
without fulfillment of conditions or failure to maintain fulfillment of
conditions during operation in restricted business lines.
7. Frauds, money laundering, terrorism financing.
17. The rights to establish, contribute
capital, buy shares/stakes and manage enterprises
1. Organizations and individuals have the right to
establish and manage enterprises in Vietnam in accordance with this Law, except
for the cases specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. The following organizations and individuals do not have
the right to establish and manage enterprises in Vietnam:
a) State authorities, People’s armed forces using
state-owned assets to establish enterprises to serve their own interests;
b) Officials and public employees defined by the Law on
Officials and the Law on Public Employees;
c) Commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, career
military personnel, military workers and public employees in agencies and units
of Vietnam People’s Army; commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers and
police workers in police authorities and units, except for those designated and
authorized representatives to manage state-owned stakes in enterprises or to
manage state-owned enterprises;
d) Executive officers and managers of state-owned
enterprises prescribed in Point a Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law, except those
who are designated as authorized representatives to manage state-owned stakes
in other enterprises;
dd) Minors; people with limited legal capacity;
incapacitated people; people having difficulties controlling their behaviors;
organizations that are not juridical persons;
e) People who are facing criminal prosecution, kept in
temporary detention, serving an imprisonment sentence, serving an
administrative penalty in a correctional institution or rehabilitation center,
has limited legal capacity or is incapacitated, is not able to control his/her
own behaviors, is banned by the court from holding certain positions or doing
certain works; other cases prescribed by the Law on Bankruptcy and the
Anti-corruption Law.
If requested by the business registration authority, the
applicant shall submit the judicial records;
g) Juridical persons that are banned from business
operation or banned from certain fields as prescribed by the Criminal Code.
3. Organizations and individuals have the right to
contribute capital, buy shares and stakes of joint stock companies, limited
liability companies and partnerships in accordance with this Law, except:
a) State authorities, People’s armed forces contributing
state-owned assets to enterprises to serve their own interests;
b) The entities that are not allowed to contribute capital
to enterprises prescribed by the Law on Officials, the Law on Public Employees,
and Anti-corruption Law.
4. The act of serving one’s own interests mentioned in
Point a Clause 2 and Point a Clause 3 of this Article means the use of incomes
from business operation, capital contribution, acquisition of shares/stakes for
any of the following purposes:
a) Any kind of distribution to some or all of the persons
specified in Point b and Point c Clause 2 of this Article;
b) Inclusion in the operating budget of the
organization/unit against state budget laws;
c) Establishment or contribution to an internal fund of the
Article 18. Pre-registration
1. The enterprise’s founder may sign contracts serving the
establishment and operation of the enterprise before and during the process of
enterprise registration.
2. When the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is
granted, the enterprise shall continue exercising and performing the rights and
obligations under the concluded contracts mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article,
and the parties shall transfer the rights and obligations in accordance with
the Civil Code, unless prescribed by the contracts.
3. IN case the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is
not granted, the persons who conclude the contracts mentioned in Clause 1 of
this Article are responsible for their execution. Any other participant in the
establishment of the enterprise is also responsible for the execution of these
Article 19. Application for
registration of a sole proprietorship
1. The enterprise registration application form.
2. Copies of legal documents of the sole proprietorship’s
Article 20. Application for
registration of a partnership
1. The enterprise registration application form.
2. The company’s charter.
3. The list of partners.
4. Copies of legal documents of the partners.
5. Copies of the Certificate of Investment Registration of
foreign investors as prescribed by the Law on Investment.
Article 21. Application for
registration of a limited liability company
1. The enterprise registration application form.
2. The company’s charter.
3. The list of members.
4. Copies of:
a) Legal documents of members who are individuals and legal
b) Legal documents of members that are organizations,
documents about designation of authorized representatives and their legal
Legalized copies of legal documents of the members that are
foreign organizations.
c) The Certificate of Investment Registration of foreign
investors as prescribed by the Law on Investment.
Article 22. Application for
registration of a joint stock company
1. The enterprise registration application form.
2. The company’s charter.
3. The list of founding shareholders; the list of
shareholders that are foreign investors.
4. Copies of:
a) Legal documents of founding shareholders and
shareholders that are foreign investors who are individuals and legal
b) Legal documents of shareholders that are organizations,
documents about designation of authorized representatives; legal documents of authorized
representatives of founding shareholders and shareholders that are foreign
Legalized copies of legal documents of the members that are
foreign organizations.
c) The Certificate of Investment Registration of foreign
investors as prescribed by the Law on Investment.
Article 23. Content of the
enterprise registration application form
The following information shall be provided in the
enterprise registration application form:
1. The enterprise’s name;
2. The enterprise’s headquarters, phone number, fax number,
email address (if any);
3. The enterprise’s business lines;
4. The charter capital (or investment capital if the
enterprise is a sole proprietorship);
5. Types of shares, face value of each type and total
authorized shares of each type if the enterprise is a joint stock company;
6. Tax registration information;
7. Expected quantity of employees;
8. Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal documents of each partner (for partnerships) or the owner (for sole
9. Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal documents of the legal representative (for limited liability companies
and joint stock companies).
Article 24. The company’s charter.
1. The company’s charter includes the initial charter
submitted upon enterprise registration and revisions made during the operation.
2. Primary contents of the company’s charter:
a) The company’s name, addresses of the headquarters,
branches and representative offices (if any);
b) The company’s business lines;
c) The charter capital; total quantity of shares, types of
shares and face value of each type (for joint stock companies);
d) Full name, mailing address, nationality of each partner
(for partnerships), the owner and each member (for limited liability companies)
or the founding shareholders (for joint stock companies). Stakes held by
each member or partner (for limited liability companies and partnerships) and
values thereof. Quantity of shares, types of shares and value of each type held
by founding shareholders (for joint stock companies);
dd) Rights and obligations of the members or partners (for
limited liability companies and partnerships) or shareholders (for joint stock
e) The organizational structure;
g) Quantity, titles, rights and obligations of each of the
enterprise’s legal representatives;
h) Method for ratifying the company’s decisions; rules for
settlement of internal disputes;
i) Basis and method for determination of salaries and
bonuses of the executives and controllers;
k) Cases in which members/shareholders may request the
company to repurchase their stakes/shares (For limited liability
companies/joint stock companies);
l) Rules for distribution of post-tax profits and
settlement of business losses;
m) Cases of dissolution; procedures for dissolution and
liquidation of the company’s assets;
m) Procedures for revising the company’s charter.
3. The initial company’s charter shall contain the full
names and signatures of:
a) For partnerships, the partners;
b) For single-member limited liability companies, the owner
that is an individual or the legal representative of the owner that is an
c) For multi-member limited liability companies, the
members that are individuals or authorized representatives of members that are
d) For joint stock companies, founding shareholders that
are individuals and legal representatives or authorized representatives of
founding shareholders that are organizations.
4. The revised company’s charter shall contain the full
names and signatures of:
a) For partnerships, the President of the Partner Assembly;
b) For single-member limited liability companies, the owner
or the owner’s legal representative;
c) For multi-member limited liability companies and joint
stock companies, the legal representative.
Article 25. List of
members/partners of a limited liability company/partnership; list of founding
shareholders and foreign shareholders of a joint stock company
The List of members/partners of a limited liability
company/partnership; the list of founding shareholders and foreign shareholders
of a joint stock company shall contain:
1. Full names, signatures, nationalities, mailing addresses
of members/partners/founding shareholders/foreign shareholders that are
2. Names, EID numbers, addresses of headquarters of
members/partners/founding shareholders/foreign shareholders that are
3. Full names, signatures, nationalities, mailing addresses
or legal representatives or authorized representatives of members/partners/founding
shareholders/foreign shareholders that are organizations;
4. Stakes and values thereof, holdings, types, quantities
and values of assets contributed as capital, capital contribution time of each
member/partner (for limited liability companies and partnerships); types and
quantities of shares, holdings, types, quantities and values of assets
contributed as capital, capital contribution period of each founding
shareholder and foreign shareholder (for joint stock companies).
Article 26. Enterprise registration
1. The enterprise’s founder or the authorized person shall
apply for enterprise registration at the business registration authority as
a) Direct application at the business registration
b) Submission of the application by post;
c) Online enterprise registration.
2. Online enterprise registration means the enterprise’s
founder submitting the electronic enterprise registration application to the
National Enterprise Registration Portal. An electronic enterprise registration
application shall contain the information prescribed in this Law and has the
same legal value as a physical one.
3. Applicants may choose between digital signatures and
business registration accounts for online enterprise registration.
4. A business registration account means an account created
by the National Enterprise Registration Information System for an individual to
apply for online enterprise registration. The account holder is legally
responsible for the obtainment and use of the account for online enterprise
5. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
application, the business registration authority shall consider the validity of
the application and decide whether to issue enterprise registration. The
business registration authority shall inform the applicant of necessary
supplementation in writing if the application is invalid or inform the
applicant and provide explanation if the application is rejected.
6. The Government shall provide detailed regulations on documentation
and interconnected procedures for enterprise registration.
Article 27. Issuance of the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration
1. An enterprise will be granted the Certificate of
Enterprise Registration when the following conditions are fully satisfied:
a) The registered business lines are not banned;
b) The enterprise’s name is conformable with regulations of
Articles 37, 38, 39 and 41 of this Law;
c) The enterprise registration application is valid;
d) The enterprise registration fees are fully paid in
accordance with regulations of law on fees and charges.
2. In case a Certificate of Enterprise Registration is lost
or damaged, it will be reissued at a fee prescribed by law.
Article 28. Content of the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration
A Certificate of Enterprise Registration shall contain the
following information:
1. The enterprise’s name and EID number;
2. The enterprise’s headquarters address;
3. Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document number of the legal representative (for limited liability
companies and joint stock companies), each partner (for partnerships), the
owner (for sole proprietorships). Full name, mailing address, nationality and
legal document number of each member that is an individual; name, EID number
and headquarters address of each member that is an organization (for limited
liability companies);
4. The charter capital (or investment capital if the
enterprise is a sole proprietorship).
Article 29. Enterprise
identification (EID) number
1. EID number is a serial number generated by the National
Enterprise Registration Information System, issued to the enterprise when it is
created and written on the Certificate of Enterprise Registration. Each
enterprise shall have a sole EID number, which must not be issued to any other
2. The EID number shall be used for paying taxes, following
administrative procedures, exercising and performing other rights and
Article 30. Registering revisions
to the Certificate of Enterprise Registration
1. Revisions to any of the information specified in Article
28 of this Law on the Certificate of Enterprise Registration shall be
registered by the enterprise with the business registration authority.
2. An application for revision shall be submitted within 10
days from day on which the change occurs.
3. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
application for revision, the business registration authority shall consider
the validity of the application and decide whether to issue a new Certificate
of Enterprise Registration. The business registration authority shall inform
the applicant of necessary supplementation in writing if the application is
invalid or inform the applicant and provide explanation if the application is
4. Procedures for registering revisions to the Certificate
of Enterprise Registration under a court decision or arbitration award:
a) The applicant shall submit the application for revision
to the competent business registration authority within 15 days from the effective
date of the court decision or arbitration award. The application shall include
copies of the effective court decision or arbitration award;
b) Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
application, the business registration authority shall consider issuing a new
Certificate of Enterprise Registration in accordance with the effective court
decision or arbitration award. The business registration authority shall inform
the applicant of necessary supplementation in writing if the application is invalid
or inform the applicant and provide explanation if the application is rejected.
5. The Government shall provide for documentation and
procedures for registering revisions to the Certificate of Enterprise
Article 31. Notification of changes
to enterprise registration information
1. The enterprise shall notify the business registration
authority of any change to:
a) The enterprise’s business lines;
b) The founding shareholders and foreign shareholders (for
joint stock companies, except listed companies);
c) Other content of the enterprise registration
2. The enterprise shall notify a change to enterprise
registration information within 10 days from its occurrence.
3. A joint stock company shall send a written notification
to the business registration authority in charge of the area where the company
is headquartered within 10 days from the occurrence of the change to foreign
shareholders registered in the company’s shareholder register. Such a
notification shall contain:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) For foreign shareholders who transfer their shares:
Names and headquarter addresses of shareholders that are organizations; full
names, nationalities, mailing addresses of shareholders that are individuals;
quantities and types of shares they are holding; quantities and types of shares
being transferred;
c) For foreign shareholders who receive shares: Names and
headquarter addresses of shareholders that are organizations; full names,
nationalities, mailing addresses of shareholders that are individuals;
quantities and types of shares being received; their holdings;
d) Full names and signatures of the company’s legal
4. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
notification, the business registration authority shall consider its validity
and decide whether to accept the change. The business registration authority
shall inform the enterprise of necessary supplementation in writing if the
application is invalid or inform the applicant and provide explanation if the
change is not acceptable.
5. Procedures for notifying changes to enterprise
registration information under a court decision or arbitration award:
a) The organization or individual that requests to make the
change (the requester) shall send a notification to the competent business
registration authority within 10 days from the effective date of the court
decision or arbitration award. The notification shall include copies of the
effective court decision or arbitration award;
b) Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
notification, the business registration authority shall consider accepting the
change in accordance with the effective court decision or arbitration award.
The business registration authority shall inform the applicant of necessary
supplementation in writing if the notification is invalid or inform the
applicant and provide explanation if the change is not acceptable.
Article 32. Publishing of
enterprise registration information
1. After an enterprise is granted the Certificate of
Enterprise Registration, it shall announce it on the National Enterprise
Registration Portal and pay the fee as prescribed by law. The announcement
shall include the content of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration and:
a) The enterprise’s business lines;
b) The list of founding shareholders and foreign
shareholders (for joint stock companies).
2. Any change to enterprise registration information shall
be announced on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
3. The information mentioned in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of
this Article shall be published for 30 days.
Article 33. Provision of enterprise
registration information
1. Organizations and individuals are entitled to request
business registration authorities to provide information on the National
Enterprise Registration Information System and pay fees.
2. Business registration authorities shall fully and
promptly provide information in accordance with Clause 1 of this Article.
3. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 34. Contributed assets
1. Contributed assets include VND, convertible foreign
currencies, gold, land use right (LUR), intellectual property rights,
technologies, technical secrets, other assets that can be converted into VND.
2. Only the individual or organization that has the lawful
right to ownership or right to use the asset mentioned in Clause 1 of this
Article may contribute it as capital as prescribed by law.
Article 35. Transfer of ownership
of contributed assets
1. Transfer of contributed assets by members of a limited
liability company, partners of a partnership, shareholders of a joint stock
company shall comply with the following regulations:
a) For assets whose ownership have been registered and
LURs, the capital contributor shall follow procedures for transfer the
ownership of such assets or the LUR to the company as prescribed by law. This
transfer is exempt from registration fee;
b) Contribution of assets whose ownership is not registered
shall be recorded in writing unless the contribution is made by wire transfer.
2. The record on transfer of contributed assets shall
contain the following information:
a) The company’s name and headquarters address;
b) Full name, mailing address, legal document number of the
contributor that is an individual; legal document number of the contributor
that is an organization;
c) Types and quantities of contributed assets; total value
of contributed assets and the ratio of this value to the company’s charter
d) Date of transfer; signatures of the contributor or the
contributor’s authorized representative and the company’s legal representative.
3. The contribution is considered complete once the lawful
ownership of the assets has been transferred to the company.
4. Procedures for ownership transfer are exempt for assets
serving business operation of the sole proprietorship’s owner.
5. Payment for transfer of shares/stakes, receipt of
dividends of remittance of profits by foreign investors shall be carried out
through accounts in accordance with foreign exchange laws, except for payment
in assets and cashless payment.
Article 36. Valuation of
contributed assets
1. Contributed assets that are not VND, convertible foreign
currencies or gold shall be valued by members/partners/shareholders or a
valuation organization and expressed as VND.
2. Assets contributed upon establishment of an enterprise
shall be valued by members/partners/founding shareholders by consensus or by a
valuation organization. In the latter case, the value of contributed assets
must be accepted by more than 50% of the members/partners/founding
In case a contributed asset is valued at a value higher
than its actual value at contribution time (overvalued), the
members/partners/founding shareholders shall jointly contribute an amount equal
to the difference and are jointly responsible for the damage caused by the
3. Assets contributed during the operation shall be valued
by the owner or the Board of Members/Partners (for limited liability companies
and partnerships) or the Board of Directors (for joint stock companies) and the
contributor or by a valuation organization. In the latter case, the value shall
be accepted by the contributor and the owner, the Board of
In case a contributed asset is overvalued, the contributor,
the owner and members of the Board of Members/Partners/Director shall jointly
contribute an amount equal to the difference and are jointly responsible for
the damage caused by the overvaluation.
Article 37. Names of enterprises
1. The Vietnamese name of an enterprise shall contain two
elements in order:
a) The type of enterprise;
b) The proper name.
2. The type of enterprise shall be “công ty trách nhiệm hữu
hạn” or “công ty TNHH” for limited liability companies; “công ty cổ phần” or
“công ty CP” for joint stock companies; “công ty hợp danh” or “công ty HD” for
partnerships; “doanh nghiệp tư nhân”, “DNTN” or “doanh nghiệp TN” for sole
3. The proper name shall consist of letters in the
Vietnamese alphabet, the letters F, J, Z, W, numbers and symbols.
4. The enterprise’s name shall be displayed at the
headquarters, branches, representative offices and business locations of the
enterprise and printed or written on transaction documents, records and printed
materials published by the enterprise.
5. Pursuant to regulations of this Article, Articles 38, 39
and 41 of this Law, the business registration authority is entitled to refuse
to register enterprise’s name.
Article 38. Prohibited acts of
naming enterprises
1. Use of any name that is identical or confusingly similar
to another enterprise’s name that is registered in accordance with Article 41
of this Article.
2. Use of the name of a state authority, the People’s
military unit, political organization, socio-political organization,
socio-political-professional organization, social organization,
social-professional organization as part or all of an enterprise’s name, unless
it is accepted by that authority, unit or organization.
3. Use of words or symbols that against the country’s
history, culture, ethical values and good traditions.
Article 39. Enterprise’s name in
foreign language and abbreviated name
1. The enterprise’s name in a foreign language is the name
translated from the Vietnamese name into one of the Latin-based languages. The
proper name of the enterprise’s may be kept unchanged or translated into the
foreign language.
2. In case an enterprise’s name is in a foreign language,
the text size of the foreign name shall be smaller than the Vietnamese name
displayed at the enterprise’s headquarters, branches, representative offices
and business locations and on the enterprise’s transaction documents, records
and materials published by the enterprise.
3. The abbreviated name of an enterprise may be
abbreviation of its Vietnamese name or foreign language name.
Article 40. Names of branches,
representative offices and business locations
1. The name of a branch, representative office or business
location shall consist of letters in the Vietnamese alphabet, the letters F, J,
Z, W, numbers and symbols.
2. The name of a branch, representative office or business
location shall consist the enterprise’s name and the phrase “Chi nhánh”, “Văn
phòng đại diện” or “Địa điểm kinh doanh” respectively.
3. The name of a branch, representative office or business
location shall be displayed at the branch, representative office or business
location. The name of an enterprise’s branch or representative office be
smaller than the Vietnamese name of the enterprise on the transaction documents,
records and printed materials issued by the branch or representative office.
Article 41. Identical and
confusingly similar names
1. Identical name means a Vietnamese name that is chosen by
the applying enterprise and is identical to the Vietnamese name of a registered
2. A name is considered identical to a registered
enterprise’s name in the following cases:
a) The Vietnamese name of the applying enterprise is
pronounced similarly to a registered enterprise’s name;
b) The abbreviated name of the applying enterprise is
identical to the abbreviated name of a registered enterprise;
c) The foreign language name of the applying enterprise is
identical to the foreign language name of a registered enterprise;
d) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only
different from the proper name of a registered enterprise by a natural number
or a letter in the Vietnamese alphabet or any of the letters F, J, Z, W that is
written right after the proper name with or without a space;
dd) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only
different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of the same type by
the word “và” (“and”) or the symbol “&”, ”, “.”, “,”, “+”, “-”, “_”;
e) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only
different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of the same type by
the word “tân” or “mới” (“new”) that is written right before or after the
proper name;
g) The proper name of the applying enterprise is only
different from the proper name of an registered enterprise of one of the
phrases “miền Bắc” (“north”), “miền Nam” (“south”), “miền Trung” (“central”),
“miền Tây” (“west”), “miền Đông” (“east”);
h) The proper name of the applying enterprise is identical
to that of a registered enterprise.
3. The cases specified in Points d, dd, e, g, h Clause 2 of
this Article do not apply to subsidiary companies of the registered company.
Article 42. The enterprise’s
The enterprise’s headquarters shall be located within
Vietnam’s territory, is the enterprise’s mailing address, has phone number, fax
number and email address (if any).
Article 43. The enterprise’s seals
1. The enterprise’s seals can be physical or digital as
prescribed by e-transaction laws.
2. The enterprise shall decide the type, quantity, design
and content of its seal and the seals of its branches, representative offices
and other units.
3. The management and storage of seals shall comply with
the company’s charter or regulations of the enterprise, branch, representative
office or unit that owns the seal. Seals shall be used by enterprises in
transactions as prescribed by law.
Article 44. Branches,
representative offices and business locations of an enterprise
1. A branch of an enterprise is its dependent unit which
has some or all functions of the enterprise, including authorized
representative. The business lines of a branch shall match those of the
2. A representative office of an enterprise is its
dependent unit which acts as the enterprise’s authorized representative,
represents and protect the enterprise’s interests. A representative office
shall not do business.
3. A business location of an enterprise is the place at
which specific business operations are carried out.
Article 45. Registration of
branches and representative offices; notification of business location
1. An enterprise may establish branches and representative
offices in Vietnam and other countries. An enterprise may have more than one
branch and representative office in an administrative division.
2. When establishing a domestic branch/representative
office, the enterprise shall submit an application for branch/representative
office registration to the business registration authority in charge of the
area where the branch/representative office is established. Such an application
shall consist of:
a) The notice of establishment of the branch/representative
b) Copies of the Establishment Decision and minutes of the
meeting on the establishment of the enterprise’s branch/representative office,
legal documents of the head of the branch/representative office.
3. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
application, the business registration authority shall consider the validity of
the application and decide whether to issue a Certificate of
Branch/Representative Office Registration. The business registration authority
shall inform the applicant of necessary supplementation in writing if the
application is not satisfactory or inform the applicant and provide explanation
if the application is rejected.
4. The enterprise shall apply for revision of the
Certificate of Branch/Representative Office Registration 10 days from the day
on which a change occurs.
5. Within 10 days from the day on which the business
location is decided, the enterprise shall send a notice of business location
establishment to the business registration authority.
6. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Chapter III
Article 46. Multi-member limited
liability companies
1. A multiple-member limited liability company means an
enterprise that has 02 – 50 members that are organizations or individuals. A
member’s liability for the enterprise’s debts and other liabilities shall be
equal to the amount of capital that member contributed to the enterprise,
except for the cases specified in Clause 4 Article 47 of this Law. The member’s
stake (contributed capital) may only be transferred in accordance with Articles
51, 52 and 53 of this Law.
2. A multiple-member limited liability company has the
status of a juridical person from the day on which the Certificate of
Enterprise Registration is issued.
3. Multiple-member limited liability companies must not
issue shares except for equitization.
4. Multiple-member limited liability companies may issue
bonds in accordance with this Law and relevant laws; private placement of bonds
shall comply with Article 128 and Article 129 of this Law.
Article 47. Capital contribution to
establish the company and issuance of the certificate of capital contribution
1. The initially registered charter capital of a
multiple-member limited liability company is the total capital contributed or
promised by the members and shall be written in company’s charter.
2. The members shall contribute sufficient and correct
assets as promised when applying for enterprise registration within 90 days
from the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration. The time
needed to transport or import the contributed assets and for completing
ownership transfer procedures will be added to this 90-day period. During
this period, the members shall have rights and obligations that are
proportional to their promised contribution. The members may only contribute
assets that are different from the promised ones if the change is approved by
more than 50% of the remaining members.
3. In case a member fails to contribute or fully contribute
capital as promised by the expiration of the period mentioned in Clause 2 of
this Article:
a) The member that has not contributed capital at all is
obviously no longer a member of the company;
b) The member that has not fully contributed capital will
have the rights that are proportional to the contributed capital;
c) The right to contribute the missing capital will be sold
under a resolution or decision of the Board of Members.
4. In the cases mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article, the
company shall register the change in charter capital and the members’ holdings
within 30 days from the deadline for contributing capital specified in Clause 2
of this Article. The members who fail to contribute or fully contribute capital
shall be responsible for the financial obligations incurred by the company
during the period before the company registers the change in charter capital
and the members’ holdings in proportion to their promised contributions.
5. In the cases specified in Clause 2 of this Article, the
capital contributor will become the company’s member from the day on which
capital is fully contributed and information about the capital contributor
prescribed Points b, c, dd Clause 2 Article 48 of this Law has been fully
recorded in the member register. On that day, the company shall issue the
capital contribution certificate to the member.
6. The capital contribution certificate shall contain the
following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) The company’s charter capital;
c) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document number if the member is an individual; EID number or legal
document number, headquarters address if the member is an organization;
d) The capital contributed and the member’s holding;
dd) The number and date of issuance of the certificate of
capital contribution;
e) Full names and signatures of the company’s legal representatives.
7. In case the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is
lost or damaged, the member will be reissued with another certificate following
the procedures specified in the company’s charter.
Article 48. Member register
1. The company shall make a member register upon issuance
of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration. The member register can be
physical or electronic and shall contain information about the members’
2. A member register shall contain the following
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document numbers of members that are individuals; names, EID numbers or
legal document numbers and headquarters addresses of members that are organizations;
c) Stakes, holdings, contribution time, types of
contributed assets, quantity and value of each type of contributed assets of
each member;
d) Signatures of members that are individuals and of legal
representatives of members that are organizations;
dd) The number and date of issuance of the certificate of
capital contribution of each member.
3. The company shall update changes to members in the
member register as requested by relevant members in accordance with company’s
4. The member register shall be retained at the company’s
Article 49. Rights of members of
the Board of Members
1. A member of the Board of Members has the rights to:
a) Participate in meetings of the Board of Members;
discuss, propose, vote on the issues within the jurisdiction of the Board of
b) Have a number of votes that are proportional to the
member’s holding, except for the cases specified in Clause 2 Article 47 of this
c) Receive profit in proportion to the member’s holding
after the company has fully paid taxes and fulfilled other financial
obligations prescribed by law;
d) Receive part of the remaining assets in proportion to
the member’s holding when the company is dissolved or goes bankrupt;
dd) Be given priority to contribute more capital when the
company increases its charter capital;
e) Transfer, give away or otherwise dispose of the member’s
own stake in accordance with regulations of law and the company’s charter;
g) File lawsuits in their own name of in the company’s name
against the President of the Board of Members, the Director/General Director,
other executives, legal representatives in accordance with Article 72 of this
h) Other rights prescribed by this Law and the company’s
2. In addition to the rights specified in Clause 1 of this
Article, a group of members that hold at least 10% of the charter capital (or a
smaller ratio prescribed by the company’s charter or in the cases specified in
Clause 3 of this Article) also has the rights to:
a) Demand meetings of the Board of Members be convened to
resolve issues within its jurisdiction;
b) Inspect, access logbooks and monitor transactions,
accounting books and annual financial statements;
c) Inspect, access, make photocopies of the member
register, meeting minutes, resolutions Decree decisions of the Board of Members
and other documents of the company;
d) Request the Court to invalidate the resolution or
decision of the Board of Members within 90 days from the end of its meeting if
the meeting procedures or contents of the resolution or decision are not fully
followed or contradict regulations of this Law and the company’s charter.
3. In case a member holds more than 90% of the charter
capital and the company’s charter does not provide for any smaller ratio as
prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, the group of remaining members
obviously have the rights specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
Article 50. Obligations of members
of the Board of Members
1. Fully and punctually contribute capital as promised;
take on a liability for the company’s debts and liabilities which is equal to
the contributed capital, except for the cases specified in Clause 2 and Clause
4 Article 47 of this Law.
2. Do not withdraw capital from the company in any shape or
form; except for the cases specified in Articles 51, 52, 53 and 68 of this Law.
3. Comply with the company’s charter.
4. Implement the resolutions and decisions of the Board of
5. Take personal responsibility when performing the
following actions in the name of the company:
a) Violations of law;
b) Business operations or transactions that do not serve
the company’s interests and cause damage to others;
c) Pay debts before they are due while the company is
facing financial risks.
6. Other obligations prescribed by law.
Article 51. Repurchase of stakes
1. A member is entitled to request the company to
repurchase that member’s stake if that member has voted against a resolution or
decision of the Board of Members on the following issues:
a) Amendments to regulations of the company’s charter on
rights and obligations of members and the Board of Members;
b) Reorganization of the company;
c) Other issues prescribed by the company’s charter.
2. A written request for stake repurchase shall be sent to
the company within 15 days from the day on which the resolution or decision
mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article is ratified.
3. Within 15 days from the day on which the request
mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article is received, the company shall repurchase
that member’s stake at market value or at a value determined in accordance with
the company’s charter, unless another value is agreed upon by both parties. The
payment shall only be made if the company is still able to pay its debts and
other liabilities afterwards.
4. In case the company is not able to pay for the
repurchase of the stake as requested, the member is entitled to sell the stake
to another member or a non-member.
Article 52. Transfer of stakes
1. Except for the cases specified in Clause 4 Article 51,
Clause 6 and Clause 7 Article 53 of this Law, a member of a multiple-member
limited liability company is entitled to transfer part or all of their stake to
another person as follows:
a) Offer the stake to other members in proportion to their
holdings under the same conditions;
b) Transfer the stake under the same conditions as those
applied to other members mentioned in Point a of this Clause to a non-member if
the other members do not purchase or fully purchase the stake within 30 days
from the first day of offering.
2. The transferor still has the rights and obligations to
the company in proportion to the stake until information about the buyer
mentioned in Point b, c and dd Clause 2 Article 48 of this Law is fully
recorded in the member register.
3. In case only one member remains after transfer or change
of the members’ stakes, the company shall be converted into a single-member
limited liability company and apply for change of enterprise registration
information within 15 days from the day on which the transfer is complete.
Article 53. Settlement of stakes in
some special cases
1. In case of the death of a member that is an individual,
his/her heir at law or designated by a will shall become a member of the
2. In case a member that is an individual is declared
missing by the Court, his/her rights and obligations shall be performed through
his/her asset manager as prescribed by civil laws.
3. In case a member that is an individual is incapacitated,
has limited legal capacity or has difficulty controlling his/her behaviors,
his/her rights and obligations shall be performed through his/her
4. A member’s stake shall be transferred or repurchased by
the company in accordance with Article 51 and Article 52 of this Law in the
following cases:
a) The member’s heir does not wish to become a member;
b) The beneficiary mentioned in Clause 6 of this Article is
not accepted as a member by the Board of Members;
c) The member that is an organization is dissolved or goes
5. In case a member that is an individual dies without an
heir or the heir refuses the inheritance or is disinherited, the stake shall be
settled in accordance with civil laws.
6. In case a member gives away part or all of his/her stake
to another person, the beneficiary will become a member of the company in the
following cases:
a) If the beneficiary is a lawful heir as prescribed by the
Civil Code, he/she is obviously a member of the company;
b) If the beneficiary is not a lawful hair mentioned in
Point a of this Clause, he/she will only become a member if it is accepted by
the Board of Members.
7. In case a member uses that member’s stake to pay debt,
the beneficiary may:
b) become a member of the company if it is accepted by the
Board of Members;
b) Offer and sell the stake in accordance with Article 52
of this Law.
8. In case a member that is an individual is being kept in
temporary detention, serving an imprisonment sentence, serving an
administrative penalty in a correctional institution or rehabilitation center,
he/she shall authorize another person to perform some or all of his/her rights
and obligations to the company.
9. A member that is an individual and is banned by the
court to do certain jobs must not do those jobs at the company; A member that
is a juridical person and is banned by the court from certain business lines
must suspend or stop business operation in those business lines.
Article 54. Organizational
1. A multiple-member limited liability company shall have a
Board of Members, President of the Board of Members, Director/General Director.
2. A state-owned multiple-member limited liability company
prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law and each subsidiary
company of a state-owned enterprise prescribed in Clause 1 Article 88 of this
Law shall have a Board of Controllers. The establishment of the Board of
Controllers in other companies shall be decided by themselves.
3. A company shall have at least one legal representative
who holds the title of President of the Board of Members, Director/General
Director. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, the President
of the Board of Members shall be the company’s legal representative.
Article 55. The Board of Members
1. The Board of Members is the supreme governing body of
the company, consists of all members that are individuals and authorized
representatives of members that are organizations. The company’s charter shall
specify the frequency of meetings of the Board of Members but at least one
meeting shall be held per year.
2. The Board of Members has the following rights and
a) Decide the company’s annual business plan and
development strategy;
b) Decide increase or decrease in charter capital, time and
method for raising more capital; issuance of bonds;
c) Decide investments in the company’s development
projects; solutions for market development, marketing and technology transfer;
d) Approve contracts for borrowing, lending, sale of assets
and other contracts prescribed by the company’s charter whose value are
at least 50% of the total assets written in the latest financial statement (or
a smaller ratio or value specified in the company’s charter);
dd) Elect, dismiss the President of the Board of Members;
designate, dismiss, sign and terminate contracts with the Director/General Director,
chief accountant, controllers and other executives specified in the company’s
e) Decide the salaries, remunerations, bonuses and other
benefits of the President of the Board of Members, Director/General Director,
chief accountant, controllers and other executives specified in the company’s
g) Ratify annual financial statements, plans for use and
distribution of profits or settlement of losses;
h) Decide the company’s organizational structure;
i) Decide establishment of subsidiary companies, branches
and representative offices;
k) Revise the company’s charter;
l) Decide reorganization of the company;
m) Decide dissolution or file bankruptcy of the company;
n) Other rights and obligations prescribed by Law and the
company’s charter.
Article 56. President of the Board
of Members
1. The Board of Members shall elect a member as the
President, who may concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director
of the company.
2. The President of the Board of Members has the following
rights and obligations:
a) Plan the activities of the Board of Members;
b) Draw up agenda and prepare documents for meetings or
surveys of the Board of Members;
c) Convene and chair meetings of the Board of Members or
organize surveys of the Board of Members;
d) Supervise or organize supervision of the implementation
of resolutions and decisions of the Board of Members;
dd) Sign resolutions and decisions of the Board of Members
on its behalf;
e) Other rights and obligations prescribed by Law and the
company’s charter.
3. The term of office of the President of the Board of
Members shall be specified in the company’s charter bust must not exceed 05
years and has no term limit.
4. In case the President of the Board of Members is not
present or not able to perform his tasks, he/she shall authorize another member
in writing to perform the rights and obligations of the President of the Board
of Members in accordance with the company’s charter. In case no member is
authorized or the President is dead, missing, detained, serving an imprisonment
sentence, serving an administrative penalty in a correctional institution or
rehabilitation center, making a getaway; has limited legal capacity or is
incapacitated, has difficulty controlling his/her behavior, is prohibited by the
court from holding certain positions or doing certain works, one of the Board
of Members shall convene a meeting with the remaining members to elect one of
them as the interim President under the majority rule until a new decision is
issued by the Board of Members.
Article 57. Convening meetings of
the Board of Members
1. Meetings of the Board of Members shall be convened by
the President of the Board of Members or at the request of the member or group
of members prescribed in Clause 2 and Clause 3 Article 49 of this Law. In case
the President of the Board of Members does not convene a meeting as requested
by the aforementioned member of group of members within 15 days from the day on
which the request is received, the member of group of members may convene the
meeting themselves. Reasonable costs of convening and conducting meetings of
the Board of Members shall be reimbursed by the company.
2. The President of the Board of Members or the person that
convenes the meeting shall draw up the meeting agenda and prepare meting
document; convene and chair the meeting. Members are entitled to propose
additional contents to the meeting agenda in writing. Such a written proposal
shall contain the following information:
a) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document number if the member is an individual; EID number or legal
document number and headquarters address if the member is an organization; full
name and signature of the proposing member or the proposing member’s authorized
b) The member’s holding, number and date of issuance of the
certificate of capital contribution;
c) The proposed contents;
d) Reasons for proposal.
3. The President of the Board of Members or the person that
convenes the meeting shall accept a proposal that contains adequate information
as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article and is sent to the company’s
headquarters at least 01 working day before the meeting date. In case a
proposal is put forward right before the beginning of the meeting, it may be accepted
if it is accepted the majority of the participants.
4. Invitations to a meeting of the Board of Members can be
sent physically, by phone, fax, electronically or by other methods prescribed
by the company’s charter to each member of the Board of Members. The invitation
shall specify the time, location and agenda of the meeting.
5. The meeting agenda and documents shall be sent to
members before the meeting date. Documents about revisions of the company’s
charter, ratification of the company’s development strategy, annual financial
statements, reorganization or dissolution shall be sent to the members at least
07 working days before the meeting date. The deadlines for sending other
documents shall be specified in the company’s charter.
6. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
request to convene a meeting of the Board of Members mentioned in Clause 1 of
this Article shall be made in writing and contain the following information:
a) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document numbers of members that are individuals; names, EID numbers or
legal document numbers and headquarters addresses of members that are
organizations; each member’s holding, number and issuance date of each member’s
capital contribution certificate;
b) Reasons for convening the meeting and issues that need
c) The draft agenda;
d) Full names and signatures of the requesting members or
their authorized representatives.
7. In case the request does not contain adequate
information as prescribed in Clause 6 of this Article, the President of the
Board of Members shall send a written rejection to the requesting member(s)
within 07 working days from the day on which the request is received. If the
request is valid, the President of the Board of Members shall convene the
meeting within 15 days from the day on which the request is received.
8. In case the President of the Board of Members fails to
convene the meeting as prescribed in Clause 7 of this Article, he/she shall be
personally responsible for the damage incurred by the company and relevant
Article 58. Conditions and
procedures for conducting meetings of the Board of Members
1. The meeting shall be conducted when it is participated
by a number of members that hold at least 65% of charter capital; a specific
ratio shall be specified in the company’s charter.
2. In case the conditions for conducting a meeting
specified in Clause 1 of this Article are not fulfilled and the company’s
charter does not provide for this situation otherwise:
a) The invitation to the second meeting shall be sent
within 15 days from the first meeting date. The second meeting shall be when it
is participated by a number of shareholders that hold at least 50% of charter
b) In case the conditions for conducting the second meeting
prescribed in Point a of this Clause are not fulfilled, the invitation to the
third meeting shall be sent within 10 days from the second meeting date. The
third meeting shall be conducted regardless of the number of charter capital
held by the participants.
3. Members and their authorized representatives shall
participate in and vote at meetings of the Board of Members. The procedures for
conducting meetings of the Board of Members and voting methods shall be
specified in the company’s charter.
4. In case the duration of a meeting is longer than
expected, it may be extended but must not exceed 30 days from its opening date.
Article 59. Resolutions and
decisions of the Board of Members
1. The Board of Members shall ratify its resolution and
decisions by voting at the meeting, questionnaire survey or another method
specified in the company’s charter.
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
decision on one of the following issues shall be voted on at the meeting:
a) Revisions to the company’s charter;
b) Orientation for development of the company;
c) Election, dismissal of the President of the Board of
Members; designation, dismissal of the Director/General Director;
d) Ratification of the annual financial statement;
dd) Reorganization or dissolution of the company.
3. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
resolution or decision of the Board of Members will be ratified at the meeting
a) It is voted for by a number of participants that hold at
least 65% of the total stakes of all participants, except the case in Point b
of this Clause;
b) It is a resolution or decision to sell assets whose
value is at least 50% of the total assets written in the latest financial
statement (or a smaller ratio or value specified in the company’s charter), a
resolution or decision on revisions to the company’s charter, reorganization or
dissolution of the company, and is voted for by a number of participants that
hold at least 75% of the total stakes of all participants.
4. It will be considered that a member participates in and
votes at the meeting of the Board of Members in the following cases:
a) The member directly participates in and votes at the
b) The member authorizes another person to participate in and
vote at the meeting;
c) The member participates and votes online or through
other electronic methods;
d) The member sends the votes to the meeting by post, fax
or email.
5. In case of questionnaire survey, a resolution or
decision will be ratified when it is voted for by a number of members that hold
at least 65% of charter capital (a specific ratio shall be specified in the
company’s charter).
Article 60. Minutes of meetings of
the Board of Members
1. Minutes of every meeting the Board of Members shall be
taken. Audio recording or electronic forms are optional.
2. The minutes shall be ratified right before the meeting
ends and contain the following information:
a) Time, location, purposes and agenda of the meeting;
b) Full names, holdings, numbers and dates of issues of
capital contribution certificates of participating members and their authorized
representatives; full name, stakes, numbers and dates of issues of capital
contribution certificates of non-participating members and their authorized
c) The issues that are discussed and voted on; summaries of
the members’ comments on each issue;
d) Quantities of valid votes, invalid votes, affirmative
votes, negative votes and abstentions on each issue;
dd) Ratified decisions and corresponding ratio of
affirmative votes;
e) Full names, signatures and comments of participants who
disagree with the ratification of the minutes (if any);
g) Full names, signatures of the minute taker and the chair
of the meeting, except the case in Clause 3 of this Article.
3. In case the chair and the minute taker refuse to sign
the minutes, they will be effective if they are signed by the other members of
the Board of Members and contain all information prescribed in Points a, b, c,
d, dd and e Clause 2 of this Article. The minutes shall clearly state the
reasons why the chair and the minute taker refuse to sign them. The persons who
sign the minutes are jointly responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of
the minutes.
Article 61. Procedures for
ratification of resolutions and decisions of the Board of Members by
questionnaire survey
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
questionnaire survey on ratification of resolutions or decisions of the Board
of Members shall be carried out as follows:
1. The President of the Board of Members shall decide to
carry out a questionnaire survey on ratification of resolutions and decisions
within its jurisdiction;
2. The President of the Board of Members organize the
drafting and sending of reports on the issues, the resolution or decision and
questionnaires to members of the Board of Members;
3. A questionnaire shall contain:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document numbers of individuals; the members’ holdings;
c) The issue that needs voting, options including
affirmative, negative and abstentions;
d) The deadline for submission of the answered
dd) Full name and signature of the President of the Board
of Members;
4. An answered questionnaire that contains adequate
information, bears the member’s signature and sent to the company by the
deadline is considered valid. The President of the Board of Members organize
the vote counting, preparation of a report and notification of the vote
counting result to the members within 07 working days from the deadline for
submission of answered questionnaires. The report on vote counting result has
the same value as the minutes the meeting of the Board of Members and shall contain
the following information:
a) The survey issue and purposes;
b) Full names, holdings, numbers and dates of issue of
capital contribution certificates of members that submitted their answered
questionnaires; and their authorized representatives; Full names, holdings,
numbers and dates of issue of capital contribution certificates of members
whose questionnaires are not submitted or invalid;
c) The issues that are voted on; summaries of the members’
comments on each issue (if any);
d) The numbers of valid, invalid, unsubmitted
questionnaires; numbers of valid questionnaires that contain affirmative votes
negative votes and abstentions on each issue;
dd) The ratified resolutions and/or decisions and
corresponding ratio of affirmative votes;
e) Full names and signatures of the vote counters and the
President of the Board of Members, who are jointly responsible for the
legitimacy, accuracy and truthfulness of the vote counting report.
Article 62. Effect of resolutions
and decisions of the Board of Members
1. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
resolution or decision of the Board of Members shall take effect from the day
on which it is ratified on one the effective date specified therein.
2. A resolution or decision that is ratified with 100% of
total charter capital shall be lawful and effective even if the procedures for
ratification of such resolution or decision are not followed.
3. In case a member or group of members requests the court
or an arbitral tribunal to invalidate a ratified resolution or decision, it
will remain effective as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article until the court
or an arbitral tribunal issues a decision to invalidate it, except for the
cases in which temporary emergency measures have to be implemented under decision
of a competent authority.
Article 63. The Director/General
1. The Director/General Director is the person who manages
the company’s everyday busines operation and is responsible to the Board of
Members for his/her performance.
2. The Director/General Director has the following rights
and obligations:
a) Organize the implementation of resolutions and decisions
of the Board of Members;
b) Decide everyday operating issues of the company;
c) Organize implementation of the company’s busines plans
and investment plans;
d) Issue the company’s rules and regulations unless
otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter;
dd) Designate, dismiss the company’s executives, except
those within jurisdiction of the Board of Members;
e) Enter into contracts on behalf of the company, except
those within jurisdiction of the President of the Board of Members;
g) Propose the company’s organizational structure;
g) Submit annual financial statements to the Board of
i) Propose plans for use and distribution of profits or
settlement of business losses;
k) Recruit employees;
l) Other rights and obligations specified in the company’s
charter, resolution and decisions of the Board of Members, and his/her
employment contract.
Article 64. Requirements for
holding the position of Director/General Director
A person may hold the position of Director/General Director
if he/she:
1. Is not in one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law.
2. Has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration and satisfies other conditions specified in the
company’s charter.
3. If the company is a state-owned enterprise prescribed in
Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law or a subsidiary company of a
state-owned enterprise prescribed in Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law, is not a
relative of the executives and controllers of the company and the parent
company, of the representative of enterprise’s investment or state investment
in the company and the parent company.
Article 65. Controllers and the
Board of Controllers
1. The Board of Controllers shall have 1 – 5 Controllers.
The term of office of a controller shall not exceed 05 years and without term
limit. In case the Board of Controllers only has 01 controller, he/she shall be
the Chief Controller and shall satisfy corresponding conditions.
2. The Chief Controller and Controllers shall satisfy the
requirements specified in Clause 2 Article 168 and Article 169 of this Law.
3. Rights, obligations, responsibilities, dismissal and
works of Controllers and the Board of Controllers are specified in Articles
106, 170, 171, 172, 173 and 174 of this Law.
4. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 66. Salaries,
remunerations, bonuses and other benefits of the President of the Board of
Members, Director/General Director and other executives
1. The company shall pay salaries, remunerations, bonuses
and provide other benefits for the President of the Board of Members, the
Director/General Director and other executives according to the company’s
business performance.
2. Salaries, remunerations, bonuses and other benefits for
the President of the Board of Members, the Director/General Director and other
executives shall be recorded as operating costs in accordance with regulations
of law on corporate income tax and relevant laws and placed in a separate
section in the company’s annual financial statements.
Article 67. Contracts and
transactions subject to approval by the Board of Members
1. Contracts and transactions between the company and the
following entities are subject to approval by the Board of Members:
a) Members and their authorized representatives, the
Director/General Director, the company’s legal representative;
b) Related persons of the persons mentioned in Point a of
this Clause;
c) Executives of the parent company and the person having
the power to designate them;
d) Related persons of the persons mentioned in Point c of
this Clause.
2. The person who concludes a contract or carries on a
transaction on behalf of the company shall send a notification to members of
the Board of Members and the Controllers of the related entities and interests
of such contract or transaction together with the draft contract or description
of the transaction. Unless otherwise prescribed by company’s charter, the Board
of Members shall decide whether to approve or disapprove the contract or
transaction within 15 days from the day on which the notification is received
and follow the instructions in Clause 3 Article 59 of this Law. Members of the
Board of Members who are related to the parties to the contract or transaction
must not vote.
3. A contract or transaction shall be invalidated under a
court decision and handled as prescribed by law when it is concluded or carried
out against regulations of Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article. The person
who concludes the contract or carries out the transaction, related members and
their related persons shall pay compensation for any damage caused and return
the benefits generated by such contract or transaction to the company.
Article 68. Increasing, decreasing
charter capital
1. A company may increase its charter capital in the
following cases:
a) Increase in the members’ capital contribution;
b) Receipt of capital contribution from new members.
2. In case of increase in the members’ capital
contribution, the increase will be distributed among the members in proportion
to their holdings in the company. Members may transfer their right to
contribute capital to other persons in accordance with Article 52 of this Law.
In case a member does not contribute or fully contribute that member’s share of
additional capital as distributed, the remainder shall be divided among other
members in proportion to their holdings in the company unless otherwise agreed
by the members.
3. A company may decrease its charter capital in the
following cases:
a) The company returns part of the contributed capital to
the members in proportion to their holdings in the company after the company
has operated for at least 02 consecutive years from the enterprise registration
date and the company is able to fully pay its debts and other liabilities after
the return of capital;
b) The company repurchases the members’ stakes as
prescribed in Article 51 of this Law;
c) Charter capital is not fully and punctually contributed
by the members as prescribed in Article 47 of this Law.
4. In the case specified in Point c Clause 3 of this
Article, within 10 days from the day on which the increase or decrease in
charter capital is complete, the company shall send a written notification to
the business registration authority. Such a notification shall contain the
following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) The charter capital, the increase or decrease;
c) Time and method of increase or decrease;
d) Full names and signatures of the company’s legal
5. The notification mentioned in Clause 4 of this Article
shall be enclosed with the resolution or decision and the minutes of the
meeting of the Board of Members and, in case of charter capital decrease
specified in Point a and Point b Clause 3 of this Article, the latest financial
6. The business registration authority shall update
information about the increase or decrease in charter capital within 03 working
days from the day on which the notification is received.
Article 69. Conditions for profit
A company’s profit may only be distributed to its members
after its tax liabilities and other financial obligations have been fulfilled
as prescribed by law and it is able to fully pay its due debts and other
liabilities after profit is distributed.
Article 70. Recovery of returned
capital or distributed profit
In case part of contributed capital is returned against the
regulations of Clause 3 Article 68 of this Law or profit is distributed to
members against regulations of Article 69 of this Law, the members shall return
the money or assets they received from the company and are jointly responsible
for the company’s debts and liabilities in proportion to the amount or assets
that have not been returned until they are fully returned.
Article 71. Responsibilities of the
President of the Board of Members, the Director/General Director, other
executives, legal representatives and Controllers
1. The President of the Board of Members, the
Director/General Director, other executives, legal representatives and
Controllers have the following responsibilities:
a) Exercise and perform their rights and obligations in an
honest and prudent manner to protect the enterprise’s lawful interests;
b) Be loyal to the enterprise’s interests; do not abuse
their power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets, business
opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or
individual’s interests;
c) Promptly and fully notify the company of the enterprises
that they own or have shares/stakes or that their related persons own, jointly
own or have separate controlling shares/stakes.
d) Other responsibilities prescribed by law.
2. The Director/General Director shall not have a pay rise
or bonus when the company is not able to pay its due debts.
3. The notification mentioned in Point c Clause 1 of this
Article shall be made in writing and contain the following information:
a) Names, EID numbers, headquarters addresses of the
enterprises they own or have shares/stakes in; the holdings and time of owning
or holding the shares/stakes;
b) Names, EID numbers, headquarters addresses of the
enterprises their related persons own, jointly own or have separate controlling
4. The notification mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article
shall be sent within 05 working days from the day on which the event or change
occurs. The company shall compile a list of the entities mentioned in Clause 3
of this Article, their contracts and transactions with the company. This list
shall be kept at the company’s headquarters. Members, executives, Controllers
and their authorized representatives are entitled to see, copy part or all of
the information specified in Clause 3 of this Article during office hours
following the procedures specified in the company’s charter.
Article 72. Filing lawsuits against
1. Members may, in their own names or in the company’s
name, file lawsuits against the President of the Board of Members,
Director/General Director, legal representatives and other executives in the
following cases:
a) They violate regulations of Article 71 of this Law;
b) They fail to comply with or fully and punctually perform
their rights and obligations as prescribed by law, the company’s charter,
resolution or decision of the Board of Members;
c) Other cases prescribed by law and the company’s charter.
2. Lawsuits shall be filed in accordance with civil
proceedings laws.
3. Proceedings costs in case the lawsuit is filed on behalf
of the company shall be recorded as the company’s expense unless the lawsuit is
Article 73. Disclosure of
State-owned multiple-member limited liability companies
prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law shall disclose
information in accordance with Points a, d, dd, g Clause 1 Article 109 and
Article 110 of this Law.
1. A single-member limited liability company is an
enterprise owned by a single organization or individual ((hereinafter referred
to as “owner”). The owner’s liability for the company’s debts and other
liabilities shall be equal to the company’s charter capital.
2. A single-member limited liability company has the status
of a juridical person from the day on which the Certificate of Enterprise
Registration is issued.
3. A single-member limited liability company must not issue
shares except for equitization.
4. Single-member limited liability companies may issue
bonds in accordance with this Law and relevant laws; private placement of bonds
shall comply with Article 128 and Article 129 of this Law.
Article 75. Contributing capital to
establish the company
1. The initially registered charter capital of a
single-member limited liability company is the total assets promised by the
owner and shall be written in company’s charter.
2. The owner shall contribute adequate and correct assets
as promised when applying for enterprise registration within 90 days from the
issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration. The time needed to
transport or import the contributed assets and for completing ownership
transfer procedures will be added to this 90-day period. During this period,
the owner shall have rights and obligations that are proportional to the
promised capital.
3. In the charter capital is not fully contributed by the
deadline specified in Clause 2 of this Article, the owner shall register the
contributed capital as charter capital within 30 days from the deadline, in
which case the owner shall be responsible for the financial obligations
incurred by the company during the period before the change in charter capital
is registered in proportion to the promised capital.
4. The owner’s liability for the company’s financial
obligations and the damage caused by the failure to contribute or to fully and
punctually contribute charter capital prescribed by this Article shall be equal
to all of the owner’s assets.
Article 76. Rights of the owner
1. The owner that is an organization has the rights to:
a) Draw up and revise the company’s charter;
b) Decide the company’s annual business plan and
development strategy;
c) Decide the company’s organizational structure;
designate, dismiss the company’s executives and controllers;
d) Decide the company’s investment projects?
dd) Decide solutions for market development, marketing and
e) Approve contracts for borrowing, lending, sale of assets
and other contracts prescribed by the company’s charter whose value are at
least 50% of the total assets written in the latest financial statement (or a
smaller ratio or value specified in the company’s charter);
g) Ratify the company’s annual financial statements;
h) Decide increase or decrease in the company’s charter
capital, transfer part or all of the company’s charter capital to another
organization or individual; decide issuance of bonds;
i) Decide establishment of subsidiary companies and
contribution of capital to other companies;
k) Organize the supervision and assessment of the company’s
l) Decide the use of profits after the company’s tax
liabilities and other financial obligations have been fulfilled;
m) Decide the company’s reorganization, dissolution or file
n) Recover all assets of the company after the dissolution
or bankruptcy process is complete;
o) Other rights prescribed by this Law and the company’s
2. The owner that is an individual has the rights specified
in Points a, h, l, m, n and o Clause 1 of this Article; the right to decide
investment, business operation and the company’s administration, unless
otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter.
Article 77. Obligations of the
1. Contribute charter capital fully and punctually.
2. Comply with the company’s charter.
3. Separate the company’s assets and the owner’s assets.
The owner that is an individual shall separate expenses of himself/herself and
his/her family and those of the company’s President, or General Director.
4. Comply with regulations of law on contracts and relevant
laws while making purchases, sales, borrowing, lending, leasing, entering into
contracts and conducting other transactions between the company and the
company’s owner.
5. The company’s owner may only withdraw capital by
transfer part or all of the charter capital to another organization or
individual. If the capital is withdrawn otherwise, the owner and relevant
organizations and individuals shall be jointly responsible for the company’s
debts and other liabilities.
6. The owner must not withdraw profit when the company is
unable to fully pay its debts and liabilities when they are due.
7. Other obligations prescribed by Law and the company’s
Article 78. Exercising the owner’s
rights in special cases
1. In case the owner transfers or gives away part of the
charter capital to one or some organizations and individuals or the company
admits a new member, the company shall be converted accordingly and register
the change in enterprise registration information within 10 days from the date
of completion of the transfer or giveaway or admission of the new member.
2. In case the owner that is an individual is being kept in
temporary detention, serving an imprisonment sentence, serving an
administrative penalty in a correctional institution or rehabilitation center,
he/she shall authorize another person to perform some or all of the owner’s
rights and obligations.
3. In case the owner dies, his/her legal heir or designated
heir shall be the owner or member of the company. The company shall be
converted accordingly and register the change of enterprise registration
information within 10 days from the day on which the inheritance is settled. In
case there is no heir or the heir rejects the inheritance or is disinherited,
the owner’s stake shall be handled in accordance with civil laws.
4. In case the owner is missing, his/her stake shall be
handled in accordance with civil laws.
5. In case owner is incapacitated, has limited legal
capacity or has difficulty controlling his/her behaviors, his/her rights and
obligations shall be performed through his/her representative.
6. In case the owner is an organization and is dissolved or
goes bankrupt, the person that receives the owner’s stake shall become the
owner or member of the company. The company shall be converted accordingly and
apply for change in enterprise registration information within 10 days from the
day on which the transfer is complete.
7. In case the owner is an individual and is banned by the
court to do certain jobs, or the owner is a commercial juridical person and is
banned by the court to do business in the same business lines as those of the
enterprise, the owner must stop doing the job or suspend business in these
business lines under the court decision.
Article 79. Organizational
structure of a single-member limited liability company owned by an organization
1. A single-member limited liability company owned by an
organization shall apply one of the two models below:
a) A company with a President and the Director/General
b) A company with a Board of Members and the
Director/General Director.
2. In case the company’s owner is a state-owned enterprise
prescribed in Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law, a Board of Controllers shall be
established. The establishment of a Board of Controllers in other cases shall
be decided by the company. The organizational structure, working regulations,
standards, requirements, dismissal, rights, duties and responsibilities of the
Board of Controllers and Controllers are specified in Article 65 of this
3. The company shall have at least one legal representative
who holds the title of President of the Board of Members, the company’s
President or Director/General Director. Unless otherwise prescribed by the
company’s charter, the President of the company or President of the Board of
Members shall be the company’s legal representative.
4. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
organizational structure, functions, rights and duties of the Board of Members,
the company’s President, the Director/General Director shall comply with this
Article 80. The Board of Members
1. The Board of Members shall have 03 – 07 members. The
members shall be designated and dismissed by the owner with a 5-year term of
office. The Board of Members shall perform the owner’s rights and obligations
in the owner’s name; perform the company’s rights and obligations in the
company’s name, except the rights and obligations of the Director/General
Director; take responsibility to the law and the owner for their performance as
prescribed by the company’s charter, this Law and relevant laws.
2. Rights, obligations and working regulations of the Board
of Members shall comply with the company’s charter, this Law and relevant laws.
3. The President of the Board of Members shall be
designated by the owner or elected by members of the Board of Members under the
majority rule following the procedures specified in the company’s charter.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, the term of office,
rights and obligations of the President of the Board of Members shall comply
with Article 56 and relevant regulations of this Law.
4. Meetings of the Board of Members shall be convened in
accordance with Article 57 of this Law.
5. A meeting of the Board of Members shall be conducted
when it is participated in by at least two thirds of the members. Unless
otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, each member shall have one vote
with equal value. The Board of Members may ratify its resolutions and decisions
by questionnaire survey.
6. A resolution or decision of the Board of Members will be
ratified when it is voted for by more than 50% of the participating members or
by a number of participating members that hold more than 50% of the total
votes. Revisions to the company’s charter, reorganization of the company,
transfer of all or part of the company’s charter capital must be voted for by
than 75% of the participating members or by a number of participating members
that hold more than 75% of the total votes. A resolution or decision of the
Board of Members takes effect from the day on which it is ratified or on the
effective date written therein unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s
7. Minutes of every meeting the Board of Members shall be
taken in accordance with Clause 2 Article 60 of this Law. Audio recording and
other electronic forms are optional.
Article 81. The company’s President
1. The company’s President shall be designated by the
company’s owner, perform the owner’s rights and obligations in the owner’s
name; perform the company’s rights and obligations in the company’s name,
except the rights and obligations of the Director/General Director; take
responsibility to the law and the owner for his/her performance as prescribed
by the company’s charter, this Law and relevant laws.
2. Rights, obligations and working regulations of the
company’s President shall comply with the company’s charter, this Law and
relevant laws.
3. A decision of the company’s President on performance of
his/her rights and obligations shall be effective from the day on which it is
approved by the owner unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter.
Article 82. The Director/General
1. The Board of Members or the company’s President shall
designate or hire the Director/General Director within a term of office not
exceeding 05 years to manage the company’s everyday business. The
Director/General Director shall be responsible for the law and the Board of
Members or the company’s President for his/her performance. The President of
the Board of Members, another member of the Board of Members or the company’s
President may concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director
unless otherwise prescribed by law or the company’s charter.
2. The Director/General Director has the following rights
and obligations:
a) Organize the implementation of resolutions and decisions
of the Board of Members or the company’s President;
b) Decide everyday operating issues of the company;
c) Organize implementation of the company’s busines plans
and investment plans;
d) Issue the company’s rules and regulations;
dd) Designate, dismiss the company’s executives, except
those within jurisdiction of the Board of Members;
e) Enter into contracts in the company’s name, except those
within jurisdiction of the President of the Board of Members or the company’s
g) Propose the company’s organizational structure;
h) Submit annual financial statements to the Board of
Members or the company’s President;
i) Propose plans for use of profits or settlement of
business losses;
k) Recruit employees;
l) Other rights and obligations specified in the company’s
charter and the employment contract.
3. To hold the position of Director/General Director, a
person shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) He/she is not one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law;
b) He/she has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration and satisfies other conditions specified in the company’s
Article 83. Responsibilities of
members of the Board of Members, the company’s President, the Director/General
Director, other executives and Controllers
1. Comply with regulations of law, the company’s charter,
decisions of the company’s owner in performance of their rights and
2. Perform their rights and obligations in an honest and
prudent manner to serve the best and lawful interests of the company and its
3. Be loyal to the interests of the company and its owner;
do not abuse their power and position or use the enterprise’s information,
secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other
organization’s or individual’s interests.
4. Promptly and fully notify the company of the enterprises
that they own or have shares/stakes or that their related persons own, jointly
own or have separate controlling shares/stakes. The notifications shall be
retained at the company’s headquarters.
5. Other responsibilities prescribed by this Law and the
company’s charter.
Article 84. Salaries, bonuses and
other benefits of the company’s executives and Controllers
1. The company’s executives and Controllers shall receive
salaries, bonuses and other benefits according to the company’s business
2. The company’s owner shall decide the salaries, bonuses
and other benefits of members of the Board of Members, the company’s President
and Controllers. Salaries , bonuses and other benefits of the company’s
executives and Controllers shall be recorded as the company’s expenses in
accordance with regulations of law on corporate income tax and relevant laws
and shall be placed in a separate section in the company’s annual financial
3. The Controllers’ the salaries, bonuses and other
benefits may be directly paid by the company’s owner as prescribed by the
company’s charter.
Article 85. Organizational
structure of a single-member limited liability company owned by an individual
1. A single-member limited liability company owned by an
individual shall have a President and a Director/General Director.
2. A company’s owner shall be the President who may
concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director or hire another
person as the Director/General Director.
3. Rights and obligations of the Director/General Director
shall be specified in the company’s charter and the employment contract.
Article 86. Contracts and
transactions between the company and related persons
1. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
contracts and transactions between a single-member limited liability company
owned by an organization and the following persons are subject to approval by
the Board of Members or the company’s President, Director/General Director and
a) The owner of the company and the owner’s related
b) Members of the Board of Members, the company’s
President, Director/General Director and Controllers;
c) Related persons of the persons mentioned in Point b of
this Clause;
d) Executives of the company’s owner, the person having the
power to designate these executives;
dd) Related persons of the persons mentioned in Point d of
this Clause.
2. The person who concludes a contract or carries on a
transaction in the company’s name shall send a notification to the Board of
Members or the company’s President, Director/General Director and Controllers
of the related persons and interests; the notification shall be enclosed with
the draft contract or summary of the transaction.
3. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
members of the Board of Members or the company’s President, Director/General
Director and Controllers shall decide whether to approve the contract or
transaction within 10 days from the receipt of the notification under majority
rule. Each person shall have one vote; related persons of the parties shall not
4. A contract or transaction mentioned in Clause 1 of this
Article shall only be approved if the following conditions are fully satisfied:
a) The parties to the contract or transaction are
independent legal entities with separate rights, obligations, assets and
b) The prices applied to the contract or transactions are
market prices at the time the contract is concluded or the time the transaction
is conducted;
c) The company’s owner fulfills the obligations specified
in Clause 4 Article 77 of this Law.
5. A contract or transaction shall be invalidated under a
court decision and handled as prescribed by law if it is concluded or carried
out against regulations of Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Article. The person
who concludes the contract or carries out the transaction and related persons
of the parties shall jointly pay compensation for any damage caused and return
the benefits generated by such contract or transaction to the company.
6. Every contract and transaction between a single-member
limited liability company owned by an individual and the company’s owner or
related persons of the owner shall be recorded in separate documents of the
Article 87. Increasing, decreasing
charter capital
1. A single-member limited liability company may increase
its charter capital when its owner contributes capital or raises capital from
other persons. The owner shall decide on the specific increase and the method.
2. In case of raising capital from other persons, the
company shall be converted into a multiple-member limited liability company or
joint stock company. To be specific:
a) In case of conversion into a multiple-member limited
liability company, a notification of change in enterprise registration
information shall be submitted within 10 days from the day on which the change
in charter capital is complete;
b) In case of conversion into a joint stock company, follow
the instructions in Article 202 of this Law;
3. A single-member limited liability company may decrease
its charter capital in the following cases:
a) Part of the contributed capital is returned to the
company’s owner after the company has operated for at least 02 consecutive
years from the enterprise registration date and the company is able to fully
pay its debts and other liabilities after the return of capital;
b) Charter capital is not fully and punctually contributed
by the owner as prescribed in Article 75 of this Law.
Chapter IV
Article 88. State-owned enterprises
1. State-owned enterprises shall be limited liability
companies or joint stock companies, including:
a) Wholly state-owned enterprises (100% of charter capital
of which is held by the State)
b) Partially state-owned enterprises (over 50% of charter
capital or voting shares is held by the State, except the enterprises specified
in Point a Clause 1 of this Article).
2. Wholly state-owned enterprises specified in Point a
Clause 1 of this Article include:
a) Single-member limited liability companies 100% of
charter capital of which is held by the State that are parent companies of
state-owned corporations or parent companies in groups of parent company –
subsidiary companies;
b) Independent single-member limited liability companies
100% of charter capital of which is held by the State.
3. Partially state-owned specified in Point b Clause 1 of
this Article include:
a) Multiple-member limited liability companies and joint
stock companies over 50% of charter capital or voting shares of which is held
by the State that are parent companies of state-owned corporations or parent
companies in groups of parent company – subsidiary companies;
b) Independent multiple-member limited liability companies
and joint stock companies over 50% of charter capital or voting shares of which
is held by the State.
4. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 89. Application of
regulations on state-owned enterprises
1. Wholly state-owned enterprises specified in Point a
Clause 1 Article 88 of this Article shall be organized as single-member limited
liability companies in accordance with this Chapter and relevant regulations of
this Law. In case of discrepancies between regulations of this Law, the
regulations of this Chapter shall prevail.
2. Partially state-owned enterprises specified in Point b
Clause 1 Article 88 of this Article shall be organized as multiple-member
limited liability companies in accordance with Section 1 of Chapter III or as
joint stock companies in accordance with Chapter V of this Law.
Article 90. Organizational
The state ownership representative body shall decide
whether to apply one of the two models below to organize the state-owned
enterprise as a single-member limited liability company:
1. A company with a President, Director/General Director
and Board of Controllers;
2. A company with a Board of Members, Director/General
Director and Board of Controllers.
Article 91. The Board of Members
1. The Board of Members shall perform the company’s rights
and obligations in the company’s name as prescribed by this Law and relevant
2. The Board of Members shall consist of up to 07 members
including a President. Members of the Board of Members shall be designated,
dismissed, rewarded and disciplined by the state ownership representative body.
3. The term of office of the President and other members of
the Board of Members shall not exceed 05 years. A member of Board of Members
may be designated again for not more than 02 terms in the same company unless
he/she has worked for the company for more than 15 consecutive years before the
first designation.
Article 92. Rights and obligations
of the Board of Members
1. The Board of Members shall, in the name of the company,
perform the rights and obligations of the owner, shareholders/members of other
companies owned by the company or whose shares/stakes are owned by the company.
2. The Board of Members has the following rights and
a) Decide the matters prescribed in the Law on Management
and use of State Investment in Enterprises;
b) Decide establishment, reorganization, dissolution of the
company’s branches, representative offices and dependent units;
c) Decide the company’s annual business plan, policies on
market development, marketing and technology;
d) Organize internal audits and decide establishment of the
company’s internal audit unit;
dd) Other rights and obligations prescribed by the
company’s charter, this Law and relevant laws.
Article 93. Requirements to be
satisfied by members of the Board of Members
To become a member of the Board of Members, a person shall
satisfy the following requirements:
1. He/she is not one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law.
2. He/she has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration or experience of the company’s business lines.
3. He/she is not a relative of the head or deputies of the
state ownership representative body; any of the members of the Board of
members, the Director/General Director, the Deputy Director/General Director,
the chief accountant or Controllers of the company.
4. He/she is not an executive of the member enterprise.
5. A member of the Board of Members other than the
President may concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director of
the company or another company that is not a member enterprise under a decision
of the state ownership representative body.
6. He/she has never been discharged from the position of
President of the Board of Members, member of Board of Members, the company’s
President, Director/General Director, Deputy Director/General Director of a
state-owned enterprise.
7. He/she satisfies other requirements specified in the
company’s charter.
Article 94. Dismissal, discharge of
members of the Board of Members
1. The President or another member of the Board of Members
shall be dismissed in the following cases:
a) He/she does not fully satisfy the requirements specified
in Article 93 of this Law;
b) He/she hands in the resignation and is accepted in
writing by the state ownership representative body;
c) A reassignment or retirement decision is issued;
d) He/she is not capable of or qualified for the given
dd) He/she is not healthy or reputable enough to hold the
2. The President or another member of the Board of Members
shall be discharge from duty in the following cases:
a) The company fails to achieve the annual targets; fails
to conserve and develop investment capital as required by the state ownership
representative body without an excuse that is objective or accepted by the
state ownership representative body;
b) He/she is convicted by the Court under an effective
judgment or decision;
c) He/she fails to perform her duties in an honest manner
or abuses his/her power and position or uses the company’s assets for personal
gain or serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests; fails to
truthfully report the company’s finance and business performance.
3. Within 60 days from the issuance date of the decision to
dismiss or discharge the President or member of the Board of Members, the state
ownership representative body shall designate another person as President or
Article 95. President of the Board
of Members
1. The President of the Board of Members shall be
designated by the state ownership representative body as prescribed by law and
must not concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director of the
company or another enterprise.
2. The President of the Board of Members has the following
rights and obligations:
a) Plan quarterly and annual activities of the Board of
b) Draw up agenda and prepare documents for meetings or
surveys of the Board of Members;
c) Convene and chair meetings of the Board of Members or
organize surveys of the Board of Members;
d) Organize the implementation of decisions of the state
ownership representative body and resolutions of the Board of Members;
dd) Supervise, organize the supervision and evaluation of
the achievement of strategic targets and the company’s business performance,
performance of the Director/General Director;
e) Organize the disclosure of the company’s information as
prescribed by law; take responsibility for the adequacy, punctuality, accuracy
and systematic organization of the disclosed information.
3. In addition to the cases specified in Article 94 of this
Law, the President of the Board of Members may be dismissed or discharged if
he/she fails to perform the rights and obligations specified in Clause 2 of
this Article.
Article 96. Rights and obligations
of members of the Board of Members
1. Participate in meetings of the Board of Members;
discuss, propose, vote on the issues within the jurisdiction of the Board of
2. Inspect, access, extract logbooks; monitor contracts,
transactions, accounting books, financial statements, minutes of meetings of
the Board of Members and other documents of the company;
3. Other rights and obligations prescribed by the company’s
charter, this Law and relevant laws.
Article 97. Responsibilities of
President and other members of the Board of Members
1. Comply with the company’s charter, decisions of the
company’s owner and regulations of law.
2. Exercise and perform their rights and obligations in an
honest and prudent manner to protect the lawful interests of the company and
the State.
3. b) Be loyal to the interests of the company and the
State; do not abuse their power and position or use the enterprise’s
information, secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or
serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests;
4. c) Promptly and fully notify the company of the
enterprises that they own or have shares/stakes or that their related persons
own, jointly own or have separate controlling shares/stakes. These
notifications shall be retained at the company’s headquarters.
5. Implement resolutions of the Board of Members.
6. Take personal responsibility when performing the
following actions:
a) Take advantage of the company’s name to violate the law;
b) Do business or conduct transactions that do not serve
the company’s interests and cause damage to other organizations and
c) Pay debts before they are due while the company is
facing financial risks.
7. The member who discovers another member’s violation
shall send a written notification to the state ownership representative body,
request the violator to stop the violation and implement remedial measures.
Article 98. Working regulations,
conditions and procedures for conducting meetings of the Board of Members
1. The Board of Members shall work as a collective. At
least one meeting shall be held in a quarter to consider and decide the matters
within its jurisdiction. For matters that do not require discussion, the Board
of Members may carry out a questionnaire survey as prescribed by the company’s
charter. Ad hoc meetings may be convened to resolve urgent issues at the
request of the state ownership representative body, the President of the Board
of Members, more than 50% of the members of the Board of Members or the
Director/General Director.
2. The President of the Board of Members or the person
authorized by the President of the Board of Members shall draw up the meeting
agenda and prepare meeting document; convene and chair the meeting. Members of
the Board of Members are entitled to propose additional contents to the meeting
agenda in writing. The meeting documents and agenda shall be sent to the
members of the Board of Members and invited participants at least 03 working
days before the meeting date. Meeting documents relevant to proposed revisions
to the company’s charter, orientation for development of the company,
ratification of the annual financial statement, reorganization or dissolution
of the company shall be sent to the members at least 05 working days before the
meeting date.
3. Invitations to the meeting can be sent physically, by
phone, fax, electronically or by other methods prescribed by the company’s
charter to each member of the Board of Members and invited participants. The
invitation shall specify the time, location and agenda of the meeting. Online
meetings may be carried out where necessary.
4. A meeting of the Board of Members shall be conducted
when it is participated in by at least two thirds of the members. A resolution
of the Board of Members shall be ratified when it is voted for by more than
half of the participating members. In case of equality of votes, the option
that is voted for by the President of the Board of Members or the person
authorized by the President to chair the meeting shall prevail. Members of
Board of Members who have dissenting opinions may submit their proposals to the
state ownership representative body.
5. In case of questionnaire survey, a resolution of the
Board of Members shall be ratified when it is voted for by more than half of
the members. A resolution may be ratified by using multiple copies of the same
document if each copy bears at least one signature of the members of Board of
6. The Board of Members may invite representatives of
relevant organizations to participate in the meeting to discuss specific
matters in the agenda. The invited participants may comment but must not vote.
Their comments shall be fully written in the minutes.
7. The discussion, comments, voting result and resolutions
ratified by the Board of Members shall be written in the minutes. The chair and
the secretary of the meeting shall be jointly responsible for the accuracy of
the minutes. The minutes shall be ratified before the meeting comes to an end
and contain the following information:
a) The meeting time, location, purposes and agenda; list of
participating members; discussed and voted matters; summaries of comments made
by the members and invited participants on each matter;
b) The number of affirmative votes, negative votes and
abstentions (if permitted);
c) Ratified decisions;
d) Full names and signatures of the participating members.
8. Members of the Board of Directors are entitled to
request the Director/General Director, Deputy Director/Deputy General Director,
chief accountant, executives of the company and subsidiary companies 100% of
charter capital of which is held by the company, representatives of the
company’s investment in other enterprises to provide information and documents
about the company’s finance and business performance in accordance with
regulations of the Board of Members or resolution of the Board of Members. The
requested person shall provide accurate information and documents, unless
otherwise decided by the Board of Members.
9. The Board of Members may employ the company’s management
and assistance apparatus in performance of their duties.
10. Operating costs of the Board of Members, their salaries
and allowances shall be recorded as the company’s administrative expenses.
11. Where necessary, the Board of Members may discuss with
domestic and foreign counsels before making important decisions under its
jurisdiction. The counseling cost shall be specified in the company’s financial
management regulations.
12. A resolution of the Board of Members shall take effect
on the ratification date or the effective date written therein, unless it is
subject to approval by the state ownership representative body.
Article 99. The company’s President
1. The company’s President shall be designated by the state
ownership representative body as prescribed by law and has up to 02 terms of
office of up to 05 years each, unless he/she has worked for the company for
more than 15 consecutive years before the first designation. The requirements,
dismissal of the company’s President shall comply with Article 93 and Article
94 of this Law.
2. The company’s President shall perform the rights and
obligations of the state ownership representative at the company in accordance
with the Law on Management and use of State Investment in Enterprises; other
rights, obligations and responsibilities prescribed in Article 92 and Article
97 of this Law.
3. The Presidents’ salaries and allowances shall be
recorded as the company’s administrative expenses.
4. The company’s President shall employ the company’s
administration and assistance apparatus to perform his/her rights and
obligations. Where necessary, the company’s President may discuss with domestic
and foreign counsels before making important decisions under his/her
jurisdiction. The counseling costs shall be specified in the company’s
financial management regulations.
5. The decisions within the President’s jurisdiction
mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article shall be made in writing and bear the
President’s signature, even if the President concurrently holds the position of
Director/General Director.
6. A President’s decision takes effect from the day on
which it is signed or on the effective date written therein, unless it is
subject to approval by the state ownership representative body.
7. In case the President is not present in Vietnam for more
than 30 days, he/she shall authorize another person in writing to perform some
of his/her rights and obligations. A written notification of the authorization
shall be sent to the state ownership representative body. Other cases of
authorization shall comply with the company’s rules and regulations.
Article 100. The Director/General
Director and Deputy Directors/General Directors
1. The Director/General Director shall be designated or
hired by the Board of Members or the company’s President under a personnel plan
approved by the state ownership representative body.
2. The Director/General Director shall manage the company’s
everyday business and has the following rights and obligations:
a) Organize the implementation of the company’s busines
plans and investment plans and evaluation thereof;
b) Organize the implementation of resolutions and decisions
of the Board of Members, company’s President and state ownership representative
body and evaluation thereof;
c) Decide everyday matters of the company;
d) Issue the company’s rules and regulations after they are
approved by the Board of Members or company’s President;
dd) Designate, hire, dismiss, terminate employment
contracts with the company’s executives, except those within jurisdiction of
the Board of Members or the company’s President;
e) Enter into contracts and carry out transactions in the
company’s name, except those within jurisdiction of the President of the Board
of Members or the company’s President;
g) Prepare and submit quarterly and annual reports on
achievement of business targets and financial statements to the Board of
Members or the company’s President;
h) Propose the distribution and use of post-tax profits and
other financial obligations of the company;
i) Recruit employees;
k) Propose the plan for the company’s reorganization;
l) Other rights and obligations prescribed by law and the
company’s charter.
3. The company may have one or several Deputy
Directors/General Directors. The designation and quantity of Deputy
Directors/General Directors shall be specified in the company’s charter. Rights
and obligations of Deputy Directors/General Directors shall be specified in the
company’s charter and their employment contracts.
Article 101. Requirements to be
satisfied by the Director/General Director
1. He/she is not one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law.
2. He/she has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration or in the company’s business lines.
3. He/she is not a relative of the head or deputies of the
state ownership representative body; any of the members of the Board of
members, the company’s President; any of the Deputy Directors/General
Directors, the chief accountant or Controllers of the company.
4. He/she has never been dismissed from the position of
President of the Board of Members, member of the Board of Members, the
company’s President, Director/General Director, Deputy Director/General
Director of the company or another state-owned enterprise.
5. He/she is not holding the position of Director/General
Director of another enterprise.
6. He/she satisfies other requirements specified in the
company’s charter.
Article 102. Dismissal, discharge
of the Director/General Director, other executives and the chief accountant
1. The Director/General Director shall be dismissed from
office in the following cases:
a) He/she no longer fully satisfies the requirements
specified in Article 101 of this Law;
b) He/she hands in the resignation.
2. The Director/General Director shall be discharged from
duty in the following cases:
a) The enterprise’s capital is not conserved as prescribed
by law;
b) The enterprise fails to achieve its annual targets;
c) The enterprise violates the law;
d) The Director/General Director is not qualified for or
capable of developing the enterprise’s new busines plan and development
dd) The Director/General Director fails to perform his/her
rights and obligations prescribed in Article 97 and Article 100 of this Law;
e) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
3. Within 60 days from the issuance date of the decision on
dismissal or discharge, the Board of Members or the company shall recruit or
designate a person to hold the position.
4. The company’s charter shall provide for cases of
dismissal and discharge of Deputy Directors/General Directors, other executives
and the chief accountant.
Article 103. Controllers and the
Board of Controllers
1. The state ownership representative body shall decide the
establishment of a Board of Controllers, which has 01 – 05 Controllers
including a Chief Controller. The term of office of a Controller shall not
exceed 05 years. A Controller must not be designated more than 02 consecutive
terms. In case the Board of Controllers has only 01 Controller, he/she shall be
the Chief Controller and has to satisfy corresponding requirements.
2. An individual may concurrently hold the position of
Chief Controller or Controller of up to 04 state-owned enterprises.
3. A Controller or Chief Controller shall satisfy the
following requirements:
a) He/she has a bachelor’s degree or higher in economics,
finance, accounting, audit, law, business administration or a major that is
relevant to the enterprise’s business operation and at least 03 years’
experience (05 years for Chief Controller);
b) He/she is not executive of the company or any other
enterprise; not a Controller of enterprises other than state-owned enterprises;
not a company’s employee.
c) He/she is not a relative of the head or deputies of the
state ownership representative body; any of the members of the Board of
members, the Director/General Director, any of the Deputy Directors/General
Directors, the chief accountant or any other Controllers of the company;
d) He/she satisfies other requirements specified in the
company’s charter.
4. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 104. Obligations of the
Board of Controllers
1. The Board of Controllers has the following obligations:
a) Supervise the implementation of the company’s business
plans and development strategy;
b) Supervise and evaluate the company’s business
performance and finance;
c) Supervise and evaluate the performance of the Board of
Members and its members, the company’s President and Director/General Director;
d) Supervise and evaluate the compliance to the company’s
internal audit, risk management, reporting regulations and other rules and
dd) Supervise the legitimacy, systematic organization and
honesty of accounting tasks, accounting records, financial statements, their
annexes and relevant documents;
e) Supervise the company’s contracts and transactions with
relevant parties;
g) Supervise execution of major projects; sales and
purchases; other large-scale contracts and transactions; unusual contracts and
transactions of the company;
h) Prepare and send evaluation reports and proposals of the
matters specified in Points a, b, c, d, dd, e and g of this Clause to the state
ownership representative body and the Board of Members;
i) Perform other obligations demanded by the state
ownership representative body, prescribed by the company’s charter.
2. The state ownership representative body shall decide and
pay the Controllers’ salaries, bonuses and other benefits.
3. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 105. Rights the Board of
The Board of Controllers has the rights to:
1. Participate in meetings of the Board of Members,
official and unofficial discussions between the state ownership representative
body with the Board of Members; question the Board of Members, its members, the
company’s President and the Director/General Director about the plans,
projects, development programs and other decisions in management and
administration of the company.
2. Examine accounting books, reports, contracts,
transactions and other documents of the company; inspect the management and
administration by the Board of Members and its members, the company’s President
and Director/General Director where necessary or at the request of the state
ownership representative body.
3. Request the Board of Members and its members, the
company’s President and Director/General Director, Deputy Directors/Deputy
General Directors, chief accountant and other executives to submit reports or
provide information about the company’s management, investment and business
4. Request the company’s executives to submit reports on
the subsidiary companies’ finance and business performance if they are
necessary for performance of their duties prescribed by law and the company’s
5. Request the state ownership representative body to establish
an audit unit which will advise and assist the Board of Controllers in
performance of its rights and obligations.
6. Other rights and obligations prescribed by the company’s
Article 106. Working regulations
of the Board of Controllers
1. The Chief Controller shall prepare monthly, quarterly
and annual working plans of the Board of Controllers; assign specific tasks to
each Controller.
2. Controllers shall perform their assign tasks
independently; propose other tasks where necessary.
3. The Board of Controllers shall hold a meeting at least
once a month to evaluate and approve the monthly operation reports before they
are submitted to the state ownership representative body; discuss and approve
operation plans of the next month.
4. A decision of the Board of Controllers will be ratified
when it is voted for by the majority of the participating members. Dissenting
opinions shall be fully and accurately recorded and reported to the state
ownership representative body.
Article 107. Responsibilities of
1. Comply with regulations of law, the company’s charter,
decisions of the state ownership representative body and the code of ethics in
performance of their rights and obligations.
2. Exercise and perform their rights and obligations in an
honest and prudent manner to protect the lawful interests of the State, the
company the parties.
3. Be loyal to the interests of the company and the State;
do not abuse their power and position or use the enterprise’s information,
secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other
organization’s or individual’s interests;
4. The Controller that violates the regulations of this
Article and causes damage to the company shall be personally or jointly pay
compensation, be held liable to disciplinary actions, administrative penalties
or criminal prosecution depending on the nature and severity of the violation
and have to return the incomes and benefits earned from the violation.
5. Send a notification to the state ownership representative
body of violations committed by another Controller and request the violator to
stop the violation and implement remedial measures.
6. Request the violator to stop the violation and implement
remedial measures, and notify to the state ownership representative body, other
Controllers and relevant individuals in the following cases:
a) A member of the Board of Members, the company’s
President, the Director/General Director or another executive violates or is
going to violate regulations on their rights and obligations
b) Violations against the law, the company’s charter or the
company’s rules and violations are discovered.
7. Other responsibilities prescribed by this Law and the
company’s charter.
Article 108. Dismissal and
discharge of Controllers and the Chief Controller
1. The Chief Controller or a Controller shall be dismissed
in the following cases:
a) He/she no longer fully satisfies the requirements
specified in Article 103 of this Law;
b) He/she hands in the resignation and is accepted by the
state ownership representative body;
c) He/she is reassigned by the state ownership
representative body or another competent authority;
d) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
2. The Chief Controller or a Controller shall be discharged
from duty in the following cases:
a) He/she fails to perform his/her duties for 03
consecutive months, except in force majeure events;
b) He/she fails to perform his/her duties for 01 year;
c) He/she commits multiple, serious violations against the
rights and obligations of a Controller or the Chief Controller prescribed by
this Law and the company’s charter;
d) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
Article 109. Periodic disclosure
of information
1. The information shall be periodically posted on the websites
of the company and the state ownership representative body:
a) Basic information about the company and the company’s
b) Overall targets and specific targets in the annual
business plan;
c) The annual financial statement audited by an independent
audit organization within 150 days after the end of the fiscal year and its
summary (including the financial statement of the parent company and the
consolidated financial statement (if any);
d) The mid-year financial statement audited by an independent
audit organization and its summary (including the financial statement of the
parent company and the consolidated financial statement (if any); these
documents must be disclosed before July 31;
dd) Reports on implementation of annual business plans;
e) Reports on performance of public duties that are
assigned or bid for (if any) and other social responsibilities;
g) The report on the company’s management and
organizational structure.
2. g) The report on the company’s management and
organizational structure shall contain the following information:
a) Information about the state ownership representative
body, its head and deputies;
b) Information about the company’s executives, their
qualifications and experience, managerial position previously held, how they
are designated, their managerial tasks; their salaries, bonuses, benefits and
payment method, their related persons and interests;
c) Relevant decisions of the state ownership representative
body; resolutions and decisions of the Board of Members of the company’s
d) Information about the Board of Controllers, Controllers
and their activities;
dd) Verdicts of inspecting authorities (if any) and reports
of the Controllers and the Board of Controllers;
e) Information about the company’s related persons;
contracts and transactions between the company and its related persons;
g) Other information prescribed by the company’s charter.
3. Information shall be fully, accurately and punctually
disclosed as prescribed by law.
4. Information shall be disclosed by the legal
representative or the person authorized to disclose information. The legal
representative shall be responsible for the adequacy, punctuality and accuracy
of the information disclosed.
5. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 110. Irregular disclosure
of information
1. Information shall be posted the company’s website and
printed matters (if any) and displayed at the company’s headquarters and
business locations within 36 hours from the occurrence of any of the following
a) The company’s account is frozen or unfrozen;
b) All or part of the company’s business activities are
suspended; the certificate of enterprise registration, establishment license,
establishment and operation license, operation license or another license
relevant to the company’s operation is revoked;
c) The certificate of enterprise registration,
establishment license, establishment and operation license, operation license
or another license relevant to the company’s operation is revised;
d) There is a change of members of the Board of Members,
the company’s President, Director/General Director, Deputy Directors/General
Directors, chief accountant, accounting – finance department manager,
Controllers or Chief Controller;
dd) An executive of the company is disciplined or charged
under a decision; the court issues a decision that involves an executive of the
e) An inspecting authority or tax authority announces a
verdict on the enterprise’s violations of law;
g) There is a decision that the independent audit
organization is changed or not permitted to audit the financial statement;
h) There is a decision on establishment, dissolution,
consolidation, acquisition or conversion of a subsidiary company, branch or
representative office; investment in, decrease or withdrawal of investment in
other companies.
2. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Chapter V
Article 111. Joint stock companies
1. A joint stock company is an enterprise in which:
a) The charter capital is divided into units of equal value
called shares;
b) Shareholders can be organizations and individuals; the
minimum number of shareholders is 03; there is no limit on the maximum number
of shareholders;
a) A shareholder’s liability for the company’s debts and
liabilities is equal to the amount of capital contributed to the company by the
d) Shareholders may transfer their shares to other persons
except for the cases specified in Clause 3 Article 120 and Clause 1 Article 127
of this Law.
2. A joint stock company has the status of a juridical
person from the day on which the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is
3. A joint stock company may issue shares, bonds and other
kinds of securities.
Article 112. Capital of a joint
stock company
1. A joint stock company’s charter capital is the total
face value of the shares sold. The initially registered charter capital of a
joint stock company is the total face value of subscribed shares and shall be
written in the company’s charter.
2. Sold shares are authorized shares that have been fully
paid for the shareholders. Upon registration of a joint stock company, sold
shares are the total number of subscribed shares.
3. Authorized shares are the total number of shares that
are offered by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) to raise capital. The
number of authorized shares of a joint stock company upon its registration is
the total number of shares that will be offered by the company to raise
capital, including subscribed shares and unsubscribed shares.
4. Unsold shares are authorized shares that have not been
paid for. Upon registration of a joint stock company, unsold shares are the
total number of unsubscribed shares.
5. A joint stock company may decrease its charter capital
in the following cases:
a) The decrease is decided by the GMS, in which case the
company will return part of the contributed capital to the shareholders in
proportion to their holdings if the company has operated for at least 02
consecutive years from the enterprise registration date and is able to fully
pay its debts and other liabilities after the return of capital;
b) The company repurchases the sold shares in accordance
with Article 132 and Article 133 of this Law;
c) Charter capital is not fully and punctually contributed
by the shareholders as prescribed in Article 113 of this Law.
Article 113. Paying for subscribed
shares upon enterprise registration
1. Shareholders shall fully pay for the subscribed shares
within 90 days from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration
unless shorter time limit is specified by the company’s charter or the shares
registration contract. In case of capital contribution by assets, the time
needed to transport or import the contributed assets and for completing
ownership transfer procedures shall be added to this time limit. The Board of
Directors shall supervise the shareholders fully and punctually paying for the
subscribed shares.
2. During the period from the issuance date of the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration to the deadline for paying for the
subscribed shares mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article, the number votes of
shareholders shall be proportional to their subscribed shares unless otherwise
prescribed by the company’s charter.
3. In case a shareholder fails to pay or to fully pay for
the subscribed shares by the deadline specified in Clause of this Article:
a) The shareholder that fails to pay for the subscribed
shares is no longer a shareholder of the company and must not transfer the
right to purchase the shares to another person;
b) The shareholder that only pays for part of the
subscribed shares will be entitled to a number of votes, dividends and benefits
that are proportional to the paid shares and must not transfer the right to
purchase the unpaid shares to another person;
c) The shares that are not paid for shall be considered
unsold shares and may be sold by the Board of Directors;
d) Within 30 days from the deadline for paying for the
subscribed shares mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article, the company shall
register the change in charter capital, which shall be equal to the total face
values of paid shares unless the unpaid shares are sold out during this period;
and register the change of founding shareholders.
4. The shareholders that do not pay or fully pay for their
subscribed shares shall be held liable for the company’s financial obligations
that incur before the day on which the company register the change in charter
capital as prescribed in Point d Clause 3 of this Article in proportion to the
amount of their subscribed shares. Members of the Board of Directors and the
legal representative shall be jointly responsible for the damage caused by the
failure to comply with or fully comply with regulations of Clause 1 and Point d
Clause 3 of this Article.
5. Except for the cases in Clause 2 of this Article, a
capital contributor will become the company’s shareholder from the day on which
the shareholder’s shares are fully paid for and the shareholder’s information
specified in Points b, c, d and dd Clause 2 Article 122 of this Law is recorded
in the shareholder register.
Article 114. Types of shares
1. A joint stock company shall have ordinary shares, which
are held by ordinary shareholders.
2. In addition to ordinary shares, a joint stock company
may have preference shares, which are held by preference shareholders.
Preference shares include:
a) Participating preference shares;
b) Redeemable preference shares;
c) Super-voting shares;
d) Other types of preference shares prescribed by the
company’s charter and securities laws.
3. The persons that may purchase participating preference
shares, redeemable preference shares and other preference shares shall be
specified in the company’s charter or decided by the GMS.
4. Every share of the same type will confer upon the holder
equal rights, obligations and interest.
5. Ordinary shares cannot not be converted into preference
shares. preference shares may be converted into ordinary shares under a
resolution of the GMS.
6. Ordinary shares used as underlying assets to issue
non-voting depository receipts are called underlying ordinary shares.
Non-voting depository receipts have interest and obligations proportional to
the underlying ordinary shares, except voting rights.
7. The Government shall provide for non-voting depository
Article 115. Rights of ordinary
1. Ordinary shareholders have the right to:
a) Participate in and make comments at the General Meeting
of Shareholders; exercise the right to vote directly or through authorized
representatives or another method prescribed by law or the company’s charter.
Each ordinary share equals one vote;
b) Receives dividends at the rate decided by the GMS;
c) Be given priority to buy additional shares in proportion
to their holding of ordinary shares in the company;
d) Transfer their shares to other persons except for the
cases specified in Clause 3 Article 120 and Clause 1 Article 127 of this Law
and relevant laws;
dd) Access names and addresses on the list of voting
shareholders; request rectification of incorrect information about themselves;
e) Access, extract, make copies of the company’s charter,
minutes and resolutions of the GMS;
g) Receive part of the remaining assets in proportion to
their holdings in the company when the company is dissolved or goes bankrupt.
2. The shareholder or group of shareholders that holds at
least 5% of the ordinary shares (or a smaller ratio specified in the company’s
charter) shall have the rights to:
a) Access, extract the minutes of meetings, resolutions and
decisions of the Board of Directors, mid-year and annual financial statements,
reports of the Board of Controllers, contracts and transactions subject to
approval by the Board of Directors and other documents except those that
involve the company’s business secrets;
b) Demand that a GMS be convened in the cases specified in
Clause 3 of this Article;
c) Request the Board of Controllers to investigate into
specific matters relevant to the company’s administration where necessary. The
request shall be made in writing and contain the full names, mailing addresses,
nationalities, legal document numbers of shareholders that are individuals;
names, EID numbers or legal document numbers, headquarters addresses of
shareholders that are organizations; quantities of shares and time of shares
registration of each shareholder, total quantity of shares of the group and
their holdings in the company; the matter that needs investigating and the
purposes of investigation;
dd) Other rights prescribed by this Law and the company’s charter.
3. The shareholder or group of shareholders specified in
Clause 2 of this Article is entitled to demand a GMS be convened in the
following cases:
a) The Board of Directors seriously violates the
shareholders’ rights, obligations of executives or issues decisions ultra
b) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
4. A request mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article shall be
made in writing and contain the full names, mailing addresses, nationalities,
legal document numbers of shareholders that are individuals; names, EID numbers
or legal document numbers, headquarters addresses of shareholders that are
organizations; quantities of shares and time of shares registration of each
shareholder, total quantity of shares of the group and their holdings in the
company; the reasons for convening the GMS. The request shall be enclosed with
documentary evidence of the violations committed by the Board of Directors or
the decision issued ultra vires.
5. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
the shareholder or group of shareholders that holds at least 10% of the
ordinary shares (or a smaller ratio specified in the company’s charter) is
entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors and the Board of
Controllers as follows:
a) The ordinary shareholders shall hold a meeting to
nominate candidates for the Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers and
inform the participating shareholders before the opening of the GMS;
b) The number of candidates depends on the quantity of members
of the Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers and shall be decided by
the GMS. In case the number of candidates nominated is smaller than the
permissible number, the remaining candidates shall be nominated by the Board of
Directors, the Board of Controllers and other shareholders.
6. Other rights prescribed by this Law and the company’s
Article 116. Super-voting shares
and rights of their holders
1. Super-voting shares are ordinary shares that have more
votes than other ordinary shares. The number of votes of a preferred voting
share shall be specified in the company’s charter. Only organizations
authorized by the Government and founding shareholders may hold super-voting
shares. The super-voting powers of founding shareholders shall be effective for
03 years from the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
The right to vote and voting preference period of super-voting shares held by
organizations authorized by the Government shall be specified in the company’s
charter. After this period expires, super-voting shares shall become ordinary
2. Holders of super-voting shares have the rights to:
a) Vote on the matters under the jurisdiction of the GMS
with the number of votes specified in Clause 1 of this Article;
b) Other rights of ordinary shareholders, except the cases
specified in Clause 3 of this Article.
3. Holders of super-voting shares must not transfer these
shares to other persons unless it is demanded by an effective court judgment or
decision or transferred in accordance with inheritance laws.
4. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 117. Participating
preference shares and rights of their holders
1. Participating preference shares are shares that provide
their holders with higher dividends than those of ordinary shares or with
stable annual dividend. Annual dividend includes fixed dividend and extra
dividend. Fix dividends do not depend on the company’s business performance.
Fix dividend and method for determination of extra dividend shall be written on
the certificates of participating preference shares.
2. Holders of participating preference shares have the
rights to:
a) Receive the dividend prescribed in Clause 1 of this
b) Receive part of the company’s remaining assets in proportion
to their holdings in case the company is dissolved or goes bankrupt after the
company’s debts and redeemable preference shares are fully paid;
c) Other rights of ordinary shareholders, except the cases
specified in Clause 3 of this Article;
3. Holders of participating preference shares do not have
the right to vote, participate in the GMS, nominate candidates for the Board of
Directors and the Board of Controllers, except the cases specified in Clause 6
Article 148 of this Law.
Article 118. Redeemable preference
shares and rights of their holders
1. Redeemable preference shares are shares that will be
redeemed by the company at the request of their holders or under the conditions
written in the certificates of redeemable preference shares and the company’s
2. Holders of redeemable preference shares have all of the
rights of ordinary shareholders, except the cases specified in Clause 3 of this
3. Holders of redeemable preference shares do not have the
right to vote, participate in the GMS, nominate candidates for the Board of
Directors and the Board of Controllers, except the cases specified in Clause 5
Article 114 and Clause 6 Article 148 of this Law.
Article 119. Obligations of
1. Fully and punctually pay for their subscribed shares.
2. Do not withdraw contributed capital in the form of
ordinary shares in any shape or form, unless the shares are purchased by the
company or other persons. The shareholder that withdraws all or part of the
share capital against regulations of this Clause and persons with related
interests in the company shall have a liability for the company’s debts and
other liabilities which is equal to the value of the shares withdrawn and the
damage caused by this action.
3. Comply with the company’s charter, rules and
4. Comply with resolutions and decisions of the Board of
Directors and the GMS.
5. Protect the confidentiality of information provided by
the company in accordance with the company’s charter and the law; only use the
provided information to perform and protect their lawful rights and interests;
do not spread or share information provided by the company to any other
organization or individual.
6. Other obligations prescribed by Law and the company’s
Article 120. Ordinary shares of
founding shareholders
1. A new joint stock company shall have at least 03
founding shareholders. A joint stock company converted from a state-owned
enterprise or limited liability company or after division, consolidation,
acquisition of another joint stock company is not required to have founding
shareholders. Instead, the company’s charter in the enterprise registration
application shall contain signatures of the company’s legal representatives or
ordinary shareholders.
2. The founding shareholders shall subscribe for at least
20% of the total authorized ordinary shares upon enterprise registration.
3. Within 03 years from the issuance date of the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration, the ordinary shares of founding
shareholders may be transferred to other founding shareholders and may only be
transferred to a person that is not a founding shareholder if the transfer is
accepted by the GMS. In this case, the transferor does not have the right to
vote on this transfer.
4. The limitations specified in Clause 3 of this Article do
not apply to the following ordinary shares:
a) Additional shares acquired by founding shareholders
after the enterprise is registered;
b) Shares that have been transferred to other persons that
are not founding shareholders.
Article 121. Share certificate
1. A share certificate is a certificate issued by a joint
stock company, a book entry or electronic data that certifies the ownership of
one or a number of shares of the company. A share certificate shall contain the
following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Quantity and type of shares;
c) The face value of each share and total face value of the
number of shares written therein;
d) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and legal
document number if the shareholder is an individual; names, EID numbers or
legal document number and headquarters address if the shareholder is an
dd) Signatures of the company’s legal representatives;
e) Registration number on the company’s shareholder
register and issuance date of the share certificate;
g) Other information specified in Articles 116, 117 and 118
of this Law for certificates of preference shares.
2. Errors in a share certificate do not affect rights and
interests of its holder. The company’s legal representative shall be
responsible for the damage caused by such errors.
3. In case a share certificate is lost or damaged, it will
be reissued at the request of its holder. The request shall contain:
a) Information about the lost or damaged certificate;
b) The commitment to take responsibility for disputes
caused by its reissuance.
Article 122. Shareholder register
1. A joint stock company shall make and retain the
shareholder register from the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise
Registration. The shareholder register can be physical or electronic documents
and contain information about the shareholders’ ownership of shares.
2. A shareholder register shall contain the following
a) The company’s name and headquarters address;
b) Total number of authorized shares, types of authorized
shares and quantity of each type;
c) Total number of sold shares of each type and value of
share capital contributed;
d) Full names, signatures, mailing addresses, nationalities
and legal document numbers of shareholders that are individuals; names, EID
numbers or legal document numbers and headquarters addresses of shareholders
that are organizations;
dd) Quantity of each type of shares of each shareholder,
date of share registration.
3. The shareholder register shall be retained at the
company’s headquarters or another organization that is licensed to retain
shareholder registers. Shareholders are entitled to inspect, access, extract
names and addresses of the company’s shareholders from the shareholder
4. In case a shareholder’s mailing address is changed, a
notification shall be promptly sent to the company in order to update the
shareholder register. The company is not responsible if a shareholder cannot be
contacted due to the failure to notify the change of that shareholder’s mailing
5. The company shall update changes of shareholders in the
shareholder register as requested by relevant shareholders in accordance with
company’s charter.
Article 123. Offering shares
1. Offering shares means the company’s increase in charter
capital by increasing the quantity of shares, types of authorized shares.
2. Shares may be offered as follows:
a) Offering shares to existing shareholders;
b) Private placement of shares;
c) Public offering of shares.
3. Public offering of shares, offering of shares of public
companies and other organization shall be carried out in accordance with
securities laws.
4. The company shall register the change in charter capital
within 10 days from the day on which the shares offering is complete.
Article 124. Offering of shares to
existing shareholders
1. Offering of shares to existing shareholders is an event
in which the company increases the quantity and types of authorized and sell
all of these shares to all shareholders in proportion to their holdings in the
2. The offering of shares to existing shareholders by a
non-public joint stock company shall be carried out as follows:
a) The company shall send a written notification by express
mail to the shareholders’ mailing addresses written in the shareholder register
at least 15 days before the deadline for subscribing for shares;
b) The notification shall contain the full name, signature,
mailing address, nationality and legal document number if the shareholder is an
individual; names, EID numbers or legal document number and headquarters
address if the shareholder is an organization; the shareholder’s current shares
and holding; the total quantity of shares offered and the number of shareholders
having the right to buy them; the offered price; deadline for subscribing; full
name and signature of the company’s legal representative. The notification
shall be enclosed with the share subscription form issued by the company. If
the share subscription form is not sent to the company by the deadline, it will
be considered that the shareholder has renounced the right to buy shares;
c) Shareholders may transfer their right to buy shares to
other persons.
3. If the offered shares are undersubscribed, the Board of
Directors is entitled to sell the remaining number of authorized shares to the
company’s shareholders and other persons under conditions that are not more
favorable than those offered to the shareholders, unless otherwise accepted by
the GMS or prescribed by securities laws.
4. Shares are considered soled when they are fully paid for
and information about the buyer specified in Clause 2 Article 122 of this Law
is fully recorded in the shareholder register. From that time, the buyer is a
shareholder of the company.
5. After the shares are fully paid for, the company shall
issue and deliver the share certificate to the buyer. In case a share
certificate is not delivered, information about the shareholder specified in
Clause 2 Article 122 of this law shall be recorded in the shareholder register
to certify the shareholder’s owner of shares.
Article 125. Private placement of
1. The private placement of shares of a non-public joint
stock company shall satisfy the following conditions:
a) The offering is not made through mass media;
b) Shares are offered to fewer than 100 investors, not
including professional securities investors or only offered to professional
securities investors.
2. The private placement of shares of a non-public joint stock
company shall be carried out as follows:
a) The company shall issue a decision on private placement
of shares in accordance with this Law;
b) The company’s shareholders exercise their rights to buy
shares in accordance with Clause 2 Article 124 of this Law, except
consolidation and acquisition of companies;
c) In case the shares are not completely bought by the
shareholders and the persons that receive the rights to buy shares, the
remaining number of shares shall be offered by private placement under conditions
that are not more favorable than those offered to the shareholders, unless
otherwise accepted by the GMS.
3. Foreign investors that buy shares offered in accordance
with this Article shall complete the procedures for purchasing shares specified
in the Law on Investment.
Article 126. Selling shares
The Board of Directors shall decide the time, method and
prices for selling shares. The selling prices must not be lower than their
market values or latest book values, except:
1. Shares that are sold for the first time to persons other
than founding shareholders;
2. Shareholders that are sold to all shareholders according
to their holdings in the company;
3. Shares that are sold to brokers or guarantors, in which
case the discount or discount rate must be approved by the GMS unless otherwise
prescribed by the company’s charter;
4. Other cases in which the discount rates are specified in
the company’s charter or resolution of the GMS.
Article 127. Transfer of shares
1. Shares may be transferred freely except the cases
specified in Clause 3 Article 120 of this Law and other cases of restriction
specified in the company’s charter. The restrictions on transfer of shares
specified in the company’s charter are only applicable if they are written in
the certificates of the shares subject to restriction.
2. The transfer shall be made into a contract or carried
out on the securities market. In case of transfer under a contract, the
documents shall bear the signatures of the transferor and the transferee or
their authorized representatives. In case shares are transferred on the
securities market, the transfer procedures prescribed by securities laws shall
3. In case of the death of a shareholder that is an
individual, his/her heir at law or designated by a will shall become a
shareholder of the company.
4. In case a shareholder that is an individual dies without
an heir or the heir refuses the inheritance or is disinherited, his/her shares
shall be settled in accordance with civil laws.
5. A shareholder may donate all or part of their shares to
other organizations and individuals; use the shares to pay debts. The
organization or individual that receives the donation or debt payment will
become a shareholder of the company.
6. The organizations and individuals that receive shares in
the cases specified in this Article will only become shareholders when the
information specified in Clause 2 Article 122 of this Law is fully recorded in
the shareholder register.
7. The company shall register the changes of shareholders
in the shareholder register as requested by relevant shareholders within 24
hours after the request is received.
Article 128. Private placement of
1. The joint stock company that is not a public company may
make sell bonds using private placement in accordance with this Law and
relevant laws. Private placement of bonds by public companies and other
organizations, and public offering of bonds shall comply with securities laws.
2. Private placement of bonds by a joint stock company that
is not a public company means the offering of bonds without mass media to fewer
than 100 investors, excluding professional securities investors, that satisfy
the following conditions:
a) Strategic investors for privately placed convertible
bonds and bonds attached to warrants;
b) Professional securities investors for privately placed
convertible bonds, warrant-linked bonds and other kinds of privately placed
3. A joint stock company that is not a public company must
satisfy the following conditions to make private placement of bonds:
a) The company’s has fully paid the principal and interest
of the bonds that are offered and due or fully paid due debts over the last 03
years before the offering (if any), except offering of bonds to creditors that
are pre-selected finance organizations;
b) The company has the audited financial statement of the
year preceding the year of offering;
c) The liquidity ratios and prudential ratios are
d) Other conditions prescribed by relevant laws.
Article 129. Procedures for making
private placement of bonds and transfer of privately placed bonds
1. The company shall decide the plan for private placement
of bonds in accordance with this Law;
2. The company shall disclose information to the investors
before each placement and send a notification to the stock exchange at least 01
day before the intended date of offering.
3. The company shall disclose information about the result
of the offering to the investors before each placement and send a notification
to the stock exchange within 10 days from the completion date of the offering.
4. Privately placed bonds may be transferred among eligible
investors specified in Clause 2 Article 128 of this Law, except transfer under
an effective court decision or arbitration award or inheritance as prescribed
by law.
5. Pursuant to this Law and the Law on Securities, the
Government shall provide for the types of bonds, procedures for private
placement of bonds; information disclosure; international issuance of bonds.
Article 130. Deciding private
placement of bonds
1. The company shall decide the private placement of bonds
as follows:
a) The GMS shall decide the types and total value of bonds
and time of offering of convertible bonds and warrant-linked bonds. A voting
shall be carried out in accordance with Article 148 of this Law;
b) Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter and
except the cases specified in Point a of this Clause, the Board of Directors is
entitled to decide the types and total value of bonds and time of offering and
shall submit a report to the nearest GMS. The report shall be enclosed with
documents about the offering.
2. The company shall register the change in charter capital
within 10 days from the day on which the bonds are converted into shares.
Article 131. Buying shares and
Shares and bonds of a joint stock company may be bought in
VND, convertible foreign currencies, gold, land use right (LUR), intellectual
property rights, technologies, technical secrets, other assets specified in the
company’s charter and shall be paid in a lump sum.
Article 132. Share repurchase at
shareholders’ request
1. The shareholders that have voted against the resolution
on reorganization of the company or change of shareholders’ rights and
obligations in the company’s charter are entitled to request the company to
repurchase their shares. The request shall be made in writing and specify the
shareholder’s name and address, quantity of shares of each type, offered
prices, reasons for requesting the repurchase. The request shall be sent to the
company within 10 days from the day on which the previously mentioned
resolution is ratified by the GMS.
2. The company shall repurchase shares at the request of
its shareholders in accordance with Clause 1 of this Article at market prices or
at the prices calculated in accordance with the rules in the company’s charter
within 90 days from the receipt of the request. In case an agreement on the
prices cannot be reached, the parties may hire a valuation organization to
determine the price. The company shall introduce at least 03 valuation
organizations for the shareholders to make the final decision.
Article 133. Share repurchase
under the company’s decision
The company is entitled to repurchase up to 30% the total
ordinary shares, all or part of the participating preference shares that have
been sold. To be specific:
1. The Board of Directors is entitled to decide repurchase
of up to 10% of the total shares of each type which are sold within 12 months.
Other cases of share repurchase shall be decided by the GMS;
2. The Board of Directors is entitled to impose the
repurchase price. The repurchase price for ordinary shares must not exceed
their market price at the time, except the cases specified in Clause 3 of this
Article. Repurchase prices of other types of shares must not be lower than
their market prices unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter or
agreed upon by the company and relevant shareholders;
3. The company may repurchase shares of each shareholder in
proportion to their holding in the company as follows:
a) The notification on the company’s decision to repurchase
shares shall be sent by express mail to all shareholders within 30 days from
its ratification date. The notification shall contain the company’s name and
headquarters address, total number and types of shares repurchased, repurchase
prices or pricing rules; procedures and deadline for paying, procedures and
deadline for shareholders to sell their shares to the company;
b) The shareholders that agree to sell back their shares to
the company shall send a written agreement to the company by express mail
within 30 days from the notification date. The agreement shall contain the full
name, mailing address, nationality, legal document number if the shareholder is
an individual; name, EID number or legal document number, headquarters address
if the shareholder is an organization; the quantity of shares being held,
quantity of shares to be sold; method of payment, signature of the shareholder
or the shareholder’s legal representative. The company only buys back the
shares within this time limit.
Article 134. Conditions for
payment and settlement of repurchased shares
1. The company may only make the payment for the shares
repurchased in accordance with Article 132 and Article 133 of this Law if it is
still able to fully pay its debts and other liabilities after the shares are
fully paid for.
2. The shares repurchased in accordance with Article 132
and Article 133 of this Law shall be considered unsold shares according to Clause
4 Article 112 of this Law. The company shall register the charter capital
decreases, which is equal to the total face value of repurchased shares, within
10 days from the date of completion of payment for the shares unless otherwise
prescribed by securities laws.
3. The share certificates of the repurchased shares shall
be destroyed right after the shares are fully paid for. The President of the
Board of Directors and the Director/General Director shall be jointly
responsible for the damage caused by the failure to or delay in destroying the
share certificates.
4. After all of the repurchased shares are fully paid for,
if the total assets in the company’s accounting books is reduced by more than
10%, the company shall send a notification to all of its creditors within 15
days from the payment date.
Article 135. Paying dividends
1. Dividends of preference shares shall be paid under the
conditions applied thereto.
2. Dividends of ordinary shares shall be determined
according to the realized net profit and the dividend payment from the
company’s retained earnings. The joint stock company may only pay dividend of
ordinary shares when the following conditions are fully satisfied:
a) The company has fully its tax liabilities and other
liabilities as prescribed by law;
b) The company’s funds are contributed to and the previous
losses are made up for as prescribed by law and the company’s charter;
c) After dividends are fully paid, the company is still
able to fully pay its debts and other liabilities when they are due.
3. Dividends can be paid in cash, the company’s shares or
other assets specified in the company’s charter. If dividends are paid in cash,
it shall be VND and using the methods of payment prescribed by law.
4. Dividends shall be fully paid within 06 months form the
ending date of the annual GMS. The Board of Directors shall compile a list of
shareholders that receive dividends, dividend of each share, time and method of
payment at least 30 days before each payment of dividends. The notification of
dividend payment shall be sent by express mail to the shareholders’ registered
addresses at least 15 days before the dividend payment date. Such a
notification shall contain the following information:
a) The company’s name and headquarters address;
b) Full name, mailing address, nationality and legal
document number if the shareholder is an individual;
c) Name, EID number or legal document number and
headquarters address if the shareholder is an organization;
d) Quantity of each type of shares; dividend of each share
and the total dividends receivable by the shareholder;
dd) Time and method of dividend payment;
e) Full names and signatures of the company’s legal
representatives and the President of the Board of Directors.
5. In case a shareholder transfers their shares during the
period from the date of compilation of the list of shareholders to the dividend
payment date, the transferor will receive the dividend.
6. In case dividends are paid in shares, the company is not
required to follow the procedures for offering shares prescribed in Articles
123, 124 and 125 of this Law and is only required to register the charter
capital increase, which is equal to the total face value of shares paid as
dividends, within 10 days from the completion date of dividend payment.
Article 136. Return of payments
for repurchased shares or dividends
In case repurchased shares are paid for against the
regulations of Clause 1 Article 134 of this Law or dividends are paid against
regulations of Article 135 of this Law, the shareholder shall return the money
or assets received. Otherwise, all members of the Board of Directors shall have
a joint liability for the company’s debts and liabilities which is equal to the
value of unrecovered money or assets.
Article 137. Organizational structure
of a joint stock company
1. Unless otherwise prescribed by securities laws, a joint
stock company may choose one of the following models:
a) A joint stock company with the GMS, Board of Directors,
Board of Controllers and Director/General Director. If the joint stock company
has fewer than 11 shareholders and the shareholders that are organizations hold
less than 50% of the company’s total shares, a Board of Controllers is not
b) A joint stock company with the GMS, Board of Directors
and Director/General Director. In this case, at least 20% of the members of the
Board of Directors shall be independent members and there has to be an audit
committee affiliated to the Board of Directors. The organizational structure,
functions and duties of the audit committee shall be specified in the company’s
charter or the audit committee’s operating regulations promulgated by the Board
of Directors.
2. If the company has only one legal representative, the
President of the Board of Directors or the Director/General Director shall be
the legal representative. The President of the Board of Directors shall be the
company’s legal representative unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s
charter. If the company has more than one legal representative, the President
of the Board of Directors and the Director/General Director shall be the
company’s legal representatives.
Article 138. Rights and
obligations of the GMS
1. The GMS shall consist of all voting shareholders and is
the supreme body of a joint stock company.
2. The GMS has the following rights and obligations:
a) Ratify the orientation for development of the company;
b) Decide the types of authorized shares and quantity of
each type; decide the annual dividends of each type of shares;
c) Elect, dismiss members of the Board of Directors and
d) Decide investment in or sale of assets that are worth at
least 35% of the total assets written in the latest financial statement, unless
another ratio or value is specified in the company’s charter;
dd) Decide revisions to the company’s charter;
e) Ratify annual financial statements;
g) Decide repurchase of more than 10% of total sold shares
of each type;
h) Take actions against violations committed by members of
the Board of Directors and Controllers that cause damage the company and its
i) Decide reorganization or dissolution of the company;
k) Decide the budget or total salaries, bonuses and other
benefits of the Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers;
l) Approve the rules and regulations of the company, the
Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers;
m) Approve the list of independent audit companies; choose
independent audit companies carry out audit of the company; dismiss independent
audits where necessary;
n) Other rights and obligations prescribed by Law and the
company’s charter.
Article 139. General Meetings of
1. General Meetings of Shareholders (GMS) shall be convened
annually and whenever necessary. The meeting location is the place where the
chair attends and shall be within Vietnam’s territory.
2. The annual GMS shall be convened within 04 months from
the end of the fiscal year. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s
charter, the Board of Directors shall decide deferral of the annual GMS where
necessary by up to 06 months from the end of the fiscal year.
3. The following issues shall be discussed and ratified at
the annual GMS:
a) The company’s annual business plan;
b) The annual financial statement;
c) The report of the Board of Directors on its performance
and that of its members;
d) The report of the Board of Controllers on the company’s
business performance, performance of the Board of Directors, the
Director/General Director;
dd) The report of the Board of Controllers on its
performance and that of the controllers;
e) Dividend of each type of shares;
g) Other issues within its jurisdiction.
Article 140. Convening GMS
1. Board of Directors shall convene annual and ad hoc GMS.
An ad hoc GMS shall be convened in the following cases:
a) The meeting is necessary for the company’s interests;
b) The quantity of remaining members of the Board of
Directors and Board of Controllers is smaller than the minimum quantity
prescribed by law;
c) The meeting is requested by the shareholder or group of
shareholders mentioned in Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law;
d) The meeting is requested by the Board of Controllers;
dd) Other cases prescribed by law and the company’s
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
the Board of Directors shall convene the GMS within 30 days from the date of
occurrence of the event mentioned in Point b Clause 1 of this Article or the
day on which the request for holding the meeting mentioned in Point c and Point
d Clause 1 of this Article is received. If the Board of Directors fails to
convene such GMS, the President and members of the Board of Directors shall pay
compensation for the damage incurred by the company.
3. In case the Board of Directors fails to convene a GMS as
prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, the Board of Controllers shall convene
a GMS within the next 30 days in accordance with regulations of this Law. If
the Board of Controllers fails to convene the GMS, it shall pay compensation
for the damage incurred by the company
4. In case the Board of Controllers fails to convene a GMS
as prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article, the shareholder or group of
shareholders prescribed in Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law may convene the GMS
on behalf of the company in accordance with this Law.
5. The person who convenes the GMS shall:
a) Prepare a list of shareholders entitled to participate
in the GMS;
b) Provide information and settle complaints relevant to
the aforementioned list;
c) Draw up the meeting agenda;
d) Prepare documents for the meeting;
dd) Draft the resolution of the GMS according to the
meeting agenda; prepare a list and detailed information about the candidates
for members of the Board of Directors and Controllers (in case of election);
e) Determine the meeting time and location;
g) Send the invitation to each and every shareholder on the
list mentioned in (a);
h) Perform other tasks serving the meeting.
6. The cost of convening and conduct the GMS as prescribed
in Clauses 2, 3 and 4 of this Article shall be reimbursed by the company.
Article 141. List of shareholders
entitled to participate in the GMS
1. The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the
GMS shall be compiled according to the company’s shareholder register numbers.
The list shall be compiled not more than 10 days before dan on which the
invitations to participate in the GMS are sent if a shorter period is not
specified in the company’s charter.
2. The list shall contain full names, mailing addresses,
nationalities, legal document numbers of shareholders that are individuals; names,
EID numbers or legal document numbers, headquarters addresses of shareholders
that are organizations; quantities of shares of each type and each shareholder
registration date and number of each shareholder.
3. Shareholders are entitled to access and make copies of
names and mailing addresses of shareholders on the list; request correction of
errors or addition of information about themselves on the list. The company’s
executives shall promptly provide information in the shareholder register,
revise and add information as requested by the shareholders; pay compensation
for damage caused by the failure to provide or to accurately and promptly
provide shareholder registration numbers as requested. The procedures for
requesting provision of information in the shareholder register shall be
specified in the company’s charter.
Article 142. Agenda of the GMS
1. The person who convenes the GMS shall prepare the
2. The shareholder or group of shareholders specified in
Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law is entitled to propose additional issues to
the GMS agenda. The proposal shall be made in writing and sent to the company
at least 03 working days before the opening date unless another period is
specified in the company’s charter. The proposal shall contain the names of
shareholders and the proposed issues.
3. In case the proposal mentioned in Clause 2 of this
Article is rejected by the person who convenes the GMS, a written response and
explanation must be provided at least 02 days before the opening day. A proposal
may only be rejected in the following cases:
a) The proposal is sent against the regulations of Clause 2
of this Article;
b) The issue exceeds the jurisdiction of the GMS;
c) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
4. The person who convenes the GMS shall include the issues
proposed in accordance with Clause 2 of this Article in the draft agenda,
except in the cases specified in Clause 3 of this Article. The issues will be
included in the official agenda if their inclusion is accepted by the GMS.
Article 143. Invitations to the
1. The person who convenes the GMS shall send invitations
to all shareholders on the list of shareholders entitled to participate in the
GMS at least 21 days before the opening day unless an earlier time is specified
in the company’s charter. The invitation shall contain the participant’s name,
headquarters/mailing address, EID number, time and location of the meeting and
other requirements.
2. Invitations shall be sent to mailing addresses of the
shareholders and posted on the company’s website. If necessary, the invitation
may be published on a local or central daily newspaper as prescribed by the
company’s charter.
3. An invitation shall be sent together with:
a) The meeting agenda, meeting documents and the draft
resolution on each issue in the agenda;
b) The votes.
4. The invitation and meeting documents mentioned in Clause
3 of this Article may be uploaded on the company’s website (if any) instead of
sending physical invitations and documents. In this case, the invitation shall
contain instructions on how to download the documents.
Article 144. Exercising the right
to attend the GMS
1. Shareholders and representatives of shareholders that
are organizations may directly participate in the GMS or authorize one or some
other organizations and individuals to participate the GMS, or participate in
the GMS in one of the forms specified in Clause 3 of this Article.
2. The authorization of participants in the GMS shall be
made in writing. The authorization letter shall be made in accordance with
civil laws and specify the name of the authorized participant, the quantity of
shares authorized. The authorized participant shall present the authorization
letter before entering the meeting room.
3. It will be considered that a shareholder attends and
votes at the GMS in the following cases:
a) The shareholder directly participates in and votes at
the GMS;
b) The shareholder authorizes another organization or
individual to participate in and vote at the meeting;
c) The shareholder participates and votes online or through
other electronic methods;
d) The shareholder sends the votes to the GMS by post, fax
or email;
dd) The shareholder sends the votes by other means
specified in the company’s charter.
Article 145. Conditions for conducting
the GMS
1. The GMS shall be conducted when it is participated by a
number of shareholders that represent more than 50% of the votes; the specific
ratio shall be specified in the company’s charter.
2. In case the conditions for conducting the meeting
prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article are not fulfilled, the second invitation
shall be sent within 30 days from the first meeting date unless otherwise
prescribed by the company’s charter. The second GMS shall be conducted when it
is participated by a number of shareholders that represent at least 33% of the
votes; the specific ratio shall be specified in the company’s charter.
3. In case the conditions for conducting the second meeting
prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article are not fulfilled, the third invitation
shall be sent within 20 days from the second meeting date unless otherwise
prescribed by the company’s charter. The third GMS shall be conducted
regardless of the number of votes represented by the participants.
4. Only the GMS has the right to change the agenda enclosed
with the invitation prescribed in Article 142 of this Law.
Article 146. Meeting and voting
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, the
following meeting and voting protocol shall be followed:
1. The shareholders that participate in the GMS shall be
registered before the meeting is declared open;
2. Election of the chair, secretary and election board:
a) The President of the Board of Directors shall assume the
role or the chair or authorize a member of Board of Directors to chair the GMS
if it is convened by the Board of Directors. In case the chair is not present
or is temporarily unable to work, the remaining members of the Board of
Directors shall elect one of them as the chair under the majority rule. In case
a chair cannot be elected, the chief of the Board of Controllers shall preside
over the election of the GMS chair, in which case the person that receives the
most votes will be the chair;
b) Except for the cases specified in Point a of this
Clause, the person that signs the decision to convene the GMS shall preside
over the election of the chair by the GMS, in which case the person that
receives the most votes will be the chair;
c) The chair shall designate one or some persons as the
secretary(ies) of the GMS;
d) The GMS shall elect one or some people as the election
board as requested by the chair;
3. The meeting agenda shall be ratified by the GMS during
the opening session. The agenda shall specify the duration of each issue
4. The chair is entitled to implement necessary and
reasonable measures to maintain order during the meeting and adhere to the
ratified agenda and serve the majority of the participants;
5. The GMS shall discuss and vote on each issue on the
agenda. Votes include affirmative votes, negative votes and abstentions. The
voting result shall be announced by the chair before the meeting ends unless
otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter;
6. Shareholders and authorized participants that arrive at
the meeting after it is declared open will be registered and has the right to
vote after registration. In this case, previous voting result shall remain
7. The person who convenes or chair the GMS has the rights
a) Request all participants to facilitate inspection and
other lawful and reasonable security measures;
b) Request a competent authority to maintain order during
the meeting; expel those who do not comply with the chair’s instructions,
deliberately disrupt order, obstruct the meeting progress or disobey security
8. The chair is entitled to postpone the GMS that has a
sufficient number of participants for up to 03 working days from the initial
opening day or change the meeting location in the following cases:
a) The current meeting location does not have enough seats
for all participants;
b) Communication devices at the current meeting location
are not adequate for all participant to discuss and vote;
c) One or some participants disrupt the meeting and thus
threaten the fairness and legality of the meeting;
9. In case the chair postpones or suspends the GMS against
Clause 8 of this Article, the GMS shall elect another participant to chair the
meeting until the end; all resolutions ratified at the meeting shall be
Article 147. Methods for ratifying
resolutions of the GMS
1. The GMS shall decide ratification of resolutions by
voting or questionnaire survey.
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
resolutions of the GMS on the following issues shall be voted on at the
a) Revisions to the company’s charter;
b) Orientation for development of the company;
c) Types of shares and quantity of each type;
d) Election and dismissal or members of the Board of
Directors and the Board of Controllers;
dd) Investment or sale of assets that are worth at least
35% of the total assets written in the latest financial statement, unless
another ratio or value is specified in the company’s charter;
e) Ratification of the annual financial statement;
g) Reorganization or dissolution of the company.
Article 148. Conditions for
ratification of resolutions of the GMS
1. A resolution on one of the following issues will be
ratified if it is voted for by a number of shareholders that represent at least
65% (a specific ratio shall be specified in the company’s charter) of votes of
all participants, except for the cases specified in Clauses 3, 4 and 6 of this
a) Types of shares and quantity of each type;
b) Change of the company’s business lines;
c) Change of the company’s organizational structure;
d) Investment or sale of assets that are worth at least 35%
of the total assets written in the latest financial statement, unless another
ratio or value is specified in the company’s charter;
dd) Reorganization or dissolution of the company.
e) Other issues specified in the company’s charter.
2. A resolution will be ratified when it is voted for by a
number of shareholders that hold more than 50% (a specific ratio shall be
specified in the company’s charter) of the votes of all participants, except for
the cases specified in Clauses 1, 3 , 4 and 6 of this Article.
3. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
the election of members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers
shall be cumulative voting, which means a shareholder will a number of votes
that is proportional to that shareholder’s holding multiplied by (x) the number
of members of the Board of Directors or the Board of Controllers and a
shareholder may use all or part of the votes for one or some candidates.
Successful candidates shall be chosen according to the votes they receive in
descending order until the number of members of the Board of Directors or the
Board of Controllers reaches the minimum number specified in the company’s
charter. In case 02 or more candidates receive the same number of votes for the
last member of the Board of Directors or the Board of Controllers, these
candidates will undergo an additional election or be chosen according to the
criteria specified in the election regulations or company’s charter.
4. In case of questionnaire survey, a resolution will be
ratified when it is voted for by a number of shareholders that hold more than
50% (a specific ratio shall be specified in the company’s charter) of the votes
of all voting shareholders.
5. A resolution of the GMS shall be notified to the
shareholders having the right to participate in the GMS within 15 days from the
day on which it is ratified or uploaded onto the company’s website (if any).
6. A resolution on adverse changes to rights and obligations
of preference shareholders may only be ratified if it is voted for by a number
of preference shareholders that participate in the meeting and hold at least
75% of the same kind of preference shares. In case of questionnaire survey, it
needs to be approved by a number of preference shareholders that holding at
least 75% of the same kind of preference shares.
Article 149. Power and method for
ratifying resolutions of the GMS by questionnaire survey
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, a
questionnaire survey on ratification of resolution of the GMS shall be carried
out as follows:
1. The Board of Directors is entitled to carry out
questionnaire survey to ratify a resolution of the GMS when it is considered
necessary for the company’s interests, except for the cases specified in Clause
2 Article 147 of this Law;
2. The Board of Directors shall prepare the questionnaires,
the draft resolution and explaining documents; send it to all voting
shareholders at least 10 days before the deadline for submission of the
questionnaires unless a longer period is specified in the company’s charter.
The list of shareholders to receive the questionnaires shall be compiled in
accordance with Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 141 of this Law. Questionnaires and
documents shall be sent in accordance with Article 143 of this Law;
3. A questionnaire shall contain:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Purposes of the survey;
c) If the shareholder is an individual: full name, mailing
address, nationality, legal document number; If the shareholder is an
organization: name, EID number or legal document number of the organization or
full name, mailing address, nationality, legal document number of the
organization’s representative; quantity of each type of shares and number of
votes of the shareholder;
d) The issues that need voting;
dd) The options including affirmative, negative,
e) Deadline for submission of the answered questionnaire;
g) Full name and signature of the President of the Board of
4. Shareholders may send answered questionnaires to the
company by post, fax or email as follows:
a) An answered questionnaire sent by post shall bear the
signature of the shareholder (if the shareholder is an individual) or the shareholder’s
authorized representative or legal representative (if the shareholder is an
organization), be placed in a closed envelope which must not be opened before
vote counting time;
b) An answered questionnaire sent by fax or email shall be
kept confidential until the vote counting time;
c) Answered questionnaires that are submitted after the
deadline or opened before vote counting time (for those sent by post) or
revealed (for those sent by fax or email) shall be considered invalid.
Questionnaires that are not submitted shall not be counted as votes;
5. The Board of Directors shall organize vote counting and
issue a vote counting record in the presence of the Board of Controllers or the
shareholders that are not holding any managerial position in the company. The
vote counting record shall have the following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Purposes and the issue that needs voting;
c) Quantities of voters, votes casted, valid votes and
invalid votes, voting method and a list of voters;
d) Quantities of affirmative votes, negative votes and
abstentions on each issue;
dd) Ratified decisions and corresponding ratio of
affirmative votes;
e) Full names and signatures of the President of the Board
of Directors, vote counting supervisors and vote counters.
The members of the Board of Directors, vote counters and
vote counting supervisor are jointly responsible for the accuracy and honesty
of the vote counting record; for the damage caused the decisions that are
ratified due to inaccurate or dishonest vote counting;
6. The vote counting record and the resolution shall be
sent to all shareholders within 15 days from the date of vote counting
completion or uploaded on the company’s website (if any);
7. Answered questionnaires, the vote counting record, the
ratified resolution and relevant documents enclosed with the answered
questionnaires shall be retained at the company’s headquarters;
8. An resolution that is ratified through questionnaire
survey has the same value as those ratified at the GMS.
Article 150. Minutes of the GMS
1. The minutes of the GMS shall be in Vietnamese language
(audio recordings and electronic files are optional), may be translated into
foreign languages, and shall contain the following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Time and location of the GMS;
c) The meeting agenda;
d) Full names of the chair and secretary;
dd) Summary of developments of the meeting, comments at the
GMS on each issue on the agenda.
e) Quantities of shareholders and votes casted by
shareholders that participated in the meeting, the list of subscribed
shareholders and shareholders’ representatives that participated in the meeting
and their votes;
g) Number of affirmative votes on each issue, voting method,
numbers of valid votes, invalid votes, affirmative votes, negative votes and
abstentions, their ratios to total number of votes of all participants;
h) Ratified decisions and corresponding ratio of
affirmative votes;
i) Full names of the chair and secretary.
In case the chair and the secretary refuse to sign the
minutes, they will be effective if they are signed by the other members of the
Board of Directors and contain all information prescribed in this Clause. The
minutes shall clearly state the reasons why the chair and the secretary refuse
to sign them.
2. The minutes of the GMS shall be completed and ratified
before the meeting ends.
3. The chair and secretary or other persons who sign the
minutes are joint responsible for its accuracy and truthfulness.
4. The Vietnamese and foreign language copies of the
minutes have the same legal value. In case of any discrepancy between them, the
Vietnamese copy shall prevail.
5. The minutes of the GMS shall be sent to all shareholders
within 15 days from the ending date of the meeting; the vote counting record
may be uploaded to the company’s website.
6. The minutes of the GMS, the list of registered
participants, the ratified resolutions and documents enclosed with the
invitations shall be retained at the company’s headquarters.
Article 151. Requesting
invalidation of a resolution of the GMS
Within 90 days from the receipt of the resolution or
minutes of the GMS or the vote counting record, the shareholder or group of
shareholders mentioned in Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law is entitled to
request the court or an arbitral tribunal to consider invalidating the
resolution in part or in full in the following cases:
1. The procedures for convening the GMS and issuing
decisions prescribed in this Law and the company’s charter are not followed,
except for the cases specified in Clause 2 Article 152 of this Law;
2. The contents of the resolution violations the law or the
company’s charter.
Article 152. Effect of the
resolution of the GMS
1. The resolution of the GMS takes effect from the day on
which it is ratified or on the effective date specified therein.
2. A resolution that is ratified by 100% of the voting
shares shall be lawful and effective even if the procedures for convening the
meeting and issuing such resolution prescribed in this Law and the company’s
charter are not followed;
3. In case a shareholder or group of shareholders requests
the court or an arbitral tribunal to consider invalidating the resolution as
prescribed in Article 151 of this Law, the resolution shall remain effective
until the effective date of the decision on invalidation of such resolution,
except for the cases in which temporary emergency measures are implemented
under a decision of a competent authority.
Article 153. The Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors is the managerial body of the
company and has the right to make decisions on behalf of the company, perform
rights and obligations of the company, except the rights and obligations of the
2. The Board of Directors has the following rights and
a) Decide the company’s medium-term development strategies
and annual business plans;
b) Propose the types of authorized shares and quantity of
each type;
c) Decide sale of certain types of unsold authorized
shares; decide other methods of raising capital;
d) Decide selling prices for the company’s shares and
dd) Decide repurchase of shares as prescribed in Clause 1
and Clause 2 Article 133 of this Law;
e) Decide the investment plan and investment projects
within its jurisdictions and limitations prescribed by law;
g) Decide solutions for market development, marketing and
h) Approve sale contracts, purchase contracts, borrowing
contracts, lending contracts, other contracts and transactions that are worth
at least 35% of the total assets written in the latest financial statement,
unless another ratio or value is specified in the company’s charter; contracts
and transactions within the jurisdiction of the GMS as prescribed in Point d
Clause 2 Article 138, Clause 1 and Clause 3 Article 167 of this Law.
i) Elect, dismiss the President of the Board of Directors;
designate, dismiss, enter into and terminate contracts with the
Director/General Director and other key executives specified in the company’s
charter; decide salaries, remunerations, bonuses and other benefits of these
executives; designate authorized representatives to participate in the Board of
Members or GMS of another company; decide their remunerations and other
k) Supervise the Director/General Director and other
executives managing the company’s everyday business;
l) Decide the company’s organizational structure, rules and
regulations; establishment of subsidiary companies, branches and representative
offices; contribution of capital to and purchase of shares of other
m) Approve the agenda and documents of the GMS; convene the
GMS or carry out surveys for the GMS to ratify its resolutions;
n) Submit annual financial statements to the GMS;
o) Propose the dividends; decide the time and procedures
for paying dividends or settling business losses;
p) Propose reorganization or dissolution of the bankruptcy;
file bankruptcy of the company;
q) Other rights and obligations prescribed by Law and the
company’s charter.
3. The Board of Directors shall ratify its resolution and
decisions by voting at the meeting, questionnaire survey or another method
specified in the company’s charter. Each member of the Board of Directors shall
have one vote.
4. In case a resolution or decision is ratified by the
Board of Directors against regulations of law or a resolution of the GMS or the
company’s charter and causes damage to the company, the members that vote for
the ratification of such resolution or decision shall be jointly responsible
for it and pay compensation for the company; the members that vote against such
resolution or decision shall not be held responsible. In this case, the
company’s shareholders are entitled to request the court to suspend or
invalidate the resolution or decision.
Article 154. Term of office and
quantity of members of the Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors shall have 03 – 11 members. The
specific quantity of members shall be prescribed by the company’s charter.
2. The term of office of a member of the Board of Directors
shall not exceed 05 years without term limit. An individual may only be elected
independent member of the Board of Directors of a company for up to 02
continuous terms.
3. In case the term of office of all members of the Board
of Directors ends at the same time, they shall remain members of the Board of
Directors until new members are elected and take over their jobs unless
otherwise prescribed by company’s charter.
4. The company’s charter shall specify the quantity,
rights, obligations of independent members of the Board of Directors; method
for organizing and coordinating their activities.
Article 155. Organizational
structure and requirements to be fulfilled by members of the Board of Directors
1. To be a member of the Board of Directors, a person shall
satisfy the following requirements:
a) He/she is not one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law;
b) He/she has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration in the company’s busines lines; a member is not
necessarily a shareholder of the company, unless otherwise prescribed by the
company’s charter;
c) A person may hold the position of member of the Board of
Directors of more than one company;
d) A member of the Board of Directors of a state-owned enterprise
prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law and subsidiary companies
of a state-owned enterprise prescribed in Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law must
not be a relative of the Director/General Director or any other executive of
the company, of the executive or the person having the power to designate the
executive of the parent company.
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by securities laws, an
independent member of the Board of Directors prescribed in Point b Clause 1
Article 137 of this Law shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) He/she is not working for the company or its parent
company or subsidiary company; did not worked for the company or its parent
company or subsidiary company within the last 03 years or longer;
b) He/she is not receiving a salary from the company,
except the allowances to which members of the Board of Directors are entitled
as per regulations;
C) His/her spouse, biological parents, adoptive parents,
biological children, adopted children and siblings are not major shareholders
of the company, executives of the company or its subsidiary companies;
d) He/she is not directly or indirectly holding 1% of the
company’s voting shares or more;
dd) He/she did not hold the position of member of the Board
of Directors or the Board of Controllers of the company within the last 05
years or longer unless he/she was designated in 02 consecutive terms.
3. An independent member of the Board of Directors shall
notify the Board of Directors if he/she no longer satisfies the requirements
specified in Clause 2 of this Article and is obviously no longer an independent
member from the day on which a condition is not satisfied. The Board of
Directors shall the disqualification if this member at the nearest GMS or
convene the GMS to elect a new independent member within 06 months from the day
on which the notification is received from the member.
Article 156. The President of the
Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors shall elect one of its members
President of the Board of Directors; dismiss its President.
2. The President of the Board of Directors of a public
company or a joint stock company prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of
this Law must not concurrently hold the position of Director/General Director.
3. The President of the Board of Directors has the
following rights and obligations:
a) Plan the activities of the Board of Directors;
b) Draw up agenda and prepare documents for meetings of the
Board of Directors; convene and chair the meetings;
c) Organize the ratification of resolutions and decisions
of the Board of Directors;
d) Supervise the implementation of resolutions and
decisions of the Board of Directors;
dd) Chair the GMS;
e) Other rights and obligations prescribed by Law and the
company’s charter.
4. In case the President of the Board of Directors is not
present or not able to perform his tasks, he/she shall authorize another member
in writing to perform the rights and obligations of the President of the Board
of Directors in accordance with the company’s charter. In case no member is
authorized or the President is dead, missing, detained, serving an imprisonment
sentence, serving an administrative penalty in a correctional institution or
rehabilitation center, making a getaway; has limited legal capacity or is
incapacitated, has difficulty controlling his/her behavior, is prohibited by
the court from holding certain positions or doing certain works, one of the
Board of Directors shall convene a meeting with the remaining members to elect
one of them as the interim President under the majority rule until a new
decision is issued by the Board of Directors.
5. Where necessary, the Board of Directors may designate
the company’s secretary, who will have the following rights and obligations:
a) Assist in convening the GMS and meetings of the Board of
Directors; takes minutes of the meetings;
b) Assists members of the Board of Directors in performing
their rights and obligations;
c) Assists the Board of Directors in applying and
implementing the business administration rules;
d) Assist the company in development of shareholder
relationship, protection of lawful rights and interests of shareholders;
fulfillment of the obligation to provide and disclose information and
administrative procedures;
dd) Other rights and obligations prescribed by the
company’s charter.
Article 157. Meetings of the Board
of Directors
1. The President of the Board of Directors shall be elected
during the first meeting of the Board of Directors within 07 working days from
the election of that Board of Directors. This meeting shall be convened and
chaired by the member that received the highest number of votes. In case more
than one member received the same highest number of votes, one of them will be
elected by the members under majority rule to convene the meeting of the Board
of Directors.
2. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at
least quarterly and on an ad hoc basis.
3. The President of Board of Directors shall convene a
meeting of the Board of Directors in the following cases:
a) It is requested by the Board of Controllers or
independent members of the Board of Directors;
b) It is requested by the Director or General Director and
at least 05 other executives;
c) It is requested by at least 02 members of the Board of
d) Other cases specified in the charter.
4. The request mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article shall
be made in writing and specify the issues that need discussing and deciding
within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors.
5. The President of the Board of Directors shall convene
the meeting within 07 working days from the day on which the request mentioned
in Clause 3 of this Article is received. Otherwise, he/she shall be responsible
for the damage to the company and the requesting person is entitled to convene
the meeting of the Board of Directors.
6. The President of the Board of Directors or the person
that convenes the meeting shall send the invitations at least 03 working days
before the meeting day unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter.
The invitation shall specify the meeting time, location, agenda, issues to be
discussed. The invitation shall be enclosed with meeting documents and votes.
The invitations can be sent physically, by phone, fax,
electronically or by other methods prescribed by the company’s charter to the
registered mailing address of each member of the Board of Directors.
7. The President of the Board of Directors or the person
that convenes the meeting shall send the same invitations and documents to the
The Controllers are entitled to participate in meetings of
the Board of Directors and discuss but must not vote.
8. A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be conducted
when it is participated in by at least three fourths (3/4) of the members. In
case a meeting cannot be conducted due to inadequate number of participants,
the second meeting shall be convened within 07 days from the first meeting date
unless a shorter period is prescribed by the company’s charter. The second
meeting shall be conducted when it is participated in by more than 50% of the
9. It will be considered that a member participates in and
votes at the meeting of the Board of Directors in the following cases:
a) He/she directly participates in and votes at the
b) He/she authorizes another person to participate in and
vote at the meeting as prescribed in Clause 11 of this Article;
c) He/she participates in the meeting and votes online or
through other electronic methods;
d) He/she sends his/her vote to the meeting by post, fax or
dd) He/she sends the votes by other means specified in the
company’s charter.
10. A vote is sent by post shall be put in a closed
envelope and be delivered to the President of the Board of Directors at least
01 hour before the opening time. Votes shall only be open in the presence of
all participants.
11. The members shall participate in all meetings of the
Board of Directors and may authorize other persons to participate in and vote
at the meeting if accepted by the majority of the Board of Directors.
12. Unless a higher ratio is prescribed by the company’s
charter, a resolution or decision of the Board of Directors shall be ratified
if it is voted for by the majority of the participants. In case of equality of
votes, the option that is voted for by the President of the Board of Directors
shall prevail.
Article 158. Minutes of meetings
of the Board of Directors
1. The minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be taken. Audio recordings and other electronic forms are optional. The
minutes shall be written in Vietnamese language, may be translated into foreign
languages, and shall contain the following information:
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Time and location of the meeting;
c) Purposes and agenda of the meeting;
d) Full names of participating members and the persons
authorized to participate in the meeting and how they participate; full names
of non-participating members and their excuses;
dd) The issues to be discussed and voted on at the meeting;
e) Summary of comments of each participating member in
chronological order;
g) Voting result, the members that cast affirmative votes,
negative votes and abstentions;
h) Ratified decisions and corresponding ratio of
affirmative votes;
i) Full names, signatures of the chair and the minute
taker, except the case in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. In case the chair and the minute take refuse to sign the
minutes, they will be effective if they are signed by all of the other members
of the Board of Directors and contain all the information prescribed in Points
a, b, c, d, đ, e, g and h Clause 1 of this Article.
3. The chair, the minute take and the persons who sign the
minutes shall be responsible for its accuracy and truthfulness.
4. The minutes and meeting documents shall be retained at
the company’s headquarters.
5. The Vietnamese and foreign language copies of the
minutes have the same legal value. In case of any discrepancy between them, the
Vietnamese copy shall prevail.
Article 159. Rights to information
of members of the Board of Members
1. Members of the Board of Directors are entitled to
request the Director/General Director, Deputy Director/Deputy General Director
and other executives of the company to provide information and documents about
the finance and business performance of the company and its units.
2. The requested executives shall provide information and
documents fully and accurately as requested by the members. The procedures for
requesting and providing information shall be specified in the company’s charter.
Article 160. Dismissal,
replacement and addition of members of the Board of Directors
1. The GMS shall dismiss a member of the Board of Directors
from office in the following cases:
a) He/she does not fully satisfy the requirements specified
in Article 155 of this Law;
b) He/she hands in a resignation and is accepted;
c) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
2. The GMS shall dismiss a member of the Board of Directors
in the following cases:
a) He/she fails to participate in activities of the Board
of Directors for 06 consecutive months, except in force majeure events;
b) Other cases prescribed by the company’s charter.
3. Where necessary, the GMS shall replace members of the
Board of Directors; dismiss members of the Board of Directors in cases other
than those specified in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article.
4. The Board of Directors shall convene the GMS to elect
additional members of Board of Directors in the following cases:
a) The number of members of the Board of Directors
decreases by more than one third of the number specified in the company’s
charter. The Board of Directors shall convene the GMS within 60 days from that
b) The number of independent members of the Board of
Directors falls below the minimum number specified in Point b Clause 1 Article
137 of this Law;
c) Except the cases specified in Point a and Point b of
this Clause, the nearest GMS shall elect new members to replace the dismissed
Article 161. Audit committee
1. The audit committee is a specialized body of the Board
of Directors and has at least 02 members. The Chairperson of the audit
committee shall be an independent member of the Board of Directors. Other
members of the audit committee shall be non-executive members of the Board of
2. The audit committee shall ratify its decisions by voting
at meetings, questionnaire survey or another method specified in the company’s
charter or the audit committee’s operating regulations. Each member of the
audit committee has one vote. Unless a higher ratio is prescribed by the
company’s charter or the audit committee’s operating regulations, a decision of
the audit committee shall be ratified if it is voted for by the majority of the
participating members. In case of equality of votes, the option that is voted
for by the Chairperson shall prevail.
3. The audit committee has the following rights and
a) Inspect the accuracy of the company’s financial
statements and make official announcements about the company’s finance;
b) review the internal control and risk management system;
c) Review transactions with related persons subject to
approval by the Board of Directors or the GMS; offer recommendations on these
d) Supervise the company’s internal audit unit;
dd) Propose independent audit company, payment, terms and
conditions in the contract with the audit company to the Board of Directors
before it is submitted to the annual GMS.
e) Monitor and evaluate the independence and objectivity of
the audit company and effectiveness of the audit, especially when the company
uses non-audit services of the audit company;
g) Supervise the company’s compliance with law, requests of
the authorities and the company’s rules and regulations.
Article 162. The Director/General
1. The Board of Directors shall designate one of its
members or hire a person as the Director/General Director.
2. The Director/General Director shall manage the company’s
everyday busines operation, is supervised by and responsible to the Board of
Directors Members and the law for his/her performance.
The term of office of the Director/General Director shall
not exceed 05 years without term limit.
3. The Director/General Director has the following rights
and obligations:
a) Decide everyday operating issues of the company that are
outside the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors;
b) Organize the implementation of resolutions and decisions
of the Board of Directors;
c) Organize implementation of the company’s busines plans
and investment plans;
d) Propose the company’s organizational structure, rules
and regulations;
dd) Designate, dismiss the company’s executives, except
those under jurisdiction of the Board of Directors;
e) Decide salaries and other benefits of the company’s
employees, including the executives designated by the Director/General
g) Recruit employees;
h) Propose plans distribution of dividends or settlement of
business losses;
i) Other rights and obligations specified by law, the
company’s charter, resolutions and decisions of the Board of Directors.
4. The Director/General Director shall manage the company’s
everyday business in accordance with law, the company’s charter, his/her
employment contract with the company, resolutions and decisions of the Board of
Directors. Otherwise, the Director/General Director shall be legally
responsible for and pay damages to the company.
5. The Director/General Director of a public company or
state-owned enterprise prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law or
a subsidiary company of a state-owned enterprise prescribed in Clause 1 Article
88 of this Law shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) He/she is not one of the persons specified in Clause 2
Article 17 of this Law;
b) He/she is not a relative of any of the executives,
controllers of the company and the parent company; the representatives of state
investments and the enterprise’ investment in the company and the parent
c) He/she has professional qualifications and experience of
busines administration.
Article 163. Salaries,
remunerations, bonuses and other benefits of members of the Board of Directors
and the Director/General Director
1. The company is entitled to pay salaries and bonuses to
members of the Board of Directors, the Director/General Director and other
executives according to the company’s business performance.
2. Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter,
the salaries, bonuses and other benefits of the members of the Board of
Directors and the Director/General Director shall be paid as follows:
a) Members of the Board of Directors shall receive salaries
and bonuses. The salary is based on the number of days necessary to fulfill the
member’s duties and the daily pay. The Board of Directors shall estimate the
salary of each member by consensus. The total salaries and bonuses of the Board
of Directors shall be decided by the annual GMS;
b) Members of the Board of Directors shall have the costs
of food, stay, travel and other reasonable costs reimbursed if their duties are
c) The Director/General Director’s salary and bonuses shall
be decided by the Board of Directors.
3. Salaries of members of the Board of Directors, the
Director/General Director and other executives shall be recorded as the
company’s expenses in accordance with regulations of law on corporate income
tax in a separate section of the company’s consolidated financial statement and
shall be reported at the annual GMS.
Article 164. Disclosure of related
Unless more stringent requirements are prescribed by the
company’s charter, the company’s benefits and related persons shall be
disclosed as follows:
1. The company shall compile a list of its related persons
in accordance with Clause 23 Article 4 of this Law, their contracts and
transactions with the company;
2. Members of the Board of Directors, Controllers,
Director/General Director and other executives of the company shall declare
their related interests, including the following information:
a) Names, enterprise ID numbers, headquarters addresses and
business lines of the enterprises they own or have shares/stakes in; the
holdings and time of owning or holding the shares/stakes;
b) Names, EID numbers, headquarters addresses, business
lines of the enterprises their related persons own, jointly own or have
separate controlling shares/stakes that are worth more than 10% of charter
3. The information specified in Clause 2 of this Article
shall be declared within 07 working days from the day on which the related
interests are brought about; any revision shall be notified to the company within
07 working days from its date of occurrence;
4. The list mentioned in Clause 1 an declaration 2 of this
Article shall be retained, disclosed, accessed, extracted and copied as
a) The company shall announce the list of related persons
and interests at the annual GMS;
b) The list shall be retained at the company’s
headquarters; part or all of the list may be retained at the company’s branches
where necessary;
c) Shareholders and their authorized representative,
members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Controllers, Director/General
Director and other executives are entitled to access, extract and make copies
of the list;
d) The company shall enable the persons specified in Point
c of this Clause to access, extract and make copies of the list and must not
obstruct them in the process. Procedures for accessing, extracting and copying
the list shall be specified in the company’s charter;
5. When members of the Board of Directors and the
Director/General Director do business within the company’s business lines in
their own names or others’ names, they shall explain the nature and contents of
such business to the Board of Directors and the Board of Controllers, and may
only proceed if it is accepted by the majority of the remaining members of the Board
of Directors. Otherwise, all incomes from such business will belong to the
Article 165. Responsibilities of
the company’s executives
1. Members of the Board of Directors, the Director/General
Director and other executives have the following responsibilities:
a) Perform their rights and obligations in accordance with
this Law, relevant laws, the company’s charter and resolution of the GMS;
b) Perform their rights and obligations in an honest and
prudent manner to serve the best and lawful interests of the company;
c) Be loyal to the company’s interests; do not abuse their
power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets, business
opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or
individual’s interests;
d) Promptly and fully provide the company with the
information specified in Clause 2 Article 164 of this Law;
dd) Other responsibilities prescribed by this Law and the
company’s charter.
2. The member of the Board of Directors, Director/General
Director or executive that violates Clause 1 of this Article shall be
personally or jointly responsible for the loss, return the benefits received
and pay damages to the company and the third parties.
Article 166. Rights to file
lawsuits against the Board of Directors and the Director/General Director
1. A shareholder or group of shareholders that holds at
least 01% of the total ordinary shares may, in their own names or in the
company’s name, file lawsuit against a member of the Board of Members or the
Director/General Director if the member or Director/General Director to claim
the interest or damages:
a) fails to fulfill the executive’s duties prescribed in
Article 165 of this Law;
b) fails to comply with or fully and punctually perform
their rights and obligations as prescribed by law, the company’s charter,
resolution or decision of the Board of Directors;
c) abuses his/her power and position or uses the
enterprise’s information, secrets, business opportunities and assets for
personal gain or serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests;
d) Other cases prescribed by law and the company’s charter.
2. Lawsuits shall be filed in accordance with civil
proceedings laws. Proceedings costs in case the lawsuit is filed on behalf of
the company shall be recorded as the company’s expense unless the lawsuit is
3. The shareholder or group of shareholders mentioned in
this Article is entitled to access and extract necessary information under
decision of the court or arbitral tribunal before or during the proceedings.
Article 167. Approving contracts
and transactions between the company and related persons
1. The GMS or Board of Directors shall approve contracts
and transactions between the company and the following related persons:
a) Shareholders and authorized representatives of
shareholders that are organizations holding more than 10% of the company’s
total ordinary shares and their related persons;
b) Members of the Board of Directors, the Director/General
Director and their related persons;
c) Enterprises that must be declared by members of the
Board of Directors, Controllers, Director/General Director and other executives
as prescribed in Clause 2 Article 164 of this Law.
2. The Board of Directors shall approve the contracts and
transactions that are mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article and are worth less
than 35% of the company’s total assets according to the latest financial
statement (or a smaller ratio or value specified in the company’s charter). In
this case, the person that signs the contract or conducts the transaction on
behalf of the company shall send a notification to the members of the Board of
Directors and Controllers of the related persons together with the draft
contract or transaction summary. The Board of Directors shall decide whether to
approve the contract or transaction within 15 days from the day on which the
notification is received unless a different deadline is specified in the
company’s charter. Members of the Board of Directors that are related to the
parties to the contract or transaction must not vote.
3. The GMS shall approve the following contracts and
a) Contracts and transactions other than those specified in
Clause 2 of this Article;
b) Contracts and transactions that involve borrowing,
lending, selling assets that are worth more than 10% of the company’s total
assets according to the latest financial statement between the company and
shareholders that hold at least 51% of the total voting shares or their related
4. If a contract or transaction specified in Clause 3 of
this Article is approved, the person who concludes the contract or conducts the
transaction on behalf of the company shall send a notification to the Board of
Directors and Controllers of the entities related to such contract or transaction
together with the draft contract or summary of the transaction. The Board of
Directors shall submit the draft contract or explain the contract or
transaction at the GMS or carry out a questionnaire survey. In this case,
shareholders that are related to the parties to the contract or transaction
must not vote. The contract or transaction shall be approved in accordance with
Clause 1 and Clause 4 Article 148 of this Law, unless otherwise prescribed by
the company’s charter.
5. A contract or transaction shall be invalidated under a
court decision and handled as prescribed by law when it is concluded or carried
out against regulations of this Article. The person who concludes the contract
or carries out the transaction, the related shareholders, members of the Board
of Directors, Director/General shall pay compensation for any damage caused and
return the benefits generated by such contract or transaction to the company.
6. The company shall disclose related contracts and
transactions in accordance with relevant laws.
Article 168. Board of Controllers
1. The Board of Controllers shall have 3 – 5 Controllers.
The term of office of a Controller shall not exceed 05 years without term
2. The Chief Controller shall be elected by the Board of
Controllers among the Controllers. The Chief Controller shall be elected and
dismissed under the majority rule. Rights and obligations of the Chief
Controller shall be specified in the company’s charter. More than half of the
Controllers shall have permanent residences in Vietnam. The Chief Controller
shall have a bachelor’s degree in economics, finance, accounting, audit, law,
business administration or a major that is relevant to the enterprise’s
business operation, unless higher standards are prescribed in the company’s
3. In case the term of office of all Controllers expires
before an election can be carried out, the existing Controllers shall keep
performing until Controllers are elected and take over the job.
Article 169. Requirements to be
satisfied by Controllers
1. A Controller shall satisfy the following standards and
a) He/she is not in one of the persons specified in Clause
2 Article 17 of this Law;
b) His/her major is economics, finance, accounting,
audit, law, business administration or a major that is relevant to the
enterprise’s business operation;
c) He/she is not a relative of any of the members of the
Board of Directors, Director/General Director and other executives;
d) He/she is not the company’s executive, is not
necessarily a shareholder or employee of the company unless otherwise
prescribed by the company’s charter;
dd) Other standards and requirements are satisfied as
prescribed by law and the company’s charter.
2. In addition to the standards and requirements specified
in Clause 1 of this Article, Controllers of a public company or state-owned
enterprise prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 88 of this Law must not be
relatives of the executives of the company and the parent company; of the
representative of enterprise’s investment or state investment in the company
and the parent company.
Article 170. Rights and
obligations of the Board of Controllers
1. Supervise the Board of Directors and the
Director/General Director managing the company.
2. Inspect the rationality, legitimacy, truthfulness and
prudency in business administration; systematic organization, uniformity and
appropriateness of accounting works, statistics and preparation of financial
3. Validate the adequacy, legitimacy and truthfulness of
the income statements, annual and biannual financial statements, reports on
performance of the Board of Directors; submit validation reports at the annual
GMS. Review contracts and transactions with related persons subject to approval
by the Board of Directors or the GMS and offer recommendations.
4. Review, inspect and evaluate the effectiveness of the
internal control, internal audit, risk management and early warning systems of
the company.
5. Inspect accounting books, accounting records, other
documents of the company, the company’s administration where necessary, under
resolutions of the GMS or at the request of the shareholder or group of
shareholders specified in Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law.
6. When requested by the shareholder or group of
shareholders specified in Clause 2 Article 115 of this Law, the Board of
Controllers shall carry out an inspection within 07 working days from the day
on which the request is received. Within 15 days after the end of the
inspection, the Board of Controllers shall submit a report to the Board of
Directors or the requesting shareholder or group of shareholders. The
inspection must not obstruct normal operation of the Board of Directors or
interrupt the company’s business operation.
7. Propose changes or improvements to the company’s
organizational structure and administration to the Board of Directors or the
8. Promptly submit a written notification to the Board of
Directors whenever a member of the Board of Directors, the Director/General
Director is found to be violating Article 165 of this law, request the violator
to stop the violations and implement remedial measures.
9. Participate in and discuss at the GMS, meetings of the
Board of Directors and other meetings of the company.
10. Employ independent counsels and internal audit unit of
the company to perform their tasks.
11. The Board of Controllers may discuss with the Board of
Directors before submitting reports and proposals to the GMS.
12. Other rights and obligations prescribed by this Law,
the company’s charter and resolution of the GMS.
Article 171. Rights to information
of the Board of Controllers
1. Documents and information shall be sent to Controllers
in the same manner as those being sent to members of the Board of Directors,
a) Meeting invitations, questionnaires and enclosed
b) Resolutions, decisions and minutes of meetings of the
Board of Directors and the GMS;
c) Reports of the Director/General Director to the Board of
Directors or other documents issued by the company.
2. Controllers are entitled to access the company’s
documents at the headquarters, branches and other locations; enter the
executives’ and employees’ workplace during working hours.
3. The Board of Directors, members of the Board of
Directors, the Director/General Director and other executives shall fully and
promptly provide information and documents about the company’s administration
as requested by Controllers or the Board of Controllers.
Article 172. Salaries, bonuses and
other benefits of Controllers
Unless otherwise prescribed by the company’s charter, the
salaries, bonuses and other benefits of Controllers shall be paid as follows:
1. Controllers’ salaries, bonuses, other benefits and
operating budget shall be decided by the GMS;
2. Reasonable costs of food, stay, travel, independent
counseling services of Controllers shall be reimbursed. The total salaries and
costs must not exceed the annual operating budget of the Board of Controllers
which has been approved by the GMS, unless otherwise prescribed by the GMS;
3. Salaries and operating costs of the Board of Controllers
shall be recorded as the company’s expenses in accordance with regulations of
law on corporate income tax and relevant laws and placed in a separate section
in the company’s annual financial statements.
Article 173. Responsibilities of
1. Comply with regulations of law, the company’s charter,
resolutions of the GMS and code of ethics in performance of their rights and
2. Perform their rights and obligations in an honest and
prudent manner to serve the best and lawful interests of the company.
3. Be loyal to the company’s interests; do not abuse their
power and position or use the enterprise’s information, secrets, business
opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or
individual’s interests.
4. Other obligations prescribed by Law and the company’s
5. The Controller that violates Clauses 1, 2, 3 or 4 of
this Article and causes damage to the company or another person shall be
personally or jointly responsible for the damage and return the benefits earned
from the violation to the company
6. Send a written notification to the Board of Controllers
of violations committed by another Controller and request the violator to stop
the violation and implement remedial measures.
Article 174. Dismissal of
1. The GMS shall dismiss a Controller from office in the
following cases:
a) He/she does not fully satisfy the standards and
requirements specified in Article 169 of this Law;
b) He/she hands in a resignation and is accepted;
c) Other cases specified in the charter.
2. The GMS shall dismiss a Controller in the following
a) He/she fails to perform his/her duties;
b) He/she fails to perform his/her rights and obligations
for 06 consecutive months, except in force majeure events;
c) He/she commits multiple, serious violations of
Controller’s duties prescribed by this Law and the charter;
d) Other cases specified in resolutions of the GMS.
Article 175. Submission of annual
1. At the end of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors
shall submit the following documents to the GMS:
a) The company’s income statement;
b) The financial statement;
c) The report on the company’s administration and
d) The validation report of the Board of Controllers.
2. If the annual financial statement of a joint stock
company has to be audited as prescribed by law, it shall be audited before
submission to the GMS for ratification.
3. The documents specified in Points a, b and c Clause 1 of
this Article shall be submitted to the Board of Controllers for validation at
least 30 days before the opening date of the GMS unless otherwise prescribed by
company’s charter.
4. The documents specified in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of this
Article, the validation report of the Board of Controllers and the audit report
shall be retained at the company’s headquarters at least 10 days before the
opening date of the GMS unless a longer period is prescribed by company’s
charter. Shareholders who have been holding the company’s shares continuously
for at least 01 may examine the documents mentioned in this Article themselves
or with their lawyers, accountants or auditors.
Article 176. Disclosure of
1. A joint stock company shall send its ratified annual financial
statements to competent authorities prescribed by accounting laws and relevant
2. The following information of a joint stock company shall
be published on its website:
a) The company’s charter;
b) Curriculum vitae (CV), qualifications, professional
experience of members of the Board of Directors, Controllers, Director/General
Director of the company;
d) Annual financial statements ratified by the GMS;
d) Annual reports on performance of the Board of Directors
and the Board of Controllers.
3. An unlisted joint stock company shall send a
notification to the business registration authority in charge of the area where
the company’s headquarters is situated within 03 working days from the
occurrence of the change in full name, nationality, passport number, mailing
address, quantity and types of shares of a foreign shareholder; name, EID
number, headquarters address, quantity and types of shares of a shareholder
that is a foreign organization and full name, nationality, passport number,
mailing address of that organization’s authorized representative.
4. Public companies shall disclose information in
accordance with securities laws. Joint stock companies specified in Point b
Clause 1 Article 88 shall disclose information in accordance with Points a, c,
dd and g Clause 1 Article 109 and Article 110 of this Law.
Chapter VI
Article 177. Partnerships
1. A partnership is an enterprise in which:
a) There are least 02 partners that are joint owners of the
company and do business under the same name ((hereinafter referred to as
“general partner”). There can be limited partners in addition to general
b) A general partner shall be an individual whose liability
for the company’s obligations is equal to all of his/her assets;
c) A limited partner can be an organization or an
individual whose liability for the company’s debts is equal to the promised
capital contribution.
2. A partnership has the status of a juridical person from
the day on which the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued.
3. A partnership must not issue any kind of securities.
Article 178. Capital contribution
and issuance of the capital contribution certificate
1. General partners and limited partners shall contribute
capital fully and punctually as promised.
2. A general partner who fails to contribute capital fully
and punctually as promised and thus causes damage to the company shall pay
3. In case a limited partner fails to contribute capital
fully and punctually as promised, the uncontributed capital shall be considered
that partner’s debt to the company, in which case the limited partner can be
excluded from the company under a decision of the Board of Partners.
4. When capital is fully contributed, the partner shall be
granted the capital contribution certificate, which shall contain the following
a) The company’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) The company’s charter capital;
c) Full name, signature, mailing address, nationality and
legal document number if the partner is an individual; EID number or legal
document number, headquarters address if the partner is an organization; type
of partner;
d) The value of capital contributed and types of
contributed assets;
dd) The number and date of issuance of the certificate of
capital contribution;
e) Rights and obligations of the certificate holder;
g) Full names and signatures of the certificate holder and
the company’s general partners.
5. In case the capital contribution certificate is lost or
damaged, the partner will be reissued with another certificate by the company.
Article 179. A partnership’s
A partnership’s assets include:
1. Assets that are contributed by the partners and have
been transferred to the company;
2. Assets created under the partnership’s name;
3. Assets obtained from business activities performed by
general partners on behalf of the company and from business activities of the
partnership performed by general partners in their own names;
4. Other assets prescribed by law.
Article 180. Limitations of general
1. A general partner must not be the owner of a sole
proprietorship, must not be a general partner of another partnership unless it
is accepted by the other general partners.
2. A general partner must not, in their own names or
others’ names, do business in the same busines lines as those of the
partnership for personal gain or to serve the interests of another organization
or individual.
3. A general partner must not transfer part or all of
his/her stake in the company to another organization or individual unless it is
accepted by the other general partners.
Article 181. Rights and
obligations of general partners
1. A general partner has the rights to:
a) Participate in meetings, discuss and vote on the
partnership’s issues; each general partner shall have one vote or a specific
number of votes specified in the partnership’s charter;
b) Do business in the partnership’s business lines on its
behalf; negotiate and enter into contracts, transactions or agreements under
conditions that the partner believes to be most beneficial to the partnership;
c) Use the partnership’s assets to do business in its
business lines. In case a general partner advances money to do business on
behalf of the partnership, he/she is entitled to request the partnership to reimburse
the principal and interest thereon at market rate;
d) Request the partnership to pay compensation for damage
that is not on account of that partner.
dd) Request the partnership and other general partners to
provide information about the partnership’s business performance; inspect the
partnership’s assets, account records and other documents where necessary;
e) Receive distributed profits in proportion to his/her
stake or as agreed;
g) Receive the remaining assets in proportion to his/her
stake upon the partnership’s dissolution or bankruptcy unless another ratio is
specified in the charter;
h) When a general partner dies, his/her hair shall receive
a value of assets minus the partner’s debts and other liabilities. The heir may
become a general partner if accepted by the Board of Partners;
i) Other rights prescribed by this Law and the company’s
2. A general partner has the following obligations:
a) Manage and do business in an honest and prudent manner
to ensure the partnership’s lawful and best interests;
b) Manage and do business in accordance with law, the
charter, resolutions and decisions of the Board of Partners; pay compensation
for the damage caused by his/her violations of these;
c) Do not use the partnership’s assets for personal gain or
to serve the interests of any other organization or individual;
d) Return to the partnership the money or assets that
he/she received when doing business in his/her own name, in the partnership’s
or another person’s name and has not returned to the partnership and pay for
any damage caused by this action;
dd) Jointly pay the partnership’s remaining debts (if any)
after all of the partnership’s assets are used to pay them;
e) Incur the loss that is proportional to his/her stake or
as agreed in the charter in case the partnership makes a loss;
g) Submit monthly written reports on his/her performance to
the partnership; provide information on his/her performance for other partners
on request;
h) Other obligations prescribed by Law and the charter.
Article 182. The Board of Partners
1. The Board of Partners consists of all partners and shall
elect a partner as the President of the Board of Partners, who may concurrently
hold the position of Director/General Director of the partnership unless
otherwise prescribed by the charter.
2. A general partner is entitled to request a meeting of
the Board of Partners to discuss and decide its business. The requesting
partner shall prepare the meeting documents and agenda.
3. The Board of Partners is entitled to decide all business
activities of the partnership. Unless otherwise prescribed by the charter, the
following issues are subject to approval by at least three fourths (3/4) of the
general partners:
a) Orientation for development of the partnership;
b) Revisions to the charter;
c) Admission of new partners;
d) Permission for withdrawal or exclusion of a partner;
dd) Investment in projects;
e) Taking of loans and other methods for raising capital;
granting a loan that is worth at least 50% of the partnership’s charter
capital, unless a higher rate is prescribed by the charter;
g) Purchase or sale of assets that whose value is equal to
or greater than the partnership’s charter capital, unless a higher value is
prescribed by the charter;
h) Ratification of the annual financial statement, total
distributable profit and distributed profit of each partner;
i) Dissolution or bankruptcy of the company.
4. Other issues that are not mentioned in Clause 3 of this
will be ratified if approved by at least two thirds (2/3) of the general
partners; a specific ratio shall be specified in the charter.
5. The rights to vote of limited partners shall comply with
this Law and the charter.
Article 183. Convening meetings of
the Board of Partners
1. The President of the Board of Partners may convene a
meeting whenever it is necessary or at the request of a general partner. In
case the President does not convene a meeting as requested by a general
partner, that general partner may convene the meeting himself/herself.
2. Invitations to a meeting of the Board of Partner can be
sent physically, by phone, fax, electronically or by other methods prescribed
by the charter. The invitation shall specify the time, location and agenda and
purposes of the meeting, and the name of the partner that requests the meeting.
Documents serving the process of deciding the issues
specified in Clause 3 Article 182 of this Law shall be sent to all partners
before the opening of the meeting. The deadline shall be specified in the
3. The President of the Board of Partners or the partner
that requests the meeting shall chair the meeting. Minutes of the meeting shall
be taken and contain the following information:
a) The partnership’s name, EID number, headquarter address;
b) Time and location of the meeting;
c) Purposes and agenda of the meeting;
d) Full names of the chair and participants;
dd) Comments of the participants;
e) Ratified resolutions and decisions, quantity of partners
that cast affirmative votes, negative votes and abstentions; summaries of such
resolutions and decisions;
g) Full names and signatures of the participants.
Article 184. Business
administration of partnerships
1. <}0{>l partners are
the partnership’s legal representative and shall administer its everyday
business. A limitation to general partners is only applied to a third party
when it is known by the third party.
2. General partners shall assume different managerial
positions in the partnership under agreement.
When some or all general partners perform certain business
activities together, it will be decided under the majority rule.
A general partner’s activities beyond the scope of
operation of the partnership are not responsibility of the partnership unless
they are accepted by the other partners.
3. A partnership may open one or some bank accounts. The
Board of Partners authorize certain partners to deposit and withdraw money from
such account.
4. The President of the Board of Partners, the
Director/General Director has the following rights and obligations:
a) Manager the partnership’s everyday business as general
b) Convene and organize meetings of the Board of Partners;
sign resolutions and decisions of the Board of Partners;
c) Assign tasks and coordinate operation of general
d) Organize and fully retain accounting records, invoices
and other documents of the partnership as prescribed by law;
d) Represent the company in civil proceedings, as the
plaintiff, defendant, person with relevant interests and duties in front of the
court or arbitral tribunal; represent the company in performance of other
rights and obligations prescribed by law;
e) Other obligations specified in the charter.
Article 185. Termination of
general partners
1. A general partner status will be terminated if he/she:
a) voluntarily withdraws capital from the partnership;
b) is dead, missing or incapacitated; has limited legal
capacity; has difficulty controlling his/her own behaviors;
c) is excluded from the partnership;
d) is serving an imprisonment sentence or banned by the
court from doing certain jobs;
dd) In other cases specified in the charter.
2. A general partner is entitled to withdraw capital from
the partnership if it is accepted by the Board of Partners. In this case, the
withdrawing partner shall make a written notification at least 06 months before
the withdrawal date and may only withdraw capital at the end of the fiscal year
after the financial statement of the same year has been ratified.
3. A general partner will be excluded from the partnership
if he/she:
a) is not able to contribute capital or fails to contribute
capital as promised after a second notice is made by the company;
b) violates the regulations of Article 180 of this Law;
c) fails to do business in an honest and prudent manner or
has inappropriate actions causing serious damage to the interest of the
partnership and other partners; or
d) fails to fulfill a general partner’s obligations.
4. In case of termination due to a partner’s being
incapacitated or having limited legal capacity or having difficulty controlling
his/her behaviors, his/her stake shall be fairly returned.
5. For 02 years from the date of termination in the cases
specified in Points a, c, d and dd Clause 1 of this Article, the partner still
jointly has a liability for the company’s debts that occur before the
termination date which is equal to his/her total assets.
6. After termination of a general partner whose name is
used as part of or the whole partnership’s name, that general partner or
his/her hair or legal representative is entitled to request the partnership to
stop using that name.
Article 186. Admission of new
1. A partnership may admit new general partners and limited
partners; the admission of a new partner is subject to approval by the Board of
2. The new general partner or limited partner shall fully
contribute capital as promised within 15 days from the day on which the
admission is approved unless a different time limit is decided by the Board of
3. The new general partner has a joint liability for the
company’s debts and liabilities which is equal to his/her total assets, unless
otherwise agreed upon by the new partner and the other partners.
Article 187. Rights and
obligations of limited partners
1. Limited partners have the rights to:
a) Participate in meetings, discuss and vote at the
meetings of the Board of Partners on revisions to the charter, changes in
rights and obligations of limited partners, reorganization and dissolution of
the company and other contents of the charter directly affecting their rights
and obligations;
b) Receive distributed profits in proportion to their
c) Be provided with the partnership’s annual financial
statements; request the President of the Board of Partners and general partners
to fully and accurately provide information about the partnership’s business
performance; examine accounting books, records, transactions and other
documents of the company;
d) Transfer their stakes to other persons;
dd) Do business within the partnership’s business lines in
their own names in other persons’ names;
e) Leave as inheritance, give away, pledge or otherwise
dispose of their stakes in accordance with regulations of law and the charter.
In case a limited partner dies, his/her heir shall be a new limited partner;
g) Receive part of the partnership’s remaining assets in
proportion to their holdings in case the partnership is dissolved or goes
h) Other rights prescribed by Law and the company’s
2. Limited partners have the obligations to:
a) Take on a liability for the partnership’s debts and
other liabilities which is equal to their promised capital contribution;
b) Do not participate in administration of the partnership;
do not do business in the partnership’s name;
c) Comply with the partnership’s charter, resolutions and
decisions of the Board of Partners;
d) Other obligations prescribed by Law and the
partnership’s charter.
Chapter VII
Article 188. Sole proprietorships
1. A sole proprietorship is an enterprise owned by a single
individual whose liability for its entire operation is equal to his/her total
2. A sole proprietorship must not issue any kind of
3. An individual may only establish one sole
proprietorship. The owner of a sole proprietorship must not concurrently own a
household business or hold the position of general partner of a partnership.
4. A sole proprietorship must not contribute capital upon
establishment or purchase shares or stakes of partnerships, limited
liability companies or joint stock companies.
Article 189. Capital of sole
1. The capital of a sole proprietorship shall be registered
by its owner. The sole proprietorship’s owner shall register the accurate
amounts of capital in VND, convertible currencies, gold and other assets, types
and quantities of assets.
2. All the capital, including loans and leased assets
serving the sole proprietorship’s operation, shall be fully recorded in its
accounting books and financial statements as prescribed by law.
3. During its operation, the sole proprietorship’s owner is
entitled to increase or decrease its capital. The increases and decreases in
capital shall be fully recorded in accounting books. In case the capital is
decreased below the registered capital, the decrease may only be made after it
has been registered with the business registration authority.
Article 190. Administration of
sole proprietorships
1. The sole proprietorship’s owner has total authority to
decide all of its business activities, use of post-tax profit and fulfillment of
other financial obligations as prescribed by law.
2. The owner may directly or hire another person to hold
the position of Director/General Director. In case of an hired Director/General
Director, the owner is still responsible for every business activity of the
3. The sole proprietorship’s owner is its legal
representative who will represent it during civil proceedings, as the
plaintiff, defendant or person with relevant interests and duties before the
court and arbitral tribunals, and in performance of other rights and
obligations prescribed by law.
Article 191. Leasing out a sole
The sole proprietorship’s owner is entitled to lease out
the entire sole proprietorship, provided a written notification and certified
true copies of the lease contract are submitted to the business registration
authority and tax authority within 03 working days from the effective date of
the contract. During the lease term, the sole proprietorship’s owner is still
legally responsible as its owner. The rights and obligations of the owner and
the lessee to the sole proprietorship’s business operation shall be specified
in the lease contract.
Article 192. Selling a sole
1. The sole proprietorship’s owner is entitled to sell it
to another organization or individual.
2. After selling the sole proprietorship, the owner is
still responsible for its debts and liabilities that occur before the date of
transfer, unless otherwise agreed upon by the owner, the buyer and the
3. The sole proprietorship’s owner and the buyer shall
comply with labor laws.
4. The buyer of the sole proprietorship shall register the
change of owner in accordance with this Law.
Article 193. Exercising the
owner’s rights in special cases
1. In case the sole proprietorship’s owner is detained,
serving an imprisonment sentence, serving an administrative penalty in a
correctional institution or rehabilitation center, he/she shall authorize
another person to perform his/her rights and obligations.
2. In case the owner dies, this/her hair or one of the
legal heirs or designated heirs shall be the owner under an agreement among the
heirs. In case such an agreement cannot be reached, the sole proprietorship
shall be converted into a company or dissolved.
3. In case of the owner dies without an heir or the heir
refuses the inheritance or is disinherited, the owner’s assets shall be handled
in accordance with civil laws.
4. In case owner is incapacitated, has limited legal
capacity or has difficulty controlling his/her behaviors, his/her rights and
obligations shall be performed through his/her representative.
5. In case the sole proprietorship’s owner is banned by the
court to do certain jobs in the enterprise’s business lines, the owner shall
suspend or stop doing business in the relevant business lines shall be
suspended or stopped or transfer the sole proprietorship to another
organization or individual.
Chapter VIII
Article 194. Business groups and
1. A business group or corporation is a group of companies
that are interrelated by ownership of shares/stakes or otherwise associated. A
business group or corporation is not an enterprise, is not a juridical person
and registration of its establishment under this Law is not required.
2. A business group or corporation has a parent company,
subsidiary companies and other member companies. They have the same rights and
obligations of as those of independent enterprises as prescribed by law.
Article 195. Parent company and
subsidiary companies
1. A company is considered parent company of another
company if:
a) It holds more than 50% of charter capital or total
ordinary shares of the latter;
b) It has the right to directly or indirectly designate
most or all of the members of the Board of Directors and Director/General
Director of the latter; or
c) It has the right to decide revisions to the latter’s
2. A subsidiary company must not contribute capital to or
purchase shares of the parent company. Subsidiary companies of the same parent
company must not contribute capital to or purchase shares of each other to
establish cross ownership.
3. Subsidiary companies of the same parent company with at
least 65% state capital must not contribute capital to or purchase shares of
other enterprises or to establish new enterprises as prescribed by this Law.
4. The Government shall elaborate Clause 2 and Clause 3 of
this Article.
Article 196. Rights, obligations
and responsibilities of the parent company to its subsidiary companies
1. Depending on the type of the subsidiary company, the
parent company shall perform its rights and obligations as its member, owner or
shareholder in accordance with corresponding regulations of this Law and
relevant laws.
2. All contracts, transactions and relationships between
the parent company and the subsidiary company shall be established and executed
independently and equally under conditions applied to independent legal
3. In case the parent company makes intervention beyond the
power of the owner, member or shareholder and forces the subsidiary company to
operate against its ordinary business practice or do non-profit activities
without paying compensation in the relevant fiscal year and thus causes damage
to the subsidiary company, the parent company shall be responsible for such
4. The executive of the parent company shall be responsible
for its intervention mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article and shall be jointly
responsible for the damage caused together with the parent company.
5. In case the parent company fails to pay damages as
prescribed in Clause 3 of this Article, the creditor, member or shareholder
that holds at least 01% of the subsidiary company’s charter capital is entitled
to, in their own names or in the subsidiary company’s name, request the parent
company to pay damages.
6. In case the intervention mentioned in Clause 3 of this
Article is beneficial to another subsidiary company of the same parent company,
that subsidiary company and the parent company shall jointly provide the
benefit for the subsidiary company that suffers damage.
Article 197. Financial statements
of the parent company and subsidiary companies
1. At the end of the fiscal year, in addition to the
reports and documents prescribed by law, the parent company shall prepare the following
a) The consolidated financial statement of the parent
company prescribed by accounting laws.
b) The consolidated annual income statement of the parent
company and subsidiary companies;
c) The consolidated report on administration of the parent
company and subsidiary companies.
2. Whenever requested by the parent company’s legal
representative, the subsidiary company’s legal representative shall provide
reports, documents and information that are necessary for preparation of the
consolidated financial statements and other consolidated reports of the parent
company and subsidiary companies.
3. The person responsible for preparing the parent
company’s reports shall use the reports mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article
to prepare the consolidated financial statements and other consolidated reports
if the reports prepared and submitted by the subsidiary companies are not
suspected to contain incorrect or fraudulent information.
4. The person responsible for preparing the report
mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article must not prepare and submit the report if
the subsidiary companies’ financial statements are not fully received. In case
the parent company’s executive is not able to obtain necessary reports,
documents and information after all necessary measures within his/her power
have been taken, he/she shall prepare and submit the consolidated financial
statement and other consolidated reports with or without information from the
subsidiary company. Explanation shall be provided to avoid confusion or
5. Annual financial statements, reports, consolidated
financial statements and consolidated reports of the parent company and
subsidiary companies shall be retained at the parent company’s headquarters.
Their copies shall be retained at the parent company’s branches in Vietnam.
6. In addition to the reports and documents prescribed by
law, the subsidiary companies shall prepare reports on purchases, sales and
other transactions with the parent company.
Chapter IX
Article 198. Full division
1. Full division is the situation in which a limited
liability company or joint stock company (the divided company) divides its
assets, rights, obligations, members/shareholders to establish two new
companies or more.
2. Full division procedures:
a) The Board of Members, the owner or General Meeting of
Shareholders of the divided company shall ratify the resolution or decision on
fully division of the company in accordance with this Law and the company’s
charter. The resolution or decision shall contain the name and headquarters
address of the divided company; names of the new companies; rules and
procedures for division of the company’s assets; employment plan; method for
division; time limit and procedures for transfer of shares/stakes to the
divided company to the new companies; rules for settlement of the divided
company’s obligations; division time. This resolution or decision shall be sent
to all creditors and employees within 15 days from its issuance date or
ratification date;
b) The members, owner or shareholders of each new company
shall ratify its charter, elect or designate the President of the Board of
Members, President of the company, Board of Directors, the Director/General
Director and apply for enterprise registration in accordance with this Law. The
enterprise registration application of the new company shall be enclosed with
the full division resolution/decision mentioned in Point a of this Clause.
3. The quantity of members or shareholders, their holdings
of shares/stakes and charter capital of the new company shall be written
according to the full division resolution/decision.
4. The divided company shall cease to exist after the new
companies are granted the Certificate of Enterprise Registration. The new
companies shall be jointly responsible for unpaid debts, unfulfilled
liabilities, employment contracts and other obligations of the divided company
or reach an agreement with the divided company’s creditors, clients and employees
that one of the new companies will fulfill these obligations. The new companies
obviously inherit all rights, obligations and lawful interests of the divided
company under the full division resolution/decision.
5. The business registration authority shall update the
status of the divided company in the national enterprise registration database
when issuing the Certificate of Enterprise Registration to the new companies.
In case a new company is headquartered outside the province in which the
divided company is headquartered, the business registration authority of the
province in which the divided company is headquartered shall make the update.
Article 199. Partial division
1. A limited liability company or joint stock company may
be partially divided by transfer part of the divided company’s assets, rights,
obligations, members/shareholders to one or some new limited liability
companies or joint stock companies without ceasing the existence of the divided
2. The divided company shall register the change in charter
capital, quantity of members/shareholders in proportion to the decrease in the
stakes/shares and quantity of members/shareholders and apply for registration
of the new companies.
3. Partial division procedures:
a) The Board of Members, the owner or General Meeting of
Shareholders of the divided company shall ratify the resolution or decision on
fully division of the company in accordance with this Law and the company’s
charter. The resolution or decision on partial division of the company shall
contain the name and headquarters address of the divided company; name of each
new company; employment plan; method for division; values of assets, rights and
obligations transferred from the divided company to the new company/companies;
division time. This resolution or decision shall be sent to all creditors and
employees within 15 days from its issuance date or ratification date;
b) The members, owner or shareholders of each new company
shall ratify its charter, elect or designate the President of the Board of
Members, President of the company, Board of Directors, the Director/General
Director and apply for enterprise registration in accordance with this Law.
4. After applying for registration, the divided company and
the new company/companies shall be jointly responsible for unpaid debts,
employment contracts and other obligations of the divided company or unless
otherwise agreed upon by the divided company, the new company/companies, the
divided company’s creditors, clients and employees. The new company/companies
obviously inherit all rights, obligations and lawful interests that are
transferred under the partial division resolution/decision.
Article 200. Consolidation of
1. Two or more companies (consolidating companies) may be
consolidated into a new company (consolidated company), after which the
consolidating companies shall cease to exist.
2. Consolidation procedures:
a) The consolidating companies shall prepare the
consolidation contract and charter of the consolidated company. The contract
shall contain the names and addresses of the consolidating companies; name and
address of the consolidated company; procedures and conditions for
consolidation; employment plan; deadline and conditions for transfer of assets,
shares/stakes, bonds of the consolidating companies to the consolidated
company; consolidation time;
b) The members, owners or shareholders of the consolidating
companies shall ratify the consolidation contract, the consolidated company’s
charter, elect or designate the President of the Board of Members, President of
the company, Board of Directors, the Director/General Director of the
consolidated company and apply for registration of the consolidated company in
accordance with this Law. The consolidation contract shall be sent to the
creditors and employees within 15 days from the day on which it is ratified.
3. The consolidating companies shall comply with
regulations Competition Law on consolidation of companies.
4. After the consolidated company is registered, the
consolidating companies shall cease to exist. The consolidated company shall
inherit the lawful rights and interests, liabilities, unpaid debts, employment
contracts and other obligations of the consolidating companies under the
consolidation contract.
5. The business registration authority shall update the
status of the consolidating companies to the national enterprise registration
database when issuing the Certificate of Enterprise Registration to the
consolidated company. In case the consolidating companies are headquartered
outside the province in which the consolidated company is headquartered, the
business registration authority of the province in which the consolidated
company is headquartered shall make the update.
Article 201. Acquisition of
1. One or some companies (acquired companies) may be
acquired by another company (acquiring company) by transfer all of the acquired
company’s assets, rights, obligations and lawful interests to the acquiring
company, after which the acquired company shall cease to exist.
2. Acquisition procedures:
a) The acquiring company and acquired company shall prepare
the acquisition contract and draft the charter of the acquiring company. The
contract shall contain the name and address of the acquiring company; name and
address of the acquired company; procedures and conditions for acquisition;
employment plan; method, procedures, deadline and conditions for transfer of
assets, shares/stakes, bonds of the acquired company to the acquiring company;
acquisition time;
b) The members, owners or shareholders of the companies
shall ratify the acquisition contract and the acquiring company’s charter and
apply for registration of the acquiring company in accordance with this Law.
The acquisition contract shall be sent to the creditors and employees within 15
days from the day on which it is ratified;
c) After the acquiring company is registered, the acquired
companies shall cease to exist. The acquiring company shall inherit the lawful
rights and interests, liabilities, unpaid debts, employment contracts and other
obligations of the acquired company under the acquisition contract.
3. The companies shall comply with regulations Competition
Law on consolidation of companies during the acquisition process.
4. The business registration authority shall update the
status of the acquired company to the national enterprise registration database
and revise the Certificate of Enterprise Registration of the acquiring company.
In case the acquired company is headquartered outside the province in which the
acquiring company is headquartered, the business registration authority of the
province in which the acquiring company is headquartered shall request the
business registration authority of the province in which the acquired company
is headquartered to make the update.
Article 202. Conversion of a
limited liability company into a joint stock company
1. The conversion of a state-owned enterprise into a joint
stock company shall comply with relevant laws.
2. A limited liability company can be converted into a
joint stock company:
a) without raising additional capital from other
organizations and individuals or selling stakes;
b) by raising additional capital from other organizations
and individuals;
c) by selling all or part of the stakes to one or some
organizations and individuals; or
d) combining the methods specified in Points a, b and c of
this Clause and other methods.
3. The conversion shall be registered with the business
registration authority within 10 days from the day on which the conversion is
complete. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the application for
conversion, the business registration authority shall reissue the Certificate
of Enterprise Registration and update the company’s status to the national
enterprise registration database.
4. The joint stock company obviously inherits all lawful
rights and interests, debts including tax debts, employment contract and other
obligations of the limited liability company.
Article 203. Conversion of a joint
stock company into a single-member limited liability company
1. A joint stock company can be converted into a
single-member limited liability company as follows:
a) A shareholder receives all shares of the other
b) A organization or individual other than a shareholder
receives all shares of all shareholders;
c) Only 01 shareholder remains in the company.
2. The transfer or receipt of shares specified in Clause 1
of this Article shall be made at market value or a value determined by
asset-based method or discounted cash flow method or another method.
3. Within 15 days from the occurrence of any of the events
specified in Clause 1 of this Article, an application for conversion shall be
submitted to the business registration authority where the enterprise is
registered. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the application, the
business registration authority shall issue the Certificate of Enterprise
Registration and update the company’s status to the national enterprise
registration database.
4. The limited liability company obviously inherits all
lawful rights and interests, debts including tax debts, employment contract and
other obligations of the joint stock company.
Article 204. Conversion of a joint
stock company into a multiple-member limited liability company
1. A joint stock company can be converted into a
multiple-member limited liability:
a) without raising additional capital or selling stakes;
b) by raising additional capital from other organizations
and individuals;
c) by transfer all or part of the shares to other
organizations and individuals;
d) when only 02 shareholders remain in the company; or
dd) combining the methods specified in Points a, b and c of
this Clause and other methods.
2. The conversion shall be registered with the business
registration authority within 10 days from the day on which the conversion is
complete. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the application for
conversion, the business registration authority shall issue the Certificate of
Enterprise Registration and update the company’s status to the national
enterprise registration database.
3. The limited liability company obviously inherits all
lawful rights and interests, debts including tax debts, employment contract and
other obligations of the joint stock company.
Article 205. Conversion of a sole
proprietorship into a limited liability company, joint stock company or
1. The owner of a sole proprietorship may convert it into a
limited liability company, joint stock company or partnership if the following
conditions are fully satisfied:
a) The sole proprietorship satisfies the conditions
specified in Clause 1 Article 27 of this Law;
b) The owner makes a written commitment to take personal
responsibility for all unpaid debts and pay them when they are due with all of his/her
c) The owner has a written agreement with the parties of
ongoing contracts that the new company will take over and continue executing
these contracts.
d) The owner shas a written commitment or agreement with
other limited partners to continue hiring the existing employees of the sole
2. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the
application, the business registration authority shall consider issuing the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration if the conditions specified in Clause 1
of this Article are fully satisfied and update the enterprise’s status to the
national enterprise registration database.
3. The new company obviously inherits all rights and
obligations of the sole proprietorship from the issuance date of the Certificate
of Enterprise Registration. The owner of the sole proprietorship shall be
personally responsible for all debts that are incurred before this day with all
of his/her assets.
Article 206. Business suspension
and termination
1. An enterprise shall send a written notification to the
business registration authority at least 03 working days before the suspension
or resumption date.
2. The business registration authority and competent
authorities are entitled to request an enterprise to suspend or terminate its
business operation in the following cases:
a) The enterprise does not fully satisfy the conditions for
doing business in restricted business lines must suspend or terminate business
operation in the corresponding business lines.
b) Relevant authorities request the suspension in
accordance with regulations of law on tax administration, environment and
relevant laws;
c) Operation in one or some business lines have to be
suspended or terminated under a court decision.
3. During the suspension period, the enterprise shall fully
pay the unpaid taxes, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment
insurance premiums and fulfill contracts with its clients and employees, unless
otherwise agreed by the enterprise, creditors, clients and employees.
4. The Government shall elaborate the procedures for
cooperation between the business registration authority and other competent
authorities mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article.
Article 207. Cases of and
conditions for dissolution of enterprises
1. An enterprise shall be dissolved in the following cases:
a) The operating period specified in the company’s charter
expires without an extension decision;
b) The enterprise is dissolved under a resolution or
decision of the owner (for sole proprietorships), the Board of Partners (for
partnerships), the Board of Members and the owner (for limited liability
companies) or the GMS (for joint stock companies);
c) The enterprise fails to maintain the adequate number of
members prescribed in this Law for 06 consecutive months without converting
into another type of business;
d) The Certificate of Enterprise Registration is revoked,
unless otherwise prescribed by the Law on Tax administration.
2. An enterprise may only be dissolved after all of its
debts and liabilities are fully paid and it is not involved in any dispute at
the court or arbitration. Relevant executives and the enterprise mentioned in
Point d Clause 1 of this Article are jointly responsible for the enterprise’s
Article 208. Dissolution
Enterprise dissolution in the cases specified in Points a,
b and c Clause 1 Article 207 of this Law shall be carried out as follows:
1. A resolution or decision on the dissolution is issued.
Such a resolution or decision shall contain the following information:
a) The enterprise’s name and headquarters address;
b) Reasons for dissolution;
c) Time limit and procedures for finalization of contracts
and payment of the enterprise’s debts;
d) Plan for settlement of obligations under employment
dd) Full name and signature of the owner of the sole
proprietorship, the company’s owner, the President of the Board of Members, the
President of the Board of Directors;
2. The owner of the sole proprietorship, the Board of
Members or the owner, the Board of Directors directly organizes the liquidation
of the enterprise’s assets, unless the company’s charter requires establishment
of a separate liquidation organization;
3. Within 07 working days from the ratification date, the
resolution or decision on dissolution and the minutes of the meeting shall be
sent to the business registration authority, tax authority and the enterprise’s
employees. The resolution or decision shall be posted on the National
Enterprise Registration Portal, displayed at the enterprise’s headquarters,
branches and representative offices.
In case the enterprise still has unpaid debts, the
resolution or decision and the debt payment plan shall be sent to the
creditors and persons with related rights, obligations and interest. The debt
payment plan shall contain the creditors’ names, debts, repayment time,
location and method; method and time limit for settling creditors’ complaints;
4. The business registration authority shall post a
notification that an enterprise is undergoing dissolution, the dissolution
resolution or decision and debt payment plan (if any) on the National
Enterprise Registration Portal right after the resolution or decision is
received (if any);
5. An enterprise’s debts shall be paid in the following
order of priority:
a) Unpaid salaries, severance pay, social insurance, health
insurance, unemployment insurance premiums and other benefits of employees
under the collective bargaining agreement and concluded employment contracts;
b) Tax debts;
c) Other debts;
6. After the dissolution costs and debts have been fully
paid, the remainder shall be divided among the owner, members/partners,
shareholders in proportion to their stakes/shares;
7. The enterprise’s legal representative shall submit the
application for dissolution to the business registration authority within 05
working days from the day on which the enterprise’s debts are fully paid;
8. After 180 days from the receipt of the dissolution
resolution or decision mentioned in Clause 3 of this Article without further
comments from the enterprise or written objections from relevant parties, or
within 05 working days from the receipt of the application for dissolution, the
business registration authority shall update the enterprise’s status on the
national enterprise registration database;
9. The Government shall elaborate the procedures for
enterprise dissolution.
Article 209. Dissolution upon
revocation of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration or under court
Procedures for dissolution of an enterprise upon revocation
of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration or under court decision:
1. The business registration authority shall post on the
National Enterprise Registration Portal a notification that an enterprise is
undergoing dissolution on the same day on which the decision to revoke the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued or right after the court
decision on the enterprise’s dissolution is received. The notification shall be
enclosed with the effective revocation decision or the court decision.
2. Within 10 days from the receipt of the effective
decision, the enterprise shall convene a meeting to dissolve the enterprise.
The dissolution resolution or decision and copies of the effective decision
shall be sent to the business registration authority, tax authority and the
enterprise’s employees and displayed at the enterprise’s headquarters, branches
and representative offices. The dissolution resolution or decision, if required
by law, shall be published in at least 03 issues of 01 printed newspaper or
electronic newspaper.
In case the enterprise still has unpaid debts, the
resolution or decision and the debt payment plan shall be sent to the
creditors and persons with related rights, obligations and interest. The debt
payment plan shall contain the creditors’ names, debts, repayment time,
location and method; method and time limit for settling creditors’ complaints;
3. The enterprise’s debts shall be paid in accordance with
Clause 5 Article 208 of this Law;
4. The enterprise’s legal representative shall submit the
application for dissolution to the business registration authority within 05
working days from the day on which the enterprise’s debts are fully paid;
5. After 180 days from the notification date mentioned in
Clause 1 of this Article without further comments from the enterprise or
written objections from relevant parties, or within 05 working days from the
receipt of the application for dissolution, the business registration authority
shall update the enterprise’s status on the national enterprise registration
6. Relevant executives of company shall be personal
responsible for any damage caused by their failure to comply with this Article.
Article 210. Application for
1. An application for dissolution of an enterprise shall
consist of:
a) The notification of the enterprise’s dissolution;
b) The report on liquidation of the enterprise’s assets;
list of creditors and paid debts, including tax debts, social insurance, health
insurance, unemployment insurance of employees after the dissolution decision
is issued (if any).
2. Members of the Board of Directors (for joint stock
companies), members of the Board of Members (for limited liability companies),
the owner (for sole proprietorships), the Director/General Director, general
partners and legal representatives shall be responsible for the accuracy and
truthfulness of the application.
3. In case the application contains inaccurate or false
information, the persons specified in Clause 2 of this Article shall jointly
provide the outstanding employees’ benefits, taxes and other debts and bear
personal responsibility for the consequences that occur within 05 years from
the day on which the application is submitted to the business registration
Article 211. Actions prohibited
from the issuance date of the dissolution decision
1. From the issuance date of the dissolution decision, the
enterprise and its executives are prohibited from the following actions:
a) Concealing, disguising assets;
b) Denying or reducing the creditors’ claims to the debts;
c) Convert unsecured debts into debts secured with the
enterprise’s assets;
d) Concluding new contracts, except for dissolving the
dd) Pledging, donating, leasing out assets;
e) Terminating effective contracts;
g) Raising capital in any shape or form.
2. The persons who commit the violations mentioned in
Clause 1of this Article, depending on their nature and seriousness, will be
held liable to administrative penalties or criminal prosecution and pay
Article 212. Revocation of the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration
1. An enterprise’s Certificate of Enterprise Registration
shall be revoked in the following cases:
a) The enterprise registration application contains
fraudulent information;
b) The enterprise is established by persons banned from
establishing enterprises specified in Clause 2 Article 17 of this Law;
c) The enterprise is suspended for 01 year without
notifying the business registration authority and the tax authority;
d) The enterprise fails to send reports in accordance with
Point c Clause 1 Article 216 of this Law to the business registration authority
within 06 months from the deadline or from the receipt of a written request;
dd) Other cases under decision of the court or request of
competent authorities as prescribed by law.
2. The Government shall elaborate the procedures for
revoking the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
Article 213. Shutting down
branches, representative offices and business locations
1. Shutdown of branches, representative offices, business
locations of an enterprise shall be decided by the enterprise or under a
decision to revoke the certificate of branch/representative office registration
issued by a competent authority.
2. The enterprise’s legal representative and the head of
the branch/representative office that is shut down shall be jointly responsible
for the accuracy and truthfulness of the application for shutdown of the
branch/representative office/business location.
3. The enterprise whose branch is shut down shall execute the
contracts and pay the debts, including tax debts, of the branch and continue
employing or fully provide lawful benefits for the branch’s employees as
prescribed by law.
4. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 214. Bankruptcy of
Bankruptcy laws shall apply to bankruptcy of enterprises.
215. Responsibilities of various authorities
1. The Government shall ensure uniform state management of
2. Ministries and ministerial agencies shall be responsible
to the Government for performance of their tasks relevant to state management
of enterprises.
3. The People’s Committees of provinces shall perform state
management of enterprises in their provinces.
4. Ministries, ministerial agencies, relevant agencies and
the People’s Committees of provinces, within the scope of their duties and
entitlements, shall establish connection and share the following information
with the national enterprise registration database:
a) Information about business licenses, certificates of
eligibility, practicing certificates, certificates or written approval for
business conditions and administrative penalty imposition decisions;
b) information about enterprises’ operation and tax payment
from tax reports; enterprises’ financial statements;
c) Cooperate and share information about enterprises’
operation to improve effectiveness of state management.
5. The Government shall elaborate this Article.
Article 216. Business registration
1. Business registration authorities have the following
duties and entitlements:
a) Process enterprise registration apps and issue the
Certificate of Enterprise Registration as prescribed by law;
c) Participate in development and management of the
National Enterprise Registration Information System; disclose and provide
information for state agencies and other organizations and individuals on
request as prescribed by law;
c) Request enterprises to submit reports on their
compliance to this Law where necessary; supervise enterprises submitting
d) Carry out inspection and supervision of enterprises
according to their enterprise registration applications or request competent
authorities to do so;
dd) Take responsibility for validity of enterprise
registration applications; deny responsibility for enterprises’ violations
committed before and after applying for enterprise registration;
e) Deal with violations against regulations of law on
enterprise registration; revoke the Certificate of Enterprise Registration and
request enterprises to file for dissolution in accordance with this Law;
g) Other duties and entitlements by this Law and relevant
2. The Government shall provide for organization of the
systems of business registration authorities.
Article 217. Implementation
1. This Law comes into force from January 01, 2021.
2. The Law on Enterprises No. 68/2014/QH13 ceases to have
effect from the effective date of this Law.
3. The phrase “doanh nghiệp nhà nước” (“state-owned
enterprises”) shall be replaced with “doanh nghiệp do Nhà nước nắm giữ 100% vốn
điều lệ” (“wholly state-owned enterprises”) in Point m Clause 1 Article 35 and
Point k Clause 1 Article 37 of the Law on State Budget No. 83/2015/QH13; Point
a Clause 3 Article 23 of the Law on Irrigation No. 08/2017/QH14, amended by the
Law No. 35/2018/QH14; Point b Clause 2 Article 74 of the Civil Proceedings Code
No. 92/2015/QH13, amended by the Law No. 45/2019/QH14; Point a Clause 2 Article
43 of the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Combat Gears No.
14/2017/QH14, amended by the Law No. 50/2019/QH14; Article 19 of the Law on
Denunciation No. 25/2018/QH14; Articles 3, 20, 30, 34, 39 and 61 of the
Anti-corruption Law No. 36/2018/QH14.
4. The Government shall provide for registration and
operation of household businesses.
5. Pursuant to this Law, the Government shall provide for
management and operation of state-owned enterprises that operates in the field
of defense or both defense and business.
Article 218. Transition clauses
1. Companies whose shares or stakes are not obtained by the
State before July 01, 2015 are not required to implement the regulations of
Clause 2 Article 195 of this Law but must not increase their cross-ownership
2. Enterprises’ executives, Controllers and authorized representatives
who do not fully satisfy the requirements specified in Point b Clause 5 Article
14, Clause 3 Article 64, Clause 3 Article 93, Clause 3 Article 101, Points a,
b, and c Clause 3 Article 103, Point d Clause 1 Article 155, Point b Clause 5
Article 162 or Clause 2 Article 169 of this Law may continue working until the
end of their terms of office.
This Law is ratified by the 14th National
Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam during its 9th session
on June 17, 2020.
Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan