“Failed” install SS 2008 Express R2 on Win 2008 SP 2 server – SQLServerCentral Forums

I was requested to install SQL Server 2008 Express R2 on a virtual Win 2008 SP 2 Standard Edition server. Pretty normal request yes? Except for:


1. The windows server is in an undocumented security configuration.

2. Power Shell was not installed

3. .Net Internet connectivity failed (SSMS needs internet to check certificates on startup)

4. Windows Firewall enabled, allowing outbound access only unless inbound exceptions granted.


OK. started Power Shell. Installer now works…up to a point: OOOPPPSSS – Access Denied.

(uninstall SS2008 Exp Ed), try again.

OK… grant debug powers. Installer now works… much further along.

At completion:

1st Your SQL Server 2008 Installation completed with failures.

2nd Access Denied

Launch SSMS – it starts! Specify Windows authentication – oh, we’re sorry. Your database is in SINGLE USER mode. [huh?]

go find the details file, scroll down, find the last entries say:

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Error result: -595541211

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Result facility code: 1152

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Result error code: 49957

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Sco: Attempting to create base registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, machine

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open registry subkey Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\DW\Installed

2010-12-08 16:48:36 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get registry value DW0201

2010-12-08 16:48:37 Slp: Submitted 1 of 1 failures to the Watson data repository

I assume this means that I have a privileges failure, but can’t tell for sure.


1. How did the DB get in single user mode? More critically, in 2008 Express, how do I get it out?

2. What is the minimum ‘relaxed’ security settings to obtain an error-free (at least, error message free) installation?

3. How can I get the real error messages within the thousands of lines of messages in the hundreds of diagnostic files I have to choose from (thank you Dr Watson)?