Educating your child at home | London Borough of Bexley

Parents have a legal duty to ensure their children receive an appropriate full-time education. Although a majority of parents choose to send their children to school, an increasing number are exercising their responsibilities directly by providing an education based at home and in the community. Whichever course you take, it is a good idea to talk with your children and take their wishes and feelings about their education into account.

Before you make a final decision, Bexley’s Elective Home Education Officer will be happy to visit to discuss ‘Elective Home Education’ with you in detail.

You do not need to have formal qualifications or be a teacher to educate your child at home. However, qualities such as patience, enthusiasm and flexibility are invaluable. You do not need to ‘know everything’ – an important skill, as well as developing a sound knowledge base, is for all concerned to learn how to learn and think, and how to find out information. Your whole family can become more resourceful and learn many new things alongside each other.

You need to consider the social development of your child, which would be enhanced through sharing activities with other children. Having the time and freedom to join a variety of different clubs and special interest societies etc., can prove very enriching, as can sharing skills and mixing with people of all ages.

If the decision to home educate has arisen because of a disagreement with a teacher or school, and the issue has not been resolved following discussion with the Head Teacher or Governors, then the Local Authority (LA) may be able to help. Home Education is not a way of solving your child’s non-attendance at school unless you and your child are committed and enthusiastic about it. Education officers will be glad to talk with you about your child’s re/admission to school should this become the preferred option at a later date.

If your child has special educational needs

For a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names a special school, the situation is different and we must be consulted and give permission for education at home. Together with our SEN Department, we must also take responsibility for ensuring that the Statement/Education and Health Care Plan is reviewed once a year.