Feeling stuck? 7 ways to climb out of a slump

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do I feel stuck in life?” It’s not always an easy question to answer. “Stuckness” can wear different guises. Below are a few scenarios when you might want to move, but not know how to. 

You’ve outgrown your current situation

It’s a reality that people change over time. Your needs, your wants, and your hopes all evolve. Perhaps that perfect job you landed a year ago doesn’t provide enough stimulation now that you’ve mastered it. This type of situation can leave you wondering which direction to go in next.

You fear external judgment

It can be difficult enough to make some decisions with the support of your network. Without that support, the challenge becomes even more significant. Input is helpful and can keep you on track. But investing too much stock in what other people will think or any negativity they impose on your decision can be paralyzing.

You feel disconnected from your values

Life can lose its sparkle when your values are not present enough in your life. If your day-to-day life doesn’t contain the conditions for your values to thrive, they may start to dull. This can leave you feeling like you’re not honoring your most authentic self.

You think a change might mean losing something

You can want a new challenge but cling to your current job, for instance. Perhaps your current job offers perceived security and stability. You can reduce your thinking to be very binary, seeing options as “either/or.” Allow yourself to open up to the idea of “yes/and” thinking. This type of thought makes it possible to have both a new challenge and financial security.

You’ve lost hope for the future

Our thoughts are powerful tools. They can send us in the direction we want to head or keep us pinned in one place. Negative thoughts, in particular, can be very influential, and they can conjure up a world of emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and unworthiness. It’s hard to move forward when grappling with these negative thoughts and feelings.

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You’re overwhelmed or burnt out

You could be overwhelmed by your circumstances and life events. Or the possibility and pressure of your next move could cause you to stress. Whether it’s over your past or potential future, overwhelm can be hard to overcome.

Additionally, if you’ve been stressed for a while, as much of the world has, you could be experiencing burnout. Keeping your nervous system on high alert for extended periods of time can blur the lines between what is and isn’t harmful. It can also lead to extreme fatigue, which isn’t the ideal frame of mind for decision-making.

Your positives vs. negatives lists are in competition

There might be plenty of reasons to make a change and plenty of equally strong reasons not to.

For example, you may want to change your job, but you may also really value your free time. Looking for a new role may eat into that free time. What do you do? This type of pattern can lead you into a vicious cycle that doesn’t lead anywhere.

You’re comparing yourself to others

Keep in mind: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Compare yourself to yourself—your growth, your potential, your future. And try not to get caught up in comparing yourself to others and then feeling like you’re falling short.

You’re outside of your comfort zone

You may know what you need to do to become unstuck but feel uncomfortable moving forward. If it’s the first time that you’re testing a skill or behavior, for example, you might not know what to do exactly. You could be fighting self-doubt or perfectionism. Fear making a mistake or fear having a less than perfect result can hold you back.