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Code of Conduct


It is the intention of the Parrot Heads in Michiana (PHiM) to provide social and charitable activities for the enjoyment and benefit of all our members, guests, hosts, and charities. All members of the organization shall be required to treat fellow members, guests, hosts, and their personal property with respect. Members also agree to abide by all local, state, and federal laws (including, but not limited to) governing misuse of personal privileges, personal property, and controlled substances.


Members of the PHiM, by virtue of their membership agreement, agree to demonstrate personal responsibility for their words, actions, and deeds and not to exhibit behaviors that are harmful to themselves and other members, guests, hosts, or their personal property. We seek to provide a pleasant atmosphere in which to share our common love of the music, tales and ideals of Jimmy Buffett and to further the charitable ideals that we seek to uphold.


PHiM will not condone behavior contrary to our objectives nor that which we feel is harmful or injurious to others. By virtue of your membership in PHiM, you have indeed agreed to “Party with a Purpose” in a most responsible fashion!