Frequently Asked Questions about Native Americans

American Indians and Alaska Natives have the same rights as all citizens to hold public office. In this century, American Indian and Alaska Native men and women have held elected and appointed offices at all levels of state, local, and federal government.

Charles Curtis, a member of the Kaw Tribe of Kansas, served as Vice President of the United States under President Herbert Hoover. Indians have also been elected to the United States Congress. Tom Cole, a member of the Chickasaw Nation, has represented Oklahoma in the United States House of Representatives since his election in 2002. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, a member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana, represented Colorado as in the United States House of Representatives from 1987 until 1993 and in the Senate from 1993 until 2005. Brad Carson, a member of the Cherokee Nation, represented Oklahoma in the United States House of representatives from 2001 until 2005.