Khảo sát thực trạng khám và điều trị Sốt Dengue, Sốt Xuất Huyết Dengue của 15 Bệnh viện Đa Khoa tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh | Website Bệnh viện nhi đồng 2 –

Dang Minh Xuan*
Nguyen Vu Truong Giang*
Ho Lu Viet*
Objective: Evaluating treatment strategy Dengue fever – hemorrhage fever at 15 general hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City.
Study design: Cross sectional descriptive.
Result: Patients: 30.2% Dengue fever patients, 67.7% Grade I-II hemorrhage fever patients, 2.1% Grade III hemorrhage fever cases. No Grade IV hemorrhage fever case. In cases that was transposed there are 38.1% Grade I-II hemorrhage fever patients and 61.9% Grade III hemorrhage fever
Material facilities: 15 general hospitals don’t establish special outpatient clinic for hemorrhage fever. Almost hospitals have inpatient room for hemorrhage fever patient, inpatient standards, training parents emergency signs, consulting the follow up day.
60% hospitals has Pediatric Department for Grade I-II hemorrhage fever treatment, 40% hospitals has ICU Department for Grade III-IV hemorrhage fever treatment, and just 13,3%  hospitals has Infectious Department for Grade I-II hemorrhage fever treatment.
Almost hospitals don’t treat Grade IV hemorrhage fever case. Almost hospitals provide posters and pictures with useful knowledge. 20% hospitals has training video.
Equipment: All hospital equipped sphygmomanometer, 46,7% hospitals equipped all size brassards. 93.3% hospitals can do blood count test with platelet counting, 53.3% hospitals equipped hematocrit centrifuge. Some of hospital can cure Grade III hemorrhage fever has equipped drugs, mean of recovering and infusion fluid (more than 50%).
80% hospitals have management protocol for Dengue  hemorrhage fever, 86,7% hospitals have infusion standards, discharge standards; 86% has oxygen cannula, 67% has oxygen with mask and reserved bag, 80% all size bag masks, intubation tools. No hospital has blood pressure measure tools.
Human resource and  specialist ability: there are 5 doctors and 11 nurses have  two-year-experience in managing severe hemorrhage fever per hospital, there are 4 doctor and 4 nurses was trained every year.
There are 53.3% hospitals can make CVP, 46,7% can make catheter, 20% can do venous intervention.
Conclusion: Treatment strategies Dengue fever – hemorrhage fever at 15 general hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City still has difficulties in Material facilities, human resourse and knowledge-skill.
Key word: Dengue fever, Dengue hemorrhage fever

* Bệnh viện Nhi Đồng 2
Liên hệ: CN. Đặng Minh Xuân, ĐT:  0909279204,  Email: [email protected]