European-American University
European-American University (EAU) is a global university without walls operating through the technology of the Internet. It was established in 2003 to offer educational opportunities for adults who desired a more flexible alternative to the traditional university system. The majority of the University’s students undertake their programmes through attendance at one of over twenty affiliated campuses in Africa and Asia, either through a fully residential programme, or through short residency. In addition, students have the option of fully or partly non-residential study through correspondence-based distance learning.
The University is particularly suited to accommodating the mature, experienced mid-career or retired adult candidate who is seeking to capitalize on their professional competencies in order to gain an academic qualification. You may be returning to study after some time away, or continuing your education for professional and personal benefit. Either way, you will find us efficient, direct and with the necessary expertise to help you achieve your goals. Except for full-time campus-based programmes, which operate to a set calendar, you can usually start and finish at any time of the year, working at your own pace and with no unnecessary bureaucracy.
Many adults have acquired significant life experience, including valuable learning that is the equivalent of college study. As a non-traditional institution, the University privileges learning wherever it has occurred, and will recognize educational achievement gained outside a classroom setting for credit. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, an agency of the US government, credit for life experiences can be defined as:
Credit earned by students for what they have learned through independent study, noncredit adult courses, work experience, portfolio demonstration, previous licensure or certification, or completion of other learning opportunities (military, government, or professional). Credit may also be awarded through a credit by examination program.
In addition, many adults have earned some college-level credits but have yet to convert these into a degree. The University can assist with this process, and offers “top-up” programmes by dissertation for those who have already completed the majority of their degree requirements. The use of prior learning experiences can often reduce the requirements of a degree programme very considerably, and for the highly experienced individual, may fulfil them entirely. In this respect the University implements a process based on the landmark French law on the allocation of college credit for experience, validation des acquis de l’expérience or VAE.
For those who prefer, there are also more structured correspondence-based programmes that are based on the completion of essay-based modules and/or a thesis, working under an experienced mentor. At the postgraduate level, the University is experienced in the assessment of research candidates as well as those who have already published scholarly work and wish this to be assessed for a doctoral award.
The University was founded in the Commonwealth of Dominica, where it was registered until the re-organization of its administration in 2019. In 2012 the University was awarded a Royal Charter of Incorporation from the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara, one of the constituent kingdoms of Uganda, and it remains under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the Omukama (King) of Bunyoro-Kitara. Currently, the University is also authorized to award religious degrees under the statutes of the State of Florida (European-American University and Theological Seminary) and several other states of the USA, and is further incorporated as a private international university in the Republic of Panama. The University is further registered as a private higher education provider in France (Ecole Supérieure Euro-Américaine). The University holds a wide range of recognition and accreditation agreements with institutions worldwide.
The University is conceived as a social enterprise with its aim being that of providing affordable and otherwise unavailable educational opportunities for its students rather than making a profit. From the start, it has attracted the involvement of men and women of achievement worldwide, who have often given freely of their time and expertise on a voluntary or subsidised basis.
Degree Programmes Available
The University awards degrees at Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctor levels, in a wide variety of fields with particular strengths in business (including marketing, human resources, entrepreneurism and project management), and the humanities. There are further provisions for degree programmes in religious disciplines and in music. Degrees are structured with elements of both the European and American academic systems, and mapped to the UNESCO ISCED standards for educational awards. The University uses uniquely individualized learning methodologies that empower and honour students as the centre of their learning processes, and does not place artificial barriers in the way of the assessment of learning. This allows the student to determine the nature and context of learning experiences that can count for degree assessment. All degrees issued by the University are fully verifiable, both through our online Register of Graduates and via email.
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Learn while you earn
We believe that you learn best when you’re working as well. Our programme is designed so that you can use what you learn at work and design the programme around your working environment. You stay in your job, you continue earning and you apply what you have learned through the programme directly. As a result, you’ll often complete the programme more quickly than in traditional institutions.
You’re in control
We’re here to guide and support, not impose or impede. You are in the driving seat; we’re there to help. You can design your programme individually, decide on its resources, implement and analyse it. We may suggest a structure (and indeed offer the option of more “traditional” taught programmes) but we are open to all reasonable alternatives that are compatible with good academic practice.
Individualized tuition and support
In our distance learning programmes, we use the approach of mentored study: one student, one teacher – the oldest academic system known to mankind, and one that is only otherwise available at the most expensive and exclusive universities. There is no system of compulsory group participation or assessment because the programme is tailored directly to you as an individual.