Easy Apple Banana Smoothie Recipe

Apple banana smoothie - pinApple banana smoothie - pin

Easy Apple Banana Smoothie made with very simple ingredients that are healthy, naturally sweet, and nourishing! Make this smoothie in just a few minutes to enjoy right away. Or make a batch and enjoy it as a treat throughout the day.

Apple Banana Smoothie served with apple and banana slicesApple Banana Smoothie served with apple and banana slices

Sometimes you need a quick pick-me-up snack to get through the day. And this Apple Banana Smoothie is exactly what you need! Just like my banana strawberry smoothie, this is a very quick and easy recipe that you can make with ingredients that you already have in your kitchen.

In fact, you only need 3 basic ingredients to make it. But it’s also always a great idea to add a few other healthy ingredients just to give this smoothie a boost. And to make it as nourishing as possible.

It’s naturally sweet, and I really love the fact that it’s sugar-free.

Like all smoothies, it takes just a few minutes of prep time and you’ve made yourself a delicious Apple Banana Smoothie!

Apple Banana Smoothie Ingredients

Making this delicious apple banana combo requires just a few ingredients that are healthy and easily available. Here’s what you’ll need:

Apple Banana Smoothie IngredientsApple Banana Smoothie Ingredients

  • A ripe banana – preferably frozen for a smooth creamy texture. But if you don’t have a frozen one, by all means, use a fresh banana instead. Just add some ice to compensate.
  • A fresh apple – I used a Gala apple but you can also use Granny Smith or Red Delicious. They all work fine for this recipe.
    • I prefer using organic apples to avoid any traces of pesticides. This is particularly recommended if you choose to leave the peel for more fiber and nutrients.
    • Otherwise, just wash the apples well and peel them before using. Especially if you don’t like pieces of apple skin in your smoothie.
  • Milk – I used almond milk for a dairy free option. But any other milk would work here and will give you a delicious result. Also, milk can be swapped with yogurt for a richer smoothie.
  • Hemp seeds – optional. Added for a nutrition boost and extra protein.
  • Ice cubes – optional. If you are using frozen banana, then you want to skip adding ice to the smoothie.

How to Make Apple Banana Smoothie

  1. Get the ingredients and place them in the blender jug

    . Cover with the lid and blend until smooth and the ingredients are well blended.

  2. If the smoothie is too thick, feel free to add a little more liquid (milk, water, or orange juice) to thin it out. Unless you’re serving this as a smoothie bowl.
  3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Three photos showing the steps for making this smoothie recipe in a blender jugThree photos showing the steps for making this smoothie recipe in a blender jug

Extra Add Ons

This smoothie is simple and quite adaptable. Depending on what ingredients you have, or on your preference, you can swap out some of them and still get a delicious smoothie.

It’s also a great way to sneak some extra fruit, or frozen vegetables without altering the flavor too much. My go-to veggie is frozen zucchini or cauliflower. I add either to most of my smoothies and you won’t be able to taste them! I promise!

Here are a few other suggestions on how to adjust this smoothie to make it even more nourishing:

  • Spice it up! My favorite spice that magically blends with the ingredients and adds warmth to this smoothie is ground cinnamon. It makes this drink taste like a real dessert! Apple pie smoothie? Yes please! Just add a pinch of cinnamon to your smoothie. And if you’re feeling fancy you can also throw in half a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract for even more flavor.
  • Sweeten it. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add a date or two (don’t forget to remove the pit!). Keep in mind that ripe bananas are naturally sweet. So make sure that you taste the smoothie after blending. And then decide if you’d like to sweeten it up even more with dates.
  • Honey and Maple syrup – are other delicious sweeteners!
  • Yogurt or Greek yogurt – for additional protein, creaminess, and richness.
  • Protein powders – your favorite protein powder can be added here.
  • Seeds – in addition to hemp seeds, I love adding flaxseed and chia for additional nutrient value.
  • Shredded coconut – another great option to add more flavor.

Apple and banana smoothie poured into two glasses and decorated with apple slices and cinnamon. Apple and banana smoothie poured into two glasses and decorated with apple slices and cinnamon.

How to Store a Smoothie?

If you end up making a bigger quantity of a smoothie than what you can consume immediately, you can store it for later. Pour it into an air-tight container or jar, and place in the fridge for up to 48 hours. Shake the container very well before consuming.

However, keep in mind that most types of apples (with the exception of Opal apples) will brown due to oxidation. Although this makes the smoothie not so pretty, it is still safe to consume.

More Smoothie Recipes

I love smoothies and so do my kids. I make them for breakfast to start the day and we love enjoying them as an afternoon snack.

And there’s no easier way for me to fuel up with the proteins needed before and after my workout, than having a healthy and delicious smoothie.

So here are my favorite healthy smoothie recipes:

  • Refreshing green kale pineapple smoothie
  • Nourishing blueberry broccoli smoothie
  • The classic banana strawberry smoothie

For other refreshing summer drinks, try my virgin piña colada recipe. It’s perfect for gatherings and summer parties!

If you try this recipe, please don’t forget to rate it and share a picture on social media, tagging #NourishPlate in your posts. I would really love to see your creations. Bon appétit! 


Apple banana smoothie served in a large glass jar, with a glass strawApple banana smoothie served in a large glass jar, with a glass straw






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Apple Banana Smoothie

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Prep Time



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This apple banana smoothie is so simple, easy, tasty, satisfying and full of vitamins. It tastes like an apple pie!

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  • Blender


  • 1


    peeled, fresh or frozen

  • 1

    apple (Gala)

    peeled, cored and chopped

  • ½


    milk of choice

    I used almond milk

  • 1


    hemp seeds


  • 1


    ice cubes



  • In a blender, combine all of the ingredients, cover, and blend until smooth (for 1-2 minutes). If you’re using frozen banana, then you might not need to use any ice cubes.

  • If your smoothie is too thick, and you need to thin it out a little, just add a little bit more milk or a splash of water and blend again.

  • Serve in glasses and enjoy!


  • Depending on the type of apples that you use, the smoothie might taste a bit gritty. So try using Gala or other type of sweet apples. Granny Smith, Aroma and Red Delicious also work here.
  • Make sure to peel the apple if you are not using a high powered blender
  • The banana is quite sweet so I don’t usually add any additional sweeteners, but feel free to add a date or 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup.
  • For extra flavor, add pure vanilla extract.
  • Milk can be swapped with yogurt but it will change the thickness a bit.
  • You can also add yogurt or Greek yogurt for extra creaminess and richness.
  • If you use protein powders, then feel free to add that to the smoothie.
  • Add any seeds that you like for extra nutrient value. I love adding hemp seeds, chia and flaxseed.
  • If the smoothie is thick, you can add more liquid to thin it out or have it as a smoothie bowl. It will taste like apple sauce with a hint of banana.  
  • If you end up making too much smoothie, you can store in the fridge to enjoy later but it is recommended that you consume this smoothie immediately to get the maximum of its nutrients.  Also, it gets darker in color after a short period.


















Saturated Fat:




Polyunsaturated Fat:




Monounsaturated Fat:
























Vitamin A:




Vitamin C:











This website provides approximate nutrition information for convenience and as a courtesy only. Nutrition data is gathered primarily from the USDA Food Composition Database, whenever available, or otherwise other online calculators.

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