How to Describe My Teamwork Skills

Prospective employers will almost always ask you about your teamwork abilities when they’re considering you for a job. In particular, they want to know about your ability to compromise, collaborate and delegate. Being able to articulate your specific skills and abilities, both in person and on a resume, can give you an edge in the job market.

Brainstorm Your Skills

Teamwork skills can be found in a variety of professional situations, so you’re wise to put some serious thoughts into the specific teamwork traits you bring to the table. Descriptive wording includes:

  • Ability to brainstorm.
  • Group idea cultivation and sharing.
  • Collaborative work projects.
  • Team initiatives. 
  • Workgroup projects.
  • Committee participation.

Also, indicate that you’re not only good at teamwork but that you enjoy the opportunity to work in tandem with your colleagues. Examples:

I enjoy the opportunity to bounce ideas off my colleagues and to come up with collective approaches to achieving the greatest outcomes for the team.

I value the unique talents that each of my colleagues brings to the table when it’s time to trouble-shoot campaign issues. Everyone has a different yet valuable perspective.

Provide Specific Examples of Teamwork

When describing your teamwork abilities, highlight specific examples that point to why your participation is effective.


In my position as marketing director, I worked with a team of five other communication professionals to develop a comprehensive approach to marketing and communication strategies for the company. We held weekly status meetings, participated in group information-gathering sessions and we each contributed to different areas of the plan using our individual areas of expertise.

As a retail supervisor, I was responsible for quarterly inventory processes. To streamline the process, I asked for input from all associates about how to make the inventory smoother and more effective. Together, we were able to devise a system that was faster and more cost-effective than anything we had used before.

If you can quantify the ways in which teamwork efforts resulted in cost-savings or increased earnings for the business, all the better. Example:

My fellow sales associates and I were challenged to develop a strategy for increasing sales for a new product line. Rather than compete for leads and commissions, I suggested we tackle it from a group perspective, with everyone calling on their individual contacts and the strongest closers pitching in group sessions. We ended up exceeding corporate earning goals by 10 percent.


In an interview, be prepared to talk about previous bad teamwork experiences. Don’t dwell on the negative; rather, highlight how you would have approached the situation in a more productive way.

Elaborate on Your Feelings About Teamwork

In an interview, you have more leeway in discussing teamwork abilities than you do on a resume or in a cover letter.Be genuine when you describe the ways in which you collaborate with others.


The great thing about working in this industry is that it’s full of talented and creative people. I learn something new from my colleagues every day. There’s nothing better than sitting down with people you like and respect, with everyone pitching in and contributing ideas and perspectives. I wouldn’t want to work any other way.

Of course, when describing your teamwork abilities, you don’t have to limit yourself to teamwork in the workplace. If you volunteer, serve on boards or committees or work on group initiatives, these activities also demonstrate your ability to work and play well with others.