How to Apply
Applicants aged 14 – 79 are required to apply for a visa in person through a pre-arranged interview. Applicants under 14 or 80 and over may be eligible to apply by courier. Click here for further information.
If you are applying for a visa for the first time, or are applying to renew a visa, you are required to take the same steps.
Step One: Complete the online DS-160 and print the confirmation page for each person applying for a visa, regardless of age. Answer the questions to the best of your ability; we cannot assist you in completing the form. Before you begin, see our video and SlideShare presentation for additional tips, and information on photo specifications.
Step Two: Go to to pay the MRV application fee and schedule an interview, or obtain information on applying for the visa by courier. Click on “Apply” if you are a first time user or “Continue” if you already have an account.
After creating your account, please follow the process and guidance for each person applying for a visa.
Please note: Appointments cannot be scheduled by email.