Global Sourcebook for International Data Management



Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind

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American Samoa

Global Sourcebook | Index | Properties

For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.


American Samoa – Country information

Languages in American Samoa


The official language is English External (1 248 first-language speakers). Samoan External is spoken by 38 700 people.

American Samoa – Addresses etc.


American Samoa is an unincorporated territory of the United States in the Pacific. It forms part of the United States’ postal system. Its state code is AS and its postal code is 96799.

American Samoa is an archipelago including the islands of Tutuila External, Aunu’u External, Ofu External, Olosega External, Swain’s External, Tau External and Rose External. The name of the island may be included in the address.

Please refer to the chapter on the United States of America for further information.

American Samoa – Post office box


This is known as PO Box. The initials PMB are used to indicate a private mail box.

American Samoa – Postal codes

American Samoa – Administrative districts

Telephone numbers in American Samoa


American Samoan telephone numbers all have the area code 684. Subscriber numbers have 7 digits. Subscriber numbers commencing 733 are mobile numbers.

   Tables of telephone number information/formats can be acquired – see External 


Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2023. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.