IELTS Task 1 Correction: Fast Food Restaurants in the USA – 1.

fast food restaurants IELTS

I have published a sample answer to guide students how to write this answer.


The bar chart illustrates the percentages of people who preferred to eat at fast food restaurants in the USA from 2003 to 2013, categorized by six different groups of frequency. The units are depicted in percentages (You’ve mentioned this above – percentage.).

The bar chart illustrates the percentage of Americans who preferred to eat fast food (primary object) at six different frequencies (secondary object) from 2003 to 2013 (object of time).

Note: While writing an introductory sentence, please identify the primary, secondary and time objects and place them in the exact order mentioned above. This will help you write a better sentence.

Overall Clearly, it can be clearly seen that (Brevity – conveying something in fewer words matters a lot.) majority of the people ate at fast food restaurants once a week and once or twice a month (during which year?), while the least percentage the minority (explanation below.) was witnessed in the group who ate almost everyday and never ate (Read the data carefully. EVERYDAY is the LEAST.) in these aforementioned (no restaurant has been mentioned above) restaurants.

WHILE X, Y: In this construction, X and Y should be parallel. A parallel of majority is not least percentage but minority.

Clearly, a majority of people ate fast food at restaurants once a week during 2003 and 2006, and once or twice a month in 2013. However, the least percentage of Americans preferred fast food every day during the given period.

Regarding the comparisons among 2003 and 2006 and 2013 (Directly make comparisons. No need to mention this.), the proportions of people who never went to a fast food restaurant reduced slightly from 5 percent in 2003 to approximately 4 percent in both 2006 and 2013. Likewise, the proportion of people eating every day in a fast food restaurant decreased minimally marginally from 4 percent in 2003 to 3 percent in both 2006 and 2013. (Comparisons well constructed!)

The rate percentage of people consuming fast food once or twice monthly peaked at a level of slightly higher than 30 percent in 2013, while the highest percentage, as high as nearly 33 percent, was witnessed in the group who ate once weekly in 2006 (You’ve already compared these groups in overall/ clearly paragraph. Please stick to comparisons within a group.). Also, no discrepancy (Are you implying the data is wrong? Task response score suffers.) in the percentages was noted during 2006 and 2013 amongst the groups of people who ate fast food every day, a few times a year and never consumed.

Bands = 6.0. You’ve not explained all the elements of the chart with comparison and main features.

Please go through the sample answer.

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