Happy First Day At Work Messages And Quotes

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“Having a happy first day at work is definitely one of the best things that can ever happen to you” ~ Anonymous

Your first day of any event is always a very significant one. It is the most memorable day throughout your stay there. Most people forget how their other day turnout but they seem not to forget their first day.

The first impression matters a lot but you give away the chance of a completely good first impression when you tense yourself unnecessarily.

When you just get a job after the rigorous job search process, you’re worried about not messing your chance up, ruining your opportunity, and making a complete fool of yourself.

You get yourself tensed, worked up, and overly nervous because you don’t know what awaits you. A person, who just got a new job, gets jittery because they don’t know what they are to expect. Anxiety is a normal occurrence when you’re about to try something new or you’re unsure about an event.

However, too much anxiety can mess up your day. What helps to calm you down or reduce the anxiety of someone around you who just got a job are soothing and encouraging words, especially from their loved ones.

Who wouldn’t feel relieved and happy after new job wishes or series of text messages from a special person wishing the best for them on their first day of work? Again, who wouldn’t love to be encouraged by some of the most motivating first-day job quotes?

I know I would! If you are preparing for a happy first day at work, I’ll be giving out really fantastic good luck new job quotes that’ll reduce the tension and anxiety.

If your loved one just got a job, I also have the perfect new job wishes, first day of work text message, and best wishes for first day of job that’ll get them extra set for their first day.


Happy First Day At Work Wishes/Messages For A Friend

1.   Best wishes for entering a new career field. May you overcome all the fears and reach to the highest peak of success at your new workplace.

2.   You may have been lucky to get your new job, but I think that your company is much luckier to get you as a new employee. Good luck.

3.   Congratulations on achieving a great job! I’m sure that all your hard work and dedication won’t go futile.

4.   So happy to hear that you got a new job! You deserved it. I have never met someone who works as hard as you do. I absolutely adore your ambitions. May this job bring you a lot of joy!

5.   Congratulations, this first job opens a door for a new start in your life. Enjoy this moment with every possible success you can have. Best Wishes.

6.   People so persistent, dedicated, strong, resilient, and determined like you, do not need to be wished good luck, because they always make their own luck wherever they are going to.

7.   Good things always happen to a good person. That is why you have such a good friend like me, wishing all the best to you in your new job!

8.   Wishing you to achieve all your goals in your new job, I believe that you surely will. Good luck, my dear friend!

9.   A new job is an amazing chance to show the world what you are capable of. You have everything to be great. Just use it and never give up on your dreams.

10.   I wish you lots of patience, coffee, happiness, sunny mornings, and a wonderful career at your new job. I hope you do well, just know that whatever happens, I’ll always have your back!

11.   Congratulations buddy! I know that new things can be terrifying, but a new job is just a fresh start. An opportunity to fill every second of your life with joy and satisfaction. Good luck!

12.   God decides to bless you because you are truly kind-hearted. My best wishes for you in your new career path and I hope your experiences will be full of joy and motivation. Congrats and keep it up, cheers!

13.   Don’t worry about mistakes and misunderstandings. All life is full of such things, but it is nothing wrong. Lift up your head and do not be afraid. Congrats buddy!

14.   I have never felt this proud of you. I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Congratulations on your new job; I can’t wait to see your new house, new car. I know you will be a success!

15.   Finally, you have made it! Why not when you have the skills, abilities, and experiences necessary to thrive in this new job that you deserve. Take my hearty congratulations! Good luck with your new job.

16.   Congratulations on getting a new job! You have worked really hard for this, and you definitely deserved it. Wishing you the best of luck. I hope your new job will make it easier for you to wake up every morning.

17.   There’s no need to worry about your new job. It’s just another great opportunity to show everyone that you are an amazing human being and a hard worker. Show them how you do it!

18.   Good luck with your new job and hope that this fresh start of your life will add more success stories in your life book. Congrats!

19.   I cannot believe you have bagged such a good position for your first job. Congratulations!

20.   I hope that new job will make you much happier than you are now. I believe in you and your diligence. Waiting for a call with impressions.

21.   Hey, congratulations on getting your first job in your dream company. May you prosper like a full-bloomed flower. Good Job.

22.   My condolences to your late-rising habit in the morning as you are joining this new job. A big fat ‘Congratulations’ to you.

23.   A new job means a new goal, a new start, and a new world. May you enjoy this new segment of your life! Good luck.

24.   May your new job bring new sunlight into your life! Good luck with your new walkway.

25.   New job – new experience, colleagues, and place. I know that everything will be fine. Believe in yourself!

26.   May your new job be exciting and fun, may you accomplish all that is yet to be done. May you get success by the ton, may you become employee number one. Congratulations.

27.   A new job means more money and more money means more treats from you. Congratulations, now where’s my treat?

28.   I heard you got the job you’ve always wanted. Cheers to your continued success!

29.   This position was truly made for you. Congratulations on finding such a perfect opportunity. I am so thrilled to hear you got your dream job. Would love to celebrate the occasion with you!

30.   Whenever I saw you struggling, it makes me more confident that you’ll surely do something great in the future. All the best for your new starting.

31.   With your new job your life is now set. You are going to grow leaps and bounds, I bet. Congratulations.

32.   I am not going to wish you good luck in your new job because I know that hardworking people like you always have luck by their side. Well done and congratulations.

33.   Do not forget that even the small achievement can have a great impact on your life. Best of luck with your new job!

34.   Your ability has taken you to the new height of success. This great job is all because of your dedication, hard work, and confidence too. Many congrats to you, stay blessed!

35.   All the very best for your new job. May you find this job much exciting and you play the role of best employee.

36.   Congratulations on your new job! I wish you lots of luck, to wake up happy every day, and go to work because you want to, not because you have to! I hope you have a god time at work, just know that we support you! Lots of love.

37.   This new job is a whole new range of chances counting new official rules to break, new workmates to gossip, new interns to mock, and new bosses to curse. Enjoy most and good luck.

38.   Congratulations on this big success. All your hard work and determination admirable that make me proud of you. May you give your extreme best to this new job.

39.   Change your job, change your boss, change your pay, change your way. But please don’t change the way you are. Congratulations on your new job.

40.   Congratulations and good luck with the new job! All I wish is that you make your own way toward success with your dedication and persistence.

41.   We know all know the struggle of getting hired for a job, you think you’re not good enough, you think you don’t have the right experience, a million thoughts are racing in the back of your head, but you still choose to stay calm, good luck at your new job. Congratulations on getting hired!

42.   To change old workplace – brave step. Wish you enjoy the new job and be the best. Good luck my friend!

43.   The biggest congratulations on this wonderful day. You will start a new life lap. I hope that you will be happy at this place!

44.   Congratulations and well done. May your hard work and confidence bring you the sweetest taste of success in your new job that you have always dreamt of.

45.   A happy man is a man who likes his job. I know how important it is to love what you do, and I’m really glad to know that you have an opportunity to do what you love and what makes you excited. Godspeed!

46.   Congratulations and wishing you good luck! You really this new opportunity. May this new job make your expectations complete.

47.   Good luck with your new job and hope that this fresh start of your life will add more success stories in your life book.

48.   You did it! Congratulations!

49.   A new job is a big responsibility. But don’t get scared! You have everything to cope with all of the difficulties. May this chapter of your life be filled with happiness and excitement only.

50.   Sending you a ton of best wishes on a great achievement of yours. May you do awesome and be succeeding to complete the target in your new job.

51.   I’m very glad that you made such a decision. New job will allow you to show the true “self”. Good luck, dude.

52.   Wishing that your new job brings you the highest promotions and the sweetest success! Good luck at your new job, dear friend!

53.   Wow! Today you will start a new job. Let me congratulate you. I will wait for you later in the evening to celebrate it!

54.   I have great respect for you and I believe that at the new job you will be really a great worker. Never lose your optimism. I wish you the best of luck.

55.   Congratulations! Finally, you found your dream job. Wishing you good luck!

56.   Congratulations. May God make you strong enough to fit into your new job place! I believe you’ll prove yourself perfect for the position.

57.   Wishing that your new job brings you the highest promotions and the sweetest success!

58.   Good luck with your new job, dear friend!

59.   Embrace all the new challenges the new job throws at you with your strong personality and confidence and hard work. Congratulations.

60.   Congratulations on your new job life! I believe you’d give constant excellent performance and gain success.

61.   I knew you would make it! Congratulations on a new chapter in your life.

62.   Good luck with your new job, this is the opportunity you were waiting for, give it your best shot. Good luck!

63.   It’s a perfect time for you to do the work that you really like. Any changes are beneficial. Wish you the best.

64.   It’s okay to be nervous before your first day at the new job, but you don’t have to worry about it too much. You are talented and intelligent; nothing can hold you down.

65.   Sometimes opportunities come to those people who are at the right place and at the right time. However, true success comes only to those who persist. Best of luck to you!

66.   A few days ago you had no job… Ha ha… It’s kind of funny, how one moment you have nothing and the next you have something or even everything, I wish you good luck in your new career. I just know that you will do great!

67.   Welcome to the world of suits and ties, and responsibilities. Lots of responsibilities. Congratulations!

68.   A new job is like a girlfriend or boyfriend. It will break up with you if you take it for granted. I wish you good luck.

69.   Get ready for some awesome work ahead. You always wanted to do this right, so keep your head high and eyes focused on sight. May you achieve your every dream! May you get to work with a wonderful team. All the best for your first day at work! Have a lovely day.


Happy First Day Of Work Wishes/Messages For A Family Member

1.   As parents, Congratulations on your new job. We hope that it’s going to be everything you’ve dreamed of and even more. We love you and will be with you every step of the way.

2.   So, you finally have a job. I wasn’t really expecting this from you, but since you have one now, me and the whole family wishes you good luck, lots of happy Mondays, and a boss that isn’t angry.

3.   Look at you, you thought you would never finish high school, college, but look where you are now, you did finish high school and college, you got your degree and now you have a very wonderful job! I’m proud of you!

4.   “Congratulations on your new job. I am so happy for you. I hope you have much success and happiness in your new position. Wishing you good luck.”

5.   Now that you got a job, you are now close to fulfilling those great dreams and ambitions of yours. We promise to support you in every way, congrats on your new job!

6.   Hug all the new challenges with confidence and all the changes that this first job throws at you. I believe in you. Well done and Congratulations.

7.   I wish you lots of patience, coffee, happiness, sunny mornings, and a wonderful career at your new job. I hope you do well, just know that whatever happens, we always have your back!

8.   For so long, I have prayed for today, finally, you got what you’ve always deserved. You are truly a bright young man. Though, there might have been some really bad days, but here comes a day when you make us all proud, continue striving forward. Congrats!

9.   Ever since you were a little kid, I always knew you would become successful later in life. I have seen you go through a lot of changes, and you have matured a lot. I have seen you conquer college, and earn your well-deserved degree. And now, I am so proud of you for becoming a full-fledged professional. Congratulations!

10.   I have prayed for this day for so long. Finally, you let yourself receive what you deserve. You are a bright young man, always remember that. We may have a couple of sad days, but there are days like this. There are days when you will make everyone proud. There are days that you will get what you have worked for. Continue striving forward! I am always one step behind. Congratulations, lad!


Happy First Day Of Work Wishes/Messages For Your Love

1.   It can be hard to be accepted at a new workplace, but no doubt everyone will love you because you are the most amazing person in the world. You’re going to make it.

2.   Nothing will ever come between you and your future. Nothing will come between you and your destiny. Nothing will ever stop you from making it in life. You were born to be successful and so will it be. Nothing will stop you from being the focal point of contact in this new place. Your new company has a valuable asset in you. It is your time to shine. Go ahead and break barriers and be at the top of your game. I am super proud of you.

3.   New Job brings more money and more money reminds me of treat and more treat. Congratulations for being officially capable of treating me with luxury foods.

4.   Hi love, Congratulations on getting this new job. Now that you are on the edge of starting a new journey, have my best wishes. May you fit well and find success in this new position.

5.   Everyone gets a chance to shine at some point in their life. Now, you have yours too. So, my love, in your new job, may you shine like a star and grow like a lotus.

6.   Congratulations Honey! I am so proud to have such a hardworking and inspiring husband like you. Go and win over your new office.

7.   You are indeed special and that is why you have this special job for your taking. I wish you the best today. Have a happy first day of work.

8.   I have always learned that for one to move forward in this life. We need to celebrate and acknowledge endings that are special and fantastic new beginnings. Cheers to the end of your last work and congratulations on this new one. It is the beginning of greater things to come, trust me. Happy first day of work today.

9.   I am one of the proudest persons today, I am really proud of your new achievement. I have witnessed your struggles and how you have overcome obstacles, and now you are receiving the recognition, you deserve! Your new company will never regret hiring you. Congratulations my love!

10.   Sweetheart, this job is only because of your confidence and hard work; just keep focusing on doing good. All the best.

11.   We have known each other for the longest time, and I must admit this is one of the proudest moments of my life. Congratulations my love for getting a new job!

12.   Hey Girl, I fell in love with you for your boldness and hope that you give a bold performance in your new job.

13.   Our kids and I, are very proud of you darling. I always knew you will get that job; you just need a little faith in yourself. You will do great things now that you got your dream job. Our kids will always be proud of their daddy. Congratulations, love! Warm hugs and wet kisses from the whole gang.


Happy First Day Of Work Wishes To Your Colleague

1.   Hey, little guy with all those big dreams, I am ecstatic about your recent promotion but I am also a bit gloomy to see you leave us. So, let’s get practical here so that I could congratulate you.

2.   Dearest Colleague, as your friend and a fellow coworker I am more than excited about your new job. Congratulations as it’s time for you to hop on to the wagon wheel of newer responsibilities.

3.   I still can’t believe it that you left your old job. Hope that this new job will perfectly fit you. Wish you good luck tomorrow.

4.   I know you’ve waited a long time to find this job, and it’s inspiring to see you fulfill your dream. You are a force to be reckoned with in this field, and I’m so proud to know you and to have worked with you.

5.   Remember that you have been hired because the company sees you as an additional value to their team, so don‘t feel as a newbie! Good luck to you!

6.   You might not realize but you taught me a great deal. So, a BIG thank you for all the help and guidance over the years. It’s been great working together – let’s keep in touch!

7.   Hey, big guy with big dreams. Congrats on your new job, “I am proud of you” is not just enough to tell how much I am proud of you. Cheers mate!

8.   “Congratulations on your new job. If anyone deserves this great opportunity, it’s someone as hardworking as you. I hope the new job brings you great satisfaction and wish you all the best for the future.”

9.   Congratulations on your new role, your old team will surely miss you…or not. Good luck with your new job! Do your best!

10.   Best wishes for your new job! A new workplace will be a perfect place for you to express yourself. Your great skills truly impress others. I’m very glad for you.

11.   I hope your new job turns your life into a happier side. I wish you good luck for making your job productive and enjoyable at the same time.

12.   Be nice to your new colleagues, learn as many new things as you can in your new job, but never forget to keep in touch with your old colleagues and never forget what you‘ve learned in your old job. Best of luck to you!

13.   Nobody tells you what to do next when the dream that you have been working very hard for is finally achieved. The answer is work even harder to give it all you’ve got. Congrats on the new job.

14.   What life has in store for us we can’t ever know and that is the most exciting part. I hope you excel greatly at your new job. Congrats from my side, mate.

15.   I hope you know that you aren’t the only who is being benefitted from your new job because amidst this transaction, your office is lucky to have you. Congrats, you deserved it.

16.   Working with you was bliss to all of us. May you find success with your new job, best of luck to you!

17.   Work hard, give your best, and be fair to your work and colleagues. Try to think more and learn more from your new job and new colleagues. And never forget what you have learned from your past because the mistakes of the past are like a lesson for your future. Good luck

18.   Congratulations on the new job! We all know how hard you tried to get this job, and we support you 100%! Never forget that, I wish you lots of luck and especially lots of patience with your boss and co-workers.

19.   It’s been really great to have known you and worked with you. May your new job be excellent for you in every way you want it to be. You will be missed around here. All the best!


Good Luck New Job Quotes

1.   “Starting a new job can be nerve-racking, but it’s also exciting. You’re embarking on a new future, positioning yourself to write a fresh story on a clean slate.” – Adena Friedman

2.   “Make each day your masterpiece.” — John Wooden

3.   “On every job you do, you’ve got to raise your game. My ambition is to just get better and better every job you do — you should never stop trying to get better. You have to teach yourself new things — I don’t think you necessarily learn them from other people because you have your own style of doing things, but hopefully you get better. — Ray Winstone

4.   “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” — Aristotle

5.   “By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.” – Robert Frost

6.   “I still get the jitters every time I start a new job! I love it — makes you feel alive.” – Camille Guaty

7.   “Every single job is a challenge. You are walking into a new set, a new character, creating a world and trying to get comfortable to do your best work.”— Felicia Day

8.   “Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.”— Hamilton Holt

9.   “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are” – E.E. Cummings

10.   “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

11.   “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt

12.   “Feeling confident – or pretending that you feel confident – is necessary to reach for opportunities. It’s a cliché, but opportunities are rarely offered; they’re seized. “– Sheryl Sandberg

13.   “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of “Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this”, and you push through that moment, that is when you have a breakthrough”. — Marissa Mayer

14.   “There is no substitute for hard work.” — Thomas Edison

15.   “Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.”– Babe Ruth

16.   ”Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

17.   “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” – Theodore Roosevelt

18.   “Treat your new job as a mission. Avoid procrastination, increase the contribution, and exceed expectations.”

19.   “It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” –Carlton Fisk

20.   “The expert in anything was once a beginner.”— Helen Hayes

21.   “Some people dream of success while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”— Wayne Huizenga

22.   “I still get the jitters every time I start a new job! I love it. It makes you feel alive.”— Camille Guaty

23.   “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!”— Henry David Thoreau

24.   “Don’t set compensation as a goal. Find work you like and the compensation will follow.”— Harding Lawrence

25.   “Starting a new job is always scary, or at least for me, it’s always scary. It’s like the first day of school.” – Sean Maher

26.   “Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire.” – Bobby Unser

27.   “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves”. – Thomas Edison

28.   “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success”. – Arianna Huffington

29.   “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in, and day-out. “– Robert Collier

30.   “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson

31.   “Treat your new job as a Mission, avoid procrastination, increase the contribution, exceed expectations.”

32.   “To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth.” – Pearl S. Buck

33.   “A new job is like a blank book and you are the author.”

34.   “Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.” — Sara Blakely

35.   “Be open to the amazing changes which are occurring in the field that interests you.” — Leigh Steinberg

36.   “I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” — Anna Freud

37.   “When you feel that you have reached the end and that you cannot go one step further, when life seems to be drained of all purpose: What a wonderful opportunity to start all over again, to turn over a new page.”— Eileen Caddy

38.   “No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work.” — Jonathan Sacks

39.   “Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it.” – Katharine Whitehorn

40.   “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

41.   “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” — Alan Cohen

42.   “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”


Funny Work Anniversary Quotes

1.   “If you don’t know what you’re doing, walk fast and look worried.”

2.   “Congrats on leaving, your boss was a twat anyway.”

3.   “Good things come to those who work their asses off.”

4.   “Hurry! You got the job!”

5.   “You’re pretty awesome, keep that shit up.”

6.   “The first thing I do at a new job is to figure out which bathroom gets the best Wi-Fi signal.”

7.   “Starting a new job is always scary or at least for me it’s always scary. It’s like the first day of school.”—Sean Maher

8.   “It’s better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

9.   “Work is the curse of the drinking classes.” – William Archibald Spooner

10.   “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”

11.   “There are two kinds of people; those who do the job and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group, there’s less competition there.”— Indira Gandhi

12.   “The difference between try and triumph is the little umph.” —Marvin Philips

13.   “If you think your boss is stupid, remember you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter.”—John Gotti

14.   “Always start your day with a lot of sex;
S- mile
E- nergy
X- citement. So make sex a daily habit and you’ll always be smiling.”

Happy first day of your new job! Have a great first day of work and good luck on your new venture.


For You

Hello there! If perchance you are reading this on your first day at work, then, I am sure that you would find the quotes helpful. I sincerely wish you the very best as you delve into your career. Do not forget, personal development is a must.

Save this for later!


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