GitHub – Juliest88/mysql-node-express
This example uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
Clone this repo to your local machine using git clone [email protected]:Juliest88/mysql-node-express.git#
Get into the directorycd
Make it your own rm -rf .git&&
git init#
Coppy .env-example and create your own .env file cp .env-example .env#
Edit .env file and add your mysql username, mysql password and db name vi .env#
you can edit the file also via text editor#
Get into the db directorycd
Import mysql database using Command line mysql -u [db_username] -p[db_password]<
you can edit the file if you want to change the db_name#
if you are using a different db_name and it elready exists,#
you can comment the first two lines, remain the line => USE test_db;#
and just change the db_name#
Install dependencies npm install#
Run the server locally npm start#
Run the server locally in dev mode npm run dev