Kata Tjuta sunset viewing area

This is the place to experience a stunning Kata Tjuta sunset. There is a picnic area, so bring your dinner and contemplate the domes changing from pink to deep red as the sun goes down.

Please remember that you need to be outside the park by closing time.

Beat the crowds

The Kata Tjuta sunset viewing area is usually busy with visitors and photographers at dusk. If you’d like to beat the crowds, consider driving to Walpa Gorge, where the benches beside the track are generally empty at this time.

Tip for photographers

Kata Tjuta is a highly culturally sensitive area. Anangu ask that you keep at least three domes in shot when photographing Kata Tjuta from this location. This is to avoid revealing sacred places.

By respecting Anangu’s wishes, you are helping protect and sustain one of the world’s oldest spiritual and cultural beliefs.