‎Direct Express®

sorry uesername


The app worked fine until it updated and now to login I open the app input my information that’s correct and get locked out of my account for 10 minutes (that is actually permanent) until I get online open the website and set up all over again if it’s working or call customer service who English is so broken I don’t understand what they’re saying and vice versa apparently the US government is contracting outside of the US to do their dirty work of screwing the citizens on that note I continue to have fraudulent charges made unknowingly how that happened when it happens across the ocean in a different state over 35,000 miles from where I’m at with no real way to address that issue either the last dispute took over seven months i’m pretty sure the people with broken English used my information that I had to give them to open my account as fraudulent charges only happen before I opened my account for myself again when I switch cards to try to stop this I have to pay for that too I cannot transfer money to any other account over $50 that’s not helpfu