Good – Definition, Meaning & Synonyms


basic, staple

(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant

consumer goods

goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption

drygoods, soft goods

textiles or clothing and related merchandise


a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise

export, exportation

commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country

fancy goods

goods that are chiefly ornamental


a commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation


bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date

import, importation

commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country

merchandise, product, ware

commodities offered for sale


any commodity of intermediate quality or size (especially when coarse particles of ground wheat are mixed with bran)


the commodities purchased from stores

sporting goods

sports equipment sold as a commodity

worldly good, worldly possession

a commodity or good associated with the earthly, rather than the spiritual, existence of human beings


property or goods saved from damage or destruction

cargo, consignment, freight, lading, load, loading, payload, shipment

goods carried by a large vehicle


goods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law

consumer durables, durable goods, durables

consumer goods that are not destroyed by use


consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode


an article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles


any product that can be sold without a brand name

foodstuff, grocery

(usually plural) consumer goods sold by a grocer

haberdashery, men’s furnishings

the drygoods sold by a haberdasher


the merchandise that is sold in an ironmonger’s shop

irregular, second

merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name


an item of merchandise offered for sale

oil future, petroleum future

petroleum bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date


a commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents


merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film)

dreck, schlock, shlock

merchandise that is shoddy or inferior

software package, software product

merchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale

soybean future

soybeans bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date

inventory, stock

the merchandise that a shop has on hand

top of the line

the best (most expensive) in a given line of merchandise

wheat future

wheat bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date

household linen, white goods

drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth

piece goods, yard goods

merchandise in the form of fabrics sold by the yard