Dumbbell Triceps Workout For Bigger Arms

Build bigger arms with this dumbbell triceps workout from body transformation expert Diego Carrete…

Walk into any gym and chances are you’ll see a row of men performing some of the best dumbbell exercises like barbell or dumbbell curls in an attempt to build bigger biceps. But the key to building impressive arms is to also work your triceps muscle, which accounts for two-thirds of your upper-arm size. 

What muscles make up the triceps?

Your triceps muscle – or triceps brachii – is found on the back of your upper arm and is made up of three heads: the long and lateral head combine to form the horseshoe shape at the top of your upper arms, while the medial head runs beneath the long head down to the elbow. 

The triceps extends your elbow joint to straighten the arm, so it comes into play during any move that requires you to push away from your body, such as the bench press.

Illustration demonstrating the muscles that make up the triceps

The triceps is a three-headed muscle on the back of the upper arm. It extends the elbow and works with the biceps to do so. 

The long head of the triceps runs the length of the upper arm from the shoulder blade to the elbow. As well as extending the elbow, it is responsible for stabilising the shoulder joint.

The medial head of the triceps lies beneath the long head and connects at the elbow.

The dumbbell triceps workout

1. Dumbbell Seated Triceps Overhead Press (Reps: 10-12 | Rest: 60 secs | Sets: 4)
2. Dumbbell Skullcrusher (Reps: 10-12 | Rest: 60 secs | Sets: 3)
3. Dumbbell Neutral-Grip Triceps Press (Reps: 10-12 | Rest: 60 secs | Sets: 3)
4. Dumbbell Triceps Kickback (Reps: 15 | Rest: 60 secs | Sets: 3)

Keep reading for full exercise instructions.

man demonstrating dumbbell overhead triceps extension man demonstrating dumbbell overhead triceps extension with elbows bent

Dumbbell Seated Triceps Overhead Press

Reps: 10-12
Rest: 60 secs
Sets: 4

  • Sit on the edge of a bench, with a dumbbell rested on one leg.
  • Bring the dumbbell onto one shoulder, then position both hands underneath the top edge of the dumbbell – like you would for a goblet squat.
  • Now bring the dumbbell overhead, with arms extended. This is your starting position.
  • Keeping your upper arms fixed, bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head – descend as far as you can without moving your upper arms.
  • Now reverse the movement to bring the weight back overhead.

Need a pair of dumbbells? Discover the best dumbbells for home workouts


man demonstrating dumbbell skull crusher triceps exercise with arms extended man demonstrating dumbbell skull crusher triceps exercise

Dumbbell Skullcrusher

Reps: 10-12
Rest: 60 secs
Sets: 3

  • Lie on a flat bench, with dumbbells held directly above your head.
  • As with the overhead press, keep your upper arms fixed in place.
  • Bend your elbows to lower the weights until they’re level with your ears.
  • Now reverse the movement to return the dumbbells overhead.
  • Focus on contracting your triceps with each rep.

man demonstrating dumbbell triceps press man demonstrating dumbbell triceps press in outdoor gym

Dumbbell Neutral-Grip Triceps Press

Reps: 10-12
Rest: 60 secs
Sets: 3

  • Lie on a flat bench, with dumbbells held with palms facing inwards.
  • Lower the dumbbells until they’re level with your sides.
  • Now press the weights straight back up – you should feel this in your triceps.

man demonstrating dumbbell triceps kickback exercise man demonstrating dumbbell triceps kickback

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Reps: 15
Rest: 60 secs
Sets: 3

  • Place one knee on a flat bench, with the opposite foot grounded.
  • Pick up a light dumbbell and hold it in the hand on the same side as the grounded foot.
  • Assume a flat back position, with a neutral spine.
  • With upper arm fixed in place, bend your elbow to bring the dumbbell back as far as you can without sacrificing that fixed upper-arm position.
  • Bring the weight back down with control.

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