How to Find the Perfect Affiliate Products on Amazon (3 Tips)

The Amazon Associates Program gives affiliates access to a huge range of products. However, sometimes too much choice can be a bad thing.

Fortunately, it is possible to cut through the noise and find the perfect affiliate products on Amazon. With a list of popular, highly relevant goods, you should have no problems monetizing your content.

In this post, we’ll explore what the Amazon Associates Program is and why it’s so popular. We’ll then show you how to find profitable products that will resonate with your target audience. Let’s get started!

An Introduction to the Amazon Associates Program (and Why You May Want to Join)

Amazon Associates is one of the best-known affiliate marketing programs. Content creators with a qualifying website or mobile application can sign up for this program using their existing Amazon account. The ecommerce giant will then review your application and enroll you in the Associates program:

The Amazon Associates program - Affiliate Products on Amazon

At this point, Amazon will assign you an Associate ID. You can then generate affiliate links for the majority of products featured on the Amazon site. However, it’s worth noting that there are some excluded items, such as goods sold by Amazon Pharmacy.

Then, it’s time to place these links on your website and promote Amazon’s products to your visitors. Whenever someone clicks on your link and purchases a product from Amazon, you’ll earn a cut of the profits. You can also turn these long affiliate links into short, branded URLs, using a link shortening tool like Pretty Links.

When it comes to affiliate marketing, it’s important to find products that appeal to your target audience. Since Amazon sells over 75 million products, you should have no problems finding items that your audience wants to purchase. 

Even if you’re promoting the right products, visitors may still be hesitant to share their payment information with an unknown third party. However, you’re unlikely to encounter this problem when promoting Amazon’s products.

With 2.45 billion monthly visits, is the most visited ecommerce site in the United States. Therefore, it’s highly likely your audience will already be familiar with this brand, and may even be regular Amazon customers.

How to Find the Perfect Affiliate Products on Amazon (3 Tips) 

Amazon has a huge array of mainstream and niche goods. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t panic. Here’s how to find the perfect affiliate products on Amazon.

1. Choose a Niche

A quick browse through Amazon’s categories reveals that this site aims to be all things to all people. However, if you’re going to drive conversions, then it’s wise to focus on a niche.

When you concentrate on a particular subset of products, customers will know exactly what to expect from your website. This consistency is essential for establishing a clear brand and attracting the right audience. 

Typically, you’ll choose a niche that’s related to the content you produce. For example, if you post parenting advice, then it may make sense to feature products from Amazon’s baby section:

Amazon's best Seller page.

By promoting relevant products, you can maximize your chances of converting your existing audience. In our example, a parenting blog that recommends video games is unlikely to drive conversions. Even if your readers are also avid gamers, chances are they’re not coming to your blog for gaming recommendations. 

2. Find the Most Profitable Products in Your Niche

Narrowing your options down to a specific niche is a great start. However, it’s still smart to identify the most desirable products within that area. 

Amazon provides several pages where you can find items that are popular in each product category. Firstly, there are Best Sellers:

Amazon's Best Sellers category.

This page displays the most popular products based on the sales made within the last hour. This can be a great place to find popular, last-minute affiliate URLs just before publishing new content.

If you want to future-proof your site, then you may be interested in New Releases. This page displays the best-selling new and future releases. By featuring products that are currently only available for pre-order, you can prepare your site for when this item is officially released.

Next, we have Movers & Shakers. This displays the biggest gainers in sales rank over the past 24 hours. By monitoring this page, you can often spot items that are attracting a surge in interest. You can then jump on these emerging trends before your competitors: 

Amazon's Movers & Shakers page.

Meanwhile, Amazon’s Most Wished For displays the products that are most often added to users’ wishlists. You may want to pay particular attention to this page during the festive and wedding seasons:

Amazon's Most Wished For page.

Finally, Gift Ideas displays the most popular products ordered as gifts. Again, these affiliate links can prove particularly lucrative during the holidays, or at the height of the wedding season:

Amazon's Gift Ideas webpage.

You may also want to visit this page when you’re writing about gift-giving. For example, if you’re planning a post about the top electronics to gift this festive season, Amazon Gift Ideas can help you pinpoint some lucrative affiliate links. 

3. Perform Keyword Research 

As one of the world’s biggest online stores, Amazon often features multiple brands that manufacture the same type of product. Deciding whether to promote Beats wireless headphones, or SkullCandy headphones can have a big impact on your conversion rates. 

Here, it may help to take a look at sonar. This keyword research tool uses a database of customer search queries made by Amazon shoppers. This enables you to identify the exact terms that customers enter when browsing Amazon:

Identify the best Amazon Associate keywords, using the Sonar tool.

Let’s imagine you’re writing a roundup of the best coffee machines and want to include some affiliate links. To maximize your conversions, it’s smart to pinpoint the exact search terms that customers enter into Amazon when they’re shopping around for a coffee machine:

The Sonar Amazon Associates keyword research tool.

This search reveals that Keurig, JURA, and Mr. Coffee all have a high search volume. With this in mind, you may want to feature some of these products in your roundup. 

4. Keep Your Expertise in Mind

It’s tremendously helpful if you’re informed about whatever niche you’re selling. If you have industry experience, great!

If your site has a high level of authority, you’ll find that people trust you more. They’ll be more likely to buy products that you recommend to them – after all, you’re the expert. You’d probably rather buy a book on investment from Warren Buffett rather than an armchair investor who self-published, right?

So, begin research for products to sell based off what you know best. Anything that fits in your area of expertise will be that much easier to sell – and your pitches will be that much more reliable.

5. Consider Online vs. In-store

Pro tip: consider where people actually purchase the products you’re looking to promote. Amazon has tons and tons of listings for almost anything you can imagine. And while some people like to do their grocery shopping online these days, we aren’t quite there yet as a whole society.

Things like makeup, clothing, and shoes are less commonly purchased online, for instance. People like to see the colors of makeup or the fit on clothes and shoes before actually making a purchase. Consider avoiding these items, at least for the majority of your promotion efforts.

You can promote a product all day long. But if everyone who sees your recommendation for the new La-Z-Boy only goes and buys in-store, then you’re losing out on commissions. Be sure to pick products that are going to sell well online – unless you’re cool with losing your cut of the profits.

6. Pay Attention to Amazon Prime

One of the best parts about Amazon is ease of use. They make it so simple for you to add new items to your cart and check out quickly.

A huge chunk of this is the Amazon Prime discount. Countless items across the site are marked with the “Prime” logo, which means they offer free shipping for that product. That can be a pretty huge deal, especially when delivery times can be as quick as same-day for some products.

Since free shipping is generally a pretty big factor for purchase decisions, these products tend to sell much better than those not featuring Prime shipping. Since there’s millions of Prime-eligible items on the site, it might be best to avoid the few that don’t fit the bill.


The Amazon Associates Program is a huge opportunity for affiliate marketers. However, if you pick the wrong products, you may still struggle to make sales. 

Let’s quickly recap how to find the perfect affiliate products on Amazon:

  1. Choose a specific category of products to promote.
  2. Find the most profitable products in your niche, using pages such as Amazon’s Most Wished For.
  3. Perform keyword research to promote the most popular brands, using a tool such as sonar.
  4. When selecting your niche, keep in mind your own expertise and interest areas.
  5. Pay attention to what sells well in-store versus online to maximize your commissions.
  6. Use Amazon Prime shipping to determine what products sell well.

Do you have any questions about how to find high-converting Amazon Associates products? Let us know in the comments section!

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