How to Build a Node.js Application with Express and Pug | Better Stack Community

Express is the most popular web application framework
for Node.js. It is easy to use, offers decent performance, and provides access
to many of the necessary tools you need to build and deploy a robust web
service, either built-in to the framework itself or as
additional modules.

This tutorial will walk you through a practical example of building and
deploying a Node.js-based web application through Express and
Pug, a popular templating engine for Node.js which is
often used alongside Express. We’ll develop an app that searches
Hacker News and presents the results in an HTML


By following through with this tutorial, you will learn the following aspects of developing web applications in Node.js:

  • Creating an HTTP web server with Express.
  • Setting up routing and middleware for your server.
  • Rendering HTML using Pug templates.
  • Deploying the application to production through a process manager.


Before you proceed with the remainder of this tutorial, ensure that you have met
the following requirements:

  • A basic understanding of the JavaScript programming language and the command
  • A recent version of Node.js and
    npm installed on your computer or server.

Step 1 — Setting up the Project

You’ll set up the project directory and install the necessary dependencies in
this step. Open a terminal window, create a new directory for the application,
and change into it as shown below:



mkdir hacker-news



cd hacker-news

Next, initialize the project with a package.json file using the command below.
You can omit the -y flag to answer the initialization questionnaire.



npm init -y

At this point, you can install the
express package through the following



npm install express

You are now all set to start using Express for your Node.js application.

Step 2 — Creating an Express server

This section will take you through the process of setting up a Node.js web
server with Express. Open the terminal, and ensure that you’re in your project
root, then create and open a server.js file in your favorite text editor:



nano server.js

Paste the following code into the file and save it:



const express = require('express');

const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello from Node.js server');

const server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, () => {
  console.log(`Hacker news server started on port: ${server.address().port}`);

The code snippet above requires the express package that was installed in the
previous step. Its exported top-level express() function to set up an Express
application which is referenced through the app variable.

The next portion of the code (starting with app.get) represents an Express
route definition. Whenever an HTTP GET request is made to the site root (‘\’),
the provided callback function will be executed with req representing the
request and res designating the response. In this snippet, the send() method
is called to return the text ‘Hello from Node.js server’ as the response.

In the concluding block of code, the listen() method is used to start the
server and listen for incoming connections on the given port. This port can be
set through an environmental variable and accessed through the process.env
object. If a PORT property is not found on this object, it defaults to 3000.

The listen() method also accepts a callback function which is executed once
this server starts listening for connections. We’re using it here to write some
text to the standard output to determine if the server was launched

Head back to your terminal, and run the command below from the project root to
start the server:



node server.js

You should see the following output, indicating that the server was started


Hacker news server started on port: 3000

You can also test if the server is fully operational by making a GET request to
the site root in a separate terminal through curl as shown below. It should
yield the string Hello from Node.js server as expected.



curl http://localhost:3000

Now that our server is up and running, let’s look at how we can automatically
restart the server during development so that updates are effected immediately
after changes to the source code.

Step 3 — Auto restarting the Node.js server in development

In Node.js, changes to the source code are not reflected in an already existing
process until it is killed and restarted. Doing this manually can be tedious so
we’ll utilize the PM2 process manager to address
this concern. You can install its NPM package to your project through the
command below:



npm install pm2 --save-dev

Afterward, open your package.json file in your text editor:



nano package.json

Replace the scripts property in the file with the snippet shown below:



"scripts": {
  "dev": "npx pm2-dev server.js",
  "start": "npx pm2 start server.js"

PM2 provides a pm2-dev binary for development, and it auto restarts the server
when file changes are detected in the project directory. In contrast, the pm2
binary is meant to be used when deploying the application to production.

After saving the file, kill your existing Node.js application process by
pressing Ctrl-C in the terminal, then run the command below to start it again
through PM2.



npm run dev

You should observe the following output if everything goes well:


> [email protected] dev
> npx pm2-dev server.js

--- PM2 development mode ------------------------------------------------------
Apps started         : server
Processes started    : 1
Watch and Restart    : Enabled
Ignored folder       : node_modules
server-0  | Hacker news server started on port: 3000

At this point, your web server will be restarted by PM2 each time it detects a
new file or a change to an existing file in the project directory. In the next
section, you’ll install the Pug template engine and use it to construct your
application’s HTML templates.

Step 4 — Setting up Node.js templating with Pug

A templating engine is used to produce HTML documents from a data model. It
typically processes predefined templates and input data to create a portion of a
web page or a complete document. There are
several Node.js templating engines
that are compatible with Express, but we’ve opted for Pug here due to its status
as the recommended default.

Open a separate terminal instance, and run the command below to install the
pug package from NPM:



npm install pug

Afterward, open the server.js file in your editor, set pug as the
view engine, and save the file. You don’t need to require the pug package in
your code after setting the view engine as Express already does so internally.



const express = require('express');

const app = express();

app.set('view engine', 'pug');
. . .

Create a new views directory within the project root for organizing Pug
template files. This is the default directory where Express expects your
template files to be located.



mkdir views

Create a new default.pug file within the views directory and open it in your
text editor:



nano views/default.pug

Paste the following code into the file:



doctype html
      meta(name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0')
      meta(http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='ie=edge')
      title= title
      link(rel='stylesheet' type="text/css" href='/css/style.css')
      block content

Notice how Pug relies on indentation to describe the structure of a template,
and that there are no closing tags. Attributes are placed within parentheses,
and the block keyword is used to define a section in the template that may be
replaced by a derived child template. This template also expects a title
variable to be passed to it on render.

The purpose of this default.pug template is to provide the boilerplate for all
other templates. Each subsequent template will extend the default template and
replace the contents of the content block as appropriate. Let’s demonstrate
this concept by creating a template for the homepage of our application.

Create a new home.pug file in the views directory:



nano views/home.pug

Enter the following code into the file:



extends default

block content
    img(src="/images/hn.png" width="180" height="180")
    form(action='/search' method='GET')
      input.home-input(autofocus='' placeholder='Search Hacker News' type='search' name='q')

The extends keyword is used to inherit from the specified template
(default.pug in this case), and the content block overrides the parent
content block. So, essentially, the contents of this file are rendered inside
the body of the default.pug template.

Return to your server.js file, and change the handler for the site root route
as follows:



app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.render('home', {
    title: 'Search Hacker News',

This calls the render() method on the response to render the view described by
the home.pug template. We don’t need to specify the extension in the template
name since our view engine has been set to pug. The second argument to
render() is an object that defines local variables for the template. In this
case, only the page’s title is defined as a variable (see default.pug).

After saving the file, you can open your browser and type
http://localhost:3000 or http://<your_server_ip>:3000 to view your website.
It should present an unstyled webpage with a search bar and a broken image:


In the next section, we’ll configure how we can serve static files through
Express so that the linked image and CSS file will start working correctly.

Step 5 — Serving static files in Express

In the default.pug template, we referenced a style.css file but this file
does not exist yet. The same thing can be observed in home.pug where we also
linked to non-existent hn.png file. Let’s create these files inside css and
images directories within a public directory at the project root:



mkdir -p public/css public/images

We now have a public directory to store static assets such as images, CSS, and
client-side JavaScript files. In this directory, a css and images directory
has been created for organizing stylesheets and image files respectively.

Go ahead and create a new style.css file in the public/css directory, and
open it in your text editor:



nano public/css/style.css

Paste the code in this
GitHub gist
into the file, and save it. It consists of the styles for the entire

Afterward, return to the terminal and use the wget command to download the
hn.png file to your public/images directory
as shown below:



wget -O public/images/hn.png

Our static files are now in the appropriate location, but we still need to use
the built-in express.static
middleware function to
specify how they should be handled. Open your server.js file, and add the
following highlighted lines:



const express = require('express');

const path = require('path');

const app = express();

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

The snippet above instructs Express to look for static files in the public
directory. Any requests for a file will be served relative to this directory.
You can now access the files in the public directory in the following manner:




If you reload your application in the browser, the styles should kick in, and
the image should load:


We can now move on to create the main functionality of our application, which is
searching Hacker News and presenting the results in the browser.

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Step 6 — Creating the /search route

The form on the application homepage makes a GET request to the /search route
when it is submitted, with the q parameter set to the value of the search
query. In this step, we will create this route on the server through app.get()
to handle form submissions.

Open your server.js file, and enter the following code below the handler for
the root route:



app.get('/search', (req, res) => {
  const searchQuery = req.query.q;
  if (!searchQuery) {
    res.redirect(302, '/');


The req.query object contains a property for each query parameter in the
request. For example, the q parameter value in a GET request to
/search?q=bitcoin will be accessible under req.query.q and stored in the
searchQuery variable. If searchQuery is “falsy” (such as when it is set to
an empty string), the application redirects back to the homepage. Otherwise, the
search query is logged to the standard output and a 200 OK response is sent back
to the client.

Let’s modify the /search route so that the search term is used to search for
stories on Hacker News through the HN Algolia API.
Before we can make requests to the API, we need to install the
axios package first through npm:



npm install axios

Afterwards, require the axios package in your server.js file:



const axios = require('axios');

Then create the function below in your server.js file just above the /search



async function searchHN(query) {
  const response = await axios.get(


This function accepts a query string which is subsequently used to query the
Algolia API which requires no authentication. Afterward, the response is
returned to the caller. You can utilize the searchHN() function in your
/search route by making the following modifications:



app.get('/search', async (req, res) => {
  const searchQuery = req.query.q;
  if (!searchQuery) {
    res.redirect(302, '/');

  const results = await searchHN(searchQuery);

We’ve prefixed the callback function with the async keyword so that we may
await the results from the searchHN() method before responding to the client
request. Instead of logging the search result to the standard output, it is sent
to the browser through the json() helper method, which sends the response with
the Content-Type set to application/json, and whose argument is converted to
a JSON string through JSON.stringify().

You can test the search route by submitting a query through the form on your
application’s homepage. You should get the JSON response from Algolia in your
browser as in the screenshot below:


Now that we’re able to search Hacker News through Algolia’s HN API, let’s go
ahead and prepare the view that will render the results instead of echoing the
raw JSON response back to the browser.

Step 7 — Rendering the search results

Let’s create a template for rendering the search results in the views folder.
You can call the file search.pug.



nano views/search.pug

Enter the following code into the file:



extends default

block content
    a.logo(href='/') Hacker News
    form(action='/search' method='GET')'' value=`${searchQuery || ''}` placeholder='Enter a search term' type='search' name='q')
    a.button.github-button(href='<>') Source code

    if !searchResults || !searchResults.nbHits
        p No results found for your query:
        strong #{searchQuery}
        each story in searchResults.hits

            a.title-link(target='_blank' rel='noreferrer noopener' href=`${story.url}`)
              h3.title #{story.title}
            .metadata #{story.points} points by
              | on
              time.created-date #{story.created_at}
              a.comments(target='_blank' rel='noreferrer noopener' href=`${story.objectID}`) #{story.num_comments} comments

This template extends from default.pug, and provides its own content block,
which consists of a search form and a section where the search results are
conditionally rendered. The searchResults object is the JSON object received
from the Algolia API after a successful query, while searchQuery represents
the user’s original query.

The each keyword in Pug provides
the ability to iterate over an array so that we can output some HTML for each
item in the array. For example, in the code snippet above, each object in the
searchResults.hits array is aliased into the story identifier, and its
properties (such as title, author, or points) become accessible through
the standard dot notation method.

Go ahead and utilize the search.pug template in your /search route as shown



app.get('/search', async (req, res) => {
  const searchQuery = req.query.q;
  if (!searchQuery) {
    res.redirect(302, '/');

  const results = await searchHN(searchQuery);
  res.render('search', {
    title: `Search results for: ${searchQuery}`,
    searchResults: results,

Instead of echoing the JSON object returned by searchHN() to the client, we’re
utilizing the search.pug template to get an HTML representation of the result.
This is achieved by passing the results object as searchResults in the
second argument to render() since its required in the search.pug template.

At this point, you will see an adequately constructed search results page when
you make a search query at your application’s homepage. A search input is also
provided on the results page so that you don’t have to return to the home page
to modify your query.


Notice how the date on each story is currently formatted. This is how the API
returns the published date for each item, but it’s not in an appropriate format
for consumption on a search results page. In the next section, we’ll turn it
into a more readable format through the date-fns

Return to your terminal and install the date-fns package through npm:



npm install date-fns

Once the installation completes, add the following line to your server.js file
just above the handler for the site root:



app.locals.dateFns = require('date-fns');

The app.locals object contains properties that are local variables in the
application, and they persist for the entire lifetime of the application. This
is useful for providing helper methods to templates or other data.

In the search.pug file, you can utilize the dateFns object described below.
Go ahead and replace the following line:



time.created-date #{story.created_at}

with the snippet below (while maintaining the indentation):



time.created-date #{dateFns.format(new Date(`${story.created_at}`), 'LLL dd, yyyy')}

The format method is used to return
a date string in the specified format (which is Jan 02, 2006) in the above
snippet. See the accepted patterns
for more details.

Once you’ve saved the file, you can repeat the search query from the previous
step. The published dates should now have more readable formatting.


We’ve almost completed the app, but let’s make sure we’re dealing with potential
errors correctly.

Step 9 — Handling errors in Express

Errors can happen anytime, so we need to account for them in any application we
build. Express simplifies error handling in routes by providing a special
middleware function with four arguments. Place the snippet below in your
server.js file, just above the server variable.



app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
  res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
  res.status(500).send('<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>');

This function must be placed after all other app.use() calls and after all
routes to act as a “catch-all” error handler. The error is logged to the
terminal in the above snippet, and an Internal Server Error message is
returned to the client.

While this works as-is for synchronous route handlers, it won’t work for async
functions (such as the handler for the /search route). To ensure the error
handler also processes async errors, we need to wrap the contents of the
function in a try...catch block and call next() when an error is detected to
pass the error to the next middleware function (which is the error handler in
this case).

Modify your /search route handler as shown below:



app.get('/search', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    const searchQuery = req.query.q;
    if (!searchQuery) {
      res.redirect(302, '/');

    const results = await searchHN(searchQuery);
    res.render('search', {
      title: `Search results for: ${searchQuery}`,
      searchResults: results,
  } catch (err) {

With the try..catch block above in place, async errors originating from the
callback function will be sent to the error handler middleware for further
processing. You can read more about
error handling in the Express docs.

Step 10 — Deploying the application to production

With some general error handling in place, we’ve completed our application, and
we can now deploy to production. Return to the terminal and kill the development
server by pressing Ctrl-C, then run the command below to start the application
in production mode:



npm start

You should observe the following output if all goes well:


> [email protected] start
> npx pm2 start server.js

[PM2] Starting /home/ayo/dev/demo/hacker-news/server.js in fork_mode (1 instance)
[PM2] Done.
│ id  │ name      │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0   │ server    │ default     │ 1.0.0   │ fork    │ 24985    │ 0s     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 20.3mb   │ ayo      │ disabled │

Using a process manager like PM2 is the recommended way to deploy Node.js apps
because it makes it easy to manage the application process, and it can keep it
running indefinitely through its automatic restart feature that kicks in if the
application crashes unexpectedly.
Learn more about PM2 here.

At this point, you should be able to access your Express app by going to
http://localhost:3000 or http://<your_server_ip>:3000 in your web browser.

Conclusion and next steps

In this article, you’ve learned Express and Pug basics by using them to build an
application that searches Hacker News. We discussed various concepts like
routing, middleware, processing static files, and rendering views from Pug
templates before closing out with a brief demonstration on error handling and
deploying to production with PM2. You should now understand the main aspects of
building an Express application and how to apply them in your projects.

Do note that the application we’ve developed in the course of this tutorial is
far from production-ready in a true sense. To keep the tutorial relatively
short, we didn’t cover concepts like caching, logging, securing your Node.js
server or integration with a database (such as PostgreSQL or MongoDB), so ensure
to perform adequate research on those topics before deploying any real-word
project to production.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding! The final code for this tutorial can be
viewed in
this GitHub repo.

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