Korean Ginseng Vs. American Ginseng

Whether at your local health food store or in your favorite Asian market, you may have heard about the many benefits of ginseng. But when you take a stroll down the supplement aisle, you may be a bit confused about the different varieties and wonder which ginseng is best for you. Korean and American ginseng are the two main types, but each has different purported benefits. Before adding any dietary supplements to your health routine, talk to your doctor to discuss safety and dosage.

What is Korean Ginseng?

Korean ginseng goes by many names, including Asian and panax ginseng. It’s native to Asia and Russia and is grown specifically for medicinal purposes. It’s said to help angina and pain, to help diabetics with blood sugar control, to alleviate sexual dysfunction, to improve strength and stamina and to improve overall health. However, while there have been a number of studies conducted to investigate the health benefits of Korean ginseng, the research hasn’t provided any conclusive evidence that it can improve your health as claimed, so more research is needed.

What is American Ginseng?

American ginseng is native to North America and is said to help fight stress, improve immune health, help you get over your cold faster and protect against certain types of cancer. Many people also use the herbal supplement to manage chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol, anemia and nerve pain. It’s also used as a stimulant to improve athletic performance and mental capacity.

However, research on the health benefits of American ginseng has been mixed. While it may be helpful for improving blood sugar control in people with diabetes and helping your fight against a respiratory infection, it may not help you get through your morning run or make you smarter. And there hasn’t been enough research on any of the other recommended uses to say whether it helps.

Important Considerations

While the research on the benefits of Korean and American ginseng are mixed, you may still wish to consider adding the herbal supplement to your health plan. However, you should never add nutritional supplements to your diet before talking it over with your physician. You may consider these natural alternatives safe, but they could interact with prescription medications. For example, if you’re taking medication to lower blood sugar and then add Korean or American ginseng to your regimen, you can end up bringing your blood sugar level too low. Both types of ginseng also have estrogenic activity and should be taken with caution if you have a hormone-related cancer, such as breast cancer.