How to Find Your VPN Activation Code | ExpressVPN

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This guide will show you how to find and use your activation code for your ExpressVPN apps. It will also provide instructions for users who have expired activation codes.

Find your activation code

  1. Go to the ExpressVPN account dashboard. If prompted, enter your ExpressVPN credentials and click Sign In.
    Enter your account credentials, then click "Sign In."Enter your account credentials, then click "Sign In."
  2. Enter the verification code that is sent to your email.
  3. Your activation code will appear on the dashboard under Set up your devices. Click your activation code to copy it to your clipboard.
    Click the activation code in the box to copy it to your clipboard.Click the activation code in the box to copy it to your clipboard.

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When do I need to use my activation code?

If you are an ExpressVPN user, you may be asked for your activation code when:

  • you are installing the ExpressVPN app on a new device
  • you previously signed out of the ExpressVPN app on your device
  • you previously uninstalled the ExpressVPN app on your device and are reinstalling it
  • your previous activation code has expired

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My activation code has expired

When entering your activation code, you may see an error like this:
This activation code has either expired or is incorrect. Please log in to our website to get your correct activation code and try again.

Make sure you copy and paste your activation code to avoid entering it incorrectly.

If you are not sure whether your subscription has expired, you can sign in to your account and view your subscription details on your dashboard.

If you have confirmed that your activation code is correct and has not expired, proceed to the troubleshooting guide for activation issues or .

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