ESP8266 & ESP32 use AT command development example | 安信可科技

Note: This page mainly uses AT commands to develop wifi modules.

Ali Feiyan AT command light control project: STM32 Ali Feiyan AT command light control project of ESP8266

Instructions for use: unzip the project compression package to obtain

Description: Use two methods for network distribution, Espressif ESP-Touch and WeChat Airkiss.

1, AT+CWMODE_DEF=1    !! Configure the WiFi module to work in single STA mode, and save the configuration in flash

2, AT+CWAUTOCONN=1    !! Enable automatic connection to AP after power on

3, AT+CWSTARTSMART=3   !! Support ESP-Touch and Airkiss smart distribution network

4. Connect the mobile phone to the AP that needs network configuration, open the mobile APP ESP-Touch, enter the password, click OK, and wait for the network configuration to succeed, see Figure 1

         Figure 1

5, AT+CWSTOPSMART     !! Regardless of whether the network configuration is successful or not, you need to release the memory occupied by the quick connect, see Figure 2

6, AT+CIPSTATUS      !! Check the network connection status 

            Figure 2
