Is American Horror Story on Netflix?

American Horror Story has been a long-time staple for horror fans looking for fun content to watch on Netflix, but things are changing at the streaming service this month. As of March 1, 2022, the long-running horror series helmed by Ryan Murphy is no longer available to watch on Netflix.

The last day to watch the show’s first nine seasons was February 28. Netflix never had the rights to the latest season, American Horror Story: Double Feature, which premiered in fall 2021. But fans who want to catch up before the show’s eleventh season will have to look elsewhere. The series has departed Netflix globally, meaning the U.K., the U.S., and all other regions where Netflix is available.

Why is American Horror Story no longer on Netflix?

You might have heard the news that all of the Marvel Netflix series recently departed Netflix and will soon be going to Disney+. It looks like Disney is slowly trying to collect all of their properties to bring to their personal streaming services, either Disney+ or Hulu. American Horror Story is an FX series, and Disney now owns FX and FOX. It makes sense that Disney wants to put the series on their services rather than sharing with a competing platform.

Where to stream American Horror Story

Even though American Horror Story has left Netflix, it is still streaming on Prime Video (for now). It’s also available on Hulu. I imagine it will eventually only be streaming on Hulu (and maybe Star internationally).

However, if you are interested in watching season 10, or “Double Feature,” the only place you can currently stream that season is through Hulu as it is not accessible on Prime Video, at least not right now. Should Prime retain rights through the fall, then season 10 will likely stream there ahead of season 11’s debut (which has not yet been confirmed).

Are you disappointed that American Horror Story is no longer streaming on Netflix?