Help with a payment issue/refund request | BetterSleep FAQ
1. If you purchased your subscription on an iOS device, in the AppStore:
It’s definitely possible to request a refund. You will have to contact iTunes Support directly, as it is Apple’s ordinance that refunds are handled by them (see iTunes Terms of Service for more information). Please try the recommendations on this page:
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple
* Useful tip: The App Store and iTunes Store policies state that all sales are final, though there are some exceptions:
If the purchase was accidental
If you have duplicate purchases
If the app does not work as described
If you are charged but do not receive the item
If the app is not compatible with your device
2. If you purchased your subscription on an Android device, in the Google Play Store:
You may request a refund through the BetterSleep support team within 30 days from your date of purchase. Make sure to include the following in your request:
Your Google Play transaction number (starts with GPA). If you need help finding it, please refer to this page: Find your receipt & order number
The reason for your refund request
The email linked to your Google Play Store purchases
3. If you purchased your subscription on our website, please send us the invoice or receipt number of your purchase. It is located in the email sent after the purchase was made. Please also provide the email used when you registered.
Still have questions? Send us a message. We’re here to help!