How to add Custom Filters (e.g. Twig dump equivalent) in Nunjucks to Express.js Applications

How to add Custom Filters in Nunjucks to Express.js Applications

Couldn’t find information on how to do this. So I thought I’d write it down for me and others.

This specific filter emulates the dump filter from Twig for debugging objects in templates.

Note that this uses Pretty-data to beautify your JSON.

Example code of a Twig dump equivalent for debugging objects in Nunjucks

// Init express and nunjucks
var express = require('express');
var nunjucks = require('nunjucks');

// Create a new Nunjucks environment and init pretty data
var env = new nunjucks.Environment();
var pd = require('pretty-data').pd;

// A poor man's object dump functionality
env.addFilter('dump', function(obj) {
    return '<pre>' + pd.json(JSON.stringify(obj)) + '</pre>';

....a bunch of app.use() rows and what not...

// Tie Nunjucks to your Express.js application;

Sorry for not going through it all, you’ll just have to figure it out.