
From our passion for America and American products we started in 2011 our American webshop. The shop is filled with American favorites. All products are in stock and shipped from our warehouse in Leusden, The Netherlands.

Difficult to find American products in Europe

Many American products are difficult to find in Europe. We at least missed many of our favourites and for that reason started our American webshop.

American products are for everyone

Shop America is not only there for American expats, but for everybody. Maybe you’ve visited America and tasted many of their great tasting products like Pop tarts, Cream Soda, Wonka and all kinds of special candy, drinks and snacks. Or maybe you love to cook and heard about ingredients on your favourite TV shows not available in your country. Now you can buy them here. Shop America most likely has the product in its assortment or a product very similar.

We’re also here for you for Dutch Products

Since we’re located in the Netherlands, we also wanted to make the Dutch supermarket available to you. Wether you’re a Dutch person living abroad, having Dutch roots, or just simply want to savour some of our unique products you easily can. Like Stroopwafels, Pindakaas, Speculoos, Rookworst, traditional Peasoup or Hagelslag. We’ve got you covered and you’ll the same low shipping rates when order one of the almost 200 popular Dutch products we offer on our website! What are you waiting for? Buy your Dutch favorites now! 

Plus don’t forget our British range

We’re also offering some of the most popular products from the United Kingdom on Shop America. Since Brexit these items are even harder to get than ever. We import them to our warehouse first so you enjoy them duty free and with fast delivery.