Latin American Cupid: Full Review and How to –

Latin America is a natural choice for men in the US looking to date internationally. Latin culture is markedly different from Western culture and the plane ride to Central or South America isn’t all that long. 

Because they’re such easy travel destinations, most Latin American countries have a well developed and regular tourist industry, and are saturated by gringo expats and tourists. Some people may not mind the ease and sureness.

However there is a downside to Latin America’s popularity if you’re looking to meet foreign women in the hopes of starting a serious relationship.  Plentiful tourists means it can be hard to get past dating scenes that are merely looking for a fun weekend or for a piece of your wallet. 

It can be difficult to meet serious minded women if you’re new to a country.

This is where Latin American Cupid makes its value proposition: find, meet, and date women from across the subcontinent on a safe and secure site. 

In this post we’re looking at Latin American Cupid and how it can help or hinder you on your search for a serious international relationship.


Monthly Subscriptions starting at $12.25 per month


1000’s of profiles, many of which are active. Some sketchy profiles.


Part of Cupid Media’s circle of dating sites which have a good reputation, but there are fake profiles and romance scammers

Allows Direct Contact?



Latin American Cupid connects Western men with women who live in Latin America. The site covers most countries in Central and South America and is one of the premiere international dating sites for meeting women in the Latin world. 

The site is operated by Cupid Media and offers a scam free pricing model (a flat rate monthly subscription), so there are no PPL scams. 

There are thousands of profiles on the site many of which are active and genuine. However there are also fake profiles and men have reported finding romance scammers on the site. If you’re realistic in your dating expectations and use your head, using the site safely shouldn’t be a problem. The fake profiles are among the first ones you’ll encounter on the site but they are a minority.  

If you want to visit Latin America but aren’t sure which country you want to go to, or if you plan on visiting multiple ones, then Latin American Cupid is a noteworthy option for connecting with women before or during your trip.



At its core Latin American Cupid is a normal dating site. You can start with a free account and post your profile and pictures. After that you’re free to browse or search the profiles of other members on the site. With a paid subscription you can send and receive messages, as well as chat via text message with any member. 

A walk through of the search engine used on all Cupid Media sites


The site is also available on mobile. The mobile version has all the features of the web version. The only real difference is in the layout. 

Subscription levels

There are 3 monthly subscription options for Latin American Cupid: Standard, Gold, and Platinum.

Standard subscription (free)

The standard subscription is free. All that’s required is your name and email address. At the standard level you can browse and search profiles, express interest, and communicate with women who have a paid subscription (most will not). 

Join for Free

Gold subscription

The gold subscription is the first of the two paid levels. With a gold membership you can send and receive messages with all members and also have live chats via an in-site instant messenger. 

Join for 12 Months


Join for 3 Months


Join for 1 Month


Platinum subscription

A platinum subscription gives you all the perks from the gold level in addition to providing you with some advantages over other members.

This includes things like ranking your profile over other profiles, highlighting your profile, providing more space for you to write in your profile, and (most notably) translation of messages into your native language. 

Join for 12 Months


Join for 3 Months


Join for 1 Month


Which level is the best value?

There isn’t a huge cost difference between the Platinum and Gold level subscriptions. I personally don’t think the platinum features are that needed so I lean towards the Gold level. However if you think the Platinum features would benefit you then by all means try it. 


Latin American Cupid is one of many international/niche dating sites owned and operated by Cupid Media. The Australian based company is a legitimate company known for providing upfront dating sites with an honest payment model.

There are no PPL fees here.  After an upfront monthly subscription fee you are free to send as many messages as you want to other members. You can also continue the conversation off of the site you so desire. 

 Russian Cupid review 


“Negotiating through the website I see that Cupid passes my first and most important test: they allow direct contact with the women on the website. The worst type of dating agency is one that requires communication between you and the women you contact to be funneled through the agency. Most websites that limit your contact with the women that you are talking to do so because their ladies profiles are fake or they want to “lead you on” in order to get more sales from you”


This is the category where Latin American Cupid gets a lower score than most of its Cupid Media sister sites. There are a ton of active profiles on the site (over a 1,000 may be online depending on the time of day). But the overall quality of profiles seems lower than usual for other Cupid sites. 

While you can find serious and interested women on the site, you might have to look a little harder and be a bit more vigilant in your filtering process. 

Another issue is that Latin America is covers a big area. If you search the site without a geographical filter you’re liable to find matches spread across two different continents. If you’re looking to meet women in a specific country in Latin America, then I recommend checking to see if there’s a dedicated Cupid dating site for it. 

If there is, the odds are pretty high that it will have more profiles from that country and that the quality will be a bit higher too. 

A useful resource for some countries

It’s also important to note that for many Central American and South American countries LAC is one of the few (if not only) dating sites out there. 

Using Latin American Cupid safely

Latin American Cupid is an honest site in that it doesn’t run any of the PLC scams often associated with international dating sites. The site also provides a reporting/flag system for suspicious profiles and scammers.

But even with these precautions in place don’t jump into the site thinking that the person behind every profile has honest or serious intentions. Keep your head on your shoulders when using the site and keep your eyes open for any red flags. 

There are fake profiles and scammers

Upon signing up for a free account I didn’t upload a profile pic or any information, yet within the hour I began receiving messages from women telling me they were interested in me and that they even liked my picture. 

These were obviously fake profiles sending automated messages to try and hook men into a good old fashioned romance scam.  What’s more a quick look at the user reviews on Site Jabber reveal several men who have been burned by scammers on the site. 

Using the site safely

In reality the amount of fake profiles are a small percentage of the overall users on the site. Unfortunately though they’re the first you hear from when using it. Romance scams are common across all dating sites not just Latin American Cupid, and not just international dating sites. 

Cupid Media has systems in place to take fake profiles down, but the problem is after they take one down another one pops up. Even so, if you’re smart you should be able to use the site and safely connect with real and honest women. Follow our 4 Commandments of International Dating.  Also be realistic about the women you contact. Never date or communicate out of desperation. If it’s too good to be true it probably isn’t true. 

In his review of Filipino Cupid (another Cupid Media site), Sebastian Harris makes a good point about guys who are quick to decry the integrity of a dating site based on a few bad profiles….


 Sebastian Harris 

“I found answers from guys who shared their love stories and guys who shared how they got “scammed”. Yes, I put the word in quotes and I did it on purpose.

Filipino Cupid is a legit site. It’s operated by the reputable Cupid Media Network that exists for over 15 years and the site features way more than 1000 testimonials from Western men and Filipinas who found a partner on this site.

And then I read that the international dating company that allowed me to meet my wonderful girlfriend apparently is a scam.

Listen very carefully:

Just because you believe a woman who says “I love you” without even knowing you doesn’t mean that the site is a scam.
Just because not every girl answers to your messages doesn’t mean that the profiles are fake.

Just because you were naive enough to send money to a girl who you have never met in your life doesn’t mean that all girls on Filipino Cupid are scammers.”

Best way to use Latin American Cupid

If you decide you want to use Latin American Cupid to meet women in the real world then we recommend that you follow the process below:

Note: this example runs on a 12 week timeline. Feel free to modify it according to you needs. Just remember that the point is to contact women for the purpose of arranging dates face to face in the real world. Don’t get stuck chatting to ladies for months only to never visit them!


Phase 1: 12-6 Weeks before your trip

If you plan on using LAC then odds are pretty high that you’re interested in meeting women in Latin America.

Create a basic list of requirements

The first thing you want to do is to create a general list of criteria for the type of woman you want to meet. emphasis on the word general here. We don’t mean pick out things like eye color, height, and occupation. 

You should make a list of the basic requirements you’ll use to  sift through the 1,000s of profiles on LAC. Things like age range, whether she has kids or not, relationship status (divorced, widowed, etc), religion, and English level should make up your list.  

A Friendly Reminder: Only date women you can communicate with

We always advise men to only date women they can easily communicate with in person. Unless you know a foreign language this means dating women with a good level of English.

We advise this because it eliminates the need for hiring a translator; which not only saves you money, but makes you much less vulnerable to the “professional dater” type scams. 

Now that you have your list, create a free basic profile on Latin American Cupid. Use your requirements to search for women on the site. Make sure that their is a good number of active women on the site who live in or near the city you plan on traveling to.

Verify your city and dating site

If there are enough women who meet your criteria go ahead and green light your trip and purchase your travel arrangements.  

If there aren’t enough women in the city you chose, try searching near a different city. With other sites I normally recommend that if you can’t find enough women in the area you want to travel to, you should try a different site altogether. But in this case you shouldn’t have a problem finding a decent number of members on LAC. The site has so many active profiles. 

Phase 2: 6-4 weeks before your trip

For the next two weeks you want to start putting together the pieces of your personal profile, which you will post to LAC once you purchase a premium membership. 

This part is a bit more important than most guys think. You site profile is the virtual equivalent of a first impression. Just as there are 1,000’s of women on LAC, you can bet there are a lot of men using the site too. 

How to make a good (virtual) impression

You want to use your profile pics, description, and introductory letter to help you stand out from the pack.


Typically most guys on dating sites take a series of selfies on their cell phone, post them on the site, and call it a day. There’s nothing wrong with having 1 or 2 natural type photos that aren’t all that glamorous, but all your photos shouldn’t look like that.

To be honest you should probably avoid the whole selfie idea all together. Odds are that you know someone with a half way decent digital camera. Put on a nice shirt and have them take some shots of you.  

You don’t have to get too fancy with things, just get two portraits, a full body pic, and maybe a candid action shot showing you playing a sport or dressed up for a party (pick something you normally do). Putting in this little bit of extra effort will go a long way toward helping you stand out from the other guys on the site. 

Profile description tips

Most profiles list desires, hobbies, interests, and something about life style. There’s nothing wrong with any of that. One tip here though is to try to get specific when talking about these things.

Many guys will put that they like movies (who doesn’t?), you should list some of your favorite movies or genres of film. A lot of guys might say they want a woman with family values. What if you said you value a woman who brings warmth and love to the home? Do you see the pattern here? Be honest, but also be specific. 

The introductory letter

Honestly we could write an entire post on how to write an introductory letter (we probably will soon).  Because you will be contacting numerous women it’s best to write a general introductory letter that you can use as a template. 

More or less the letter can follow this pattern. Each item should be about a paragraph long:

  • 1

    Hello I’m….(basic biographical info: age, where you live, height, weight, lifestyle, education, career, religion, etc.) 

  • 2

    Paint a picture: Description what you enjoy about your life and lifestyle, and things you do in your city. Give the woman an glimpse into what life would be like with you.

  • 3

    I’m looking for more: Your life is good, but you need/want a ___ woman because____…..(what attributes/character traits are you looking for?)

  • 4

    I’m serious: Talk about how you’re a man on a mission and don’t want to waste time on online romance. Mention your upcoming trip and its purpose. 

  • 5

     Ask her for contact info: This is the part where you transition and ask the woman if she would be willing to contact you and see if there’s any chemistry between you. 

This is a general outline, but you should get the idea. 

Now don’t go copy and pasting this template verbatim, and then start spamming every pretty woman you see on the site. Use the template as, well….a template. You should be reading a looking over each profile you message. Incorporate something personal or specific to a woman’s profile in your letter to her. 

Phase 3: 4 weeks- trip date

This is where you sign up for a premium subscription on Latin American Cupid, upload your photos and personal info, and start contacting ladies. 

Use the general requirements list you made earlier to inform your search. Be honest and realistic, and stay clear of any red flags. 

You’ll want to send out a lot of introduction letters, as not all women will respond or be interested in contacting you. If you’re taking your time and reviewing each profile like you should, this could take a while. 

Make sure the women know that you’re planning on meeting multiple women in their city, but that you will only pursue the one you have the most chemistry with. 

At this point you should know when you’ll be in town so give the dates to the ladies who are interested in meeting you and start arranging dates .

Phase 4: the trip

This is where your hard work, planning, and research pay off! enjoy your dates with the ladies, and always deal honestly with them. If you feel there is chemistry between you and a woman tell her, and ask her if she feels the same way. 

If you don’t feel things clicking then be honest and tell the lady at the end of your date (make sure you thank her too!). 

What other people say about Latin American Cupid


El Conquistador

“In general, the country-specific Cupid Media sites will have more girls from the big cities. However, these smaller sites will also have more foreign guys on the site (competition).

In the past, I’ve found Latin American Cupid to be better than the local sites for finding diamonds in the rough that haven’t received thousands of messages from gringos. However, don’t take my word for it, split test your results on both sites and put your money where you want your mouth to be.

While there are many scam sites out there full of fake profiles and girls asking you to Western Union money to them, I can personally vouch for Latin American Cupid and I know Kyle got great results using it in Colombia last year.”



“Is Latin American Cupid worth it or not?

I’d say that, for most men, it absolutely is.

The ability to meet women in Latin America and have several dates arranged before I arrive in a country has probably been the single most enjoyable thing about my travels in Central and South America. The interesting people I’ve been able to meet, the sites I’ve been able to see and the subtleties I’ve been able to learn about different cultures have, to a great deal, been made possible through this service.”

Alternatives to Latin American Cupid

Other Cupid Dating Sites in LATIN AMERICA

Colombian Cupid

Mexican Cupid

Dominican Cupid

Brazil Cupid

If you’re considering going to one of the countries above then you may want to check out the corresponding Cupid dating site for that country.  The selection will be narrowed down more, and overall there will probably be more profiles in that specific country.

If you’re serious about finding a serious relationship in Latin American then you may want to also consider using an introduction agency instead of a typical dating site. Agencies take out all of the guesswork of traveling and meeting women as they screen both men and women and provide a host of in-country services so that all you have to worry about is meeting women.

Dream Connections is an American based company started by the American/Ukrainian couple Mark and Ana Davis. Dream connections offers tours in Medellin, Colombia.

The company is unique in that they function more like an introduction/matchmaking agency than a romance tour agency (which is good because I don’t trust most romance tours).

Each tour has about 15-20 guys and up to (I think) 90 or so local ladies. The company screens both men and women for relational intent and basic background information.

They also feature a unique system where each man has a personal translator/personal assistant for the trip. The dating starts off with a series of short speed dating sessions after which men are free to contact interested ladies and go on dates apart from the group.



So as with any non-PPL site, be smart, have reasonable expectations, and you should be able to use the site safely and effectively.