Front Panel Express Front Panel Designer – Uninstall

Uninstalling Front Panel Designer


  1. Open the Windows Start menu and click Control Panel. Select the Programs folder and then click Programs and Features.
  2. Here you will find the list of all the installed programs. Select the application Front Panel Designer and click Uninstall.

Removing personal data and settings

The uninstallation wizard does not delete personal user data. In order to ensure that this data is completely removed, you have to manually delete the ‘FrontDesign’ folder in the user profile folder:

  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Type ‘%APPDATA%’ into the Search field and press Enter to open the respective folder.
  3. Delete the ‘FrontDesign’ folder from the directory.

Mac OS X

  1. Open the Finder and click the Programs folder in the left menu bar.
  2. Here you can see all of the installed programs. Drag the ‘FrontDesign’ program and drop it into the Trash in the Dock. The program will be uninstalled.
  3. You must then Empty Trash to finally release the memory space.

Delete the ‘.FrontDesign’ folder from your home directory.


Linux tag: Delete the directory in which the application was unpacked.

Linux rpm and Linux deb: Enter ‘FrontDesign’ in the Search field of your package manager. Select the program and click ‘Uninstall’.

Or alternatively:

Linux rpm: Open a terminal with root privileges and type ‘rpm -e ‘front design’’.

Linux deb: Open a terminal with root privileges and type ‘apt -get remove — frontdesign’.