ExpressJs vs SailsJs Comparison

To understand the major difference between expressJs and sailsJs framework, it is necessary to understand the total development procedure to write the code in both the frameworks. In order to be a outstanding developer in expressJs and sailsJs, you would need to understand the basic concepts such as how routing is done, or what is ORM, various HTTP methods,There are many basic methods while working on express and sails:

The first component comes in mind when we talk about the comparison between expressJs and sailsJs is the routing. In order to use the routing, there is always need for regular expressions for routing in expressJs Foe front end development, it helps with a powerful routing tool and powerful routed API. The developers can do the tasks ranging from building an ExpressJs REST API. In expressJs the codes must be written probably in main file or root file of your expressjs project.

On the other hand, all sails projects comes with config.js file that exports an object of custom or explicit routes. Each route consists of an address and the request first check the route and requests then check the match for the available routes.

Second main concern for the development in express and sails is the schema or model is the ORM where code is written and the web applications are created automatically by CRUD API and sails will adjust all the codes automatically.

The major difference between express and nodeJs is using the database. Developers don’t have to depend on a single database like mongoDB, you can use any database with it without any changes in the code. It can be possible by configuring the waterline. In sails everything is preinstalled and preconfigured.

Express is the minimalist framework, It doesn’t support the prevalent design patterns such as MVC, MVP, MVVM and whatever is trending out of the box whereas sailsJs support all the design patterns and other databases. The express and sail app development both are different platforms in terms of development where sailsJs is more suitable for developers as it is more handy in terms of development.