How to Express Your Feelings (with Pictures) – wikiHow

This article was co-authored by Julia Lyubchenko, MS, MA . Julia Lyubchenko is an Adult Counselor and a Hypnotherapist based in Los Angeles, California. Running a practice called Therapy Under Hypnosis, Julia has over eight years of counseling and therapy experience, specializing in resolving emotional and behavioral problems. She has a Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis from the Bosurgi Method School and is certified in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy. She earned an MA in Counseling Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy from Alliant International University and an MSc in Developmental and Child Psychology from Moscow State University. This article has been viewed 697,611 times.

Article Summary


Learning to express your feelings starts with self-awareness. When you notice that you’re feeling something, take a moment to accept that feeling and give it a name. Pay attention to the thoughts and physical reactions you have as well as the emotion itself. Then, ask yourself why you feel the way you do. For example, if you feel sad, ask yourself what caused the feeling and why you’re reacting that way. When you’re expressing your feelings to others, focus on being clear and direct. If you’re feeling upset about something they did, use “I” language to describe your feelings so they don’t feel blamed or attacked. For instance, say something like “I feel angry when you talk to me that way,” instead of “You make me so mad!” If you start to get upset while expressing your feelings, take a few deep breaths to help you calm down. In addition to talking about your feelings, you can also express your feelings through creative outlets like music, writing, or art. Exercise is also a great, healthy way to channel your emotional energy. Whatever form of expression you choose, don’t forget to do things that help you relax, destress, and celebrate your positive emotions—whether it’s meditating, going for a walk, or spending time with a friend.

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