French Translation of “at some point” | Collins English-French Dictionary

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At some point the comb-over must go.

Normally, we score at some point but today we hit the crossbar or the post.

At some point over the past 20 years a (not very) funny thing happened on the way to the accident and emergency department.

I’d also like to play a cowboy at some point.

There’s nothing wrong with learning to think on your feet; we could all use that particular skill at some point or another.

EIGHT out of ten youngsters suffer glue ear at some point before their tenth birthday.

At some point in the future, when he has all the coaching badges, he will become their manager.

But with domestic violence affecting one in four women at some point in their life, more action is still needed to safeguard existing services.

I would like to have had, at some point, a sense of how the whole continuum fitted together.

You should chase the hard at some point.