Describe a joke that made you laugh
Cracking the IELTS speaking test can be tricky if not prepared well. In this article, let’s look into the topic “describe a joke that made you laugh” which will be useful for you to clear IELTS speaking cue card section. The three samples and follow-up questions present in this article will give you an idea of how to clear the two rounds present of the IELTS speaking test
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IELTS speaking part 2: Cue card
The Cue card section is part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. Here you will be given cue card topic like “describe a joke that made you laugh”. You cannot able to change the topic. You will be given 1 min for preparation. You have to speak for 2 mins continuously until the examiner asks you to stop. With enough preparation and practice, you can clear this section with a high band score.
Describe a joke that made you laugh
You should say:
Who told you the joke?
When and where it happened?
What was the joke?
Why did you find it interesting?
Describe a joke that made you laugh – Model answer and follow-up questions
The modal answer for the topic “describe a joke that made you laugh” is given below. Three samples for the above topic and follow-up questions related to cue-card are given for reference.
Describe a joke that made you laugh – Model answer 1
Cracking jokes and making the surroundings fun and happy is a talent and if you see such a talented person then you are lucky to be around them. I have one such lucky friend who always keeps our gang entertained.
Who told you the joke?
The joke I’m going to talk about is said by my friend. He has the habit of telling jokes during unexpected situations. I can say he is the master of it.
When and where it happened?
One day we went to the restaurant with all my friends including the joke-telling friend. We all were ordering different dishes to eat. The ordered food came to the table and everyone started eating. After finishing eating, a few friends ordered tea.
What was the joke?
While having tea the joke-telling friend asked what kind of tea is hard to swallow. We knew he was going to say something. He immediately said Reality. We burst out in laughter. After that, we went by car. During that time my joke-telling friend asked what has four wheels and flies. All of us were thinking and can’t guess till the end. He said garbage truck. Everyone started laughing.
Why did you find it interesting?
I found this interesting because it happened unexpectedly and we didn’t expect the answer would be this.
It was one funny incident that happened recently that made me laugh.
Describe a joke that made you laugh – Model answer 2
Telling jokes and making everyone laugh is not my thing. But I like to be with a person who makes others laugh.
Who told you the joke?
This joke is said by my friend Pooja. She used to tell jokes all the time to make others laugh. Everyone would love to be around her.
When and where it happened?
It was the exam result day in our college. Everyone was tensed about the results. So I asked Pooja to tell one joke to our friends so that everyone feels better. She agreed.
What was the joke?
Pooja started by saying the story of An elderly man who calls his son who lives in the big city and says: “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing, forty-five years of misery is enough”. “Pop, what are you talking about?” the son yells.
“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the old man says. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister and tell her. ”Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like heck, they’re getting divorced,” she shouts. “I’ll take care of this.
”She calls her parents immediately and says to her father: “You are not getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, do you hear me?!”
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. “Okay,” he says. “They’re coming for our anniversary and paying their own fares. Now, what do we tell them for your birthday?”
Hearing this everyone laughed.
Why did you find it interesting?
I found it interesting because of the parent’s master plan which is unable to guess. The story started on a serious note but at the end, everyone laughed.
It was one of the best jokes said by my friend so far and everyone loved it.
Describe a joke that made you laugh – Model answer 3
When we look back at our life, all can think of is laughter and happy memories flashing in your head. School memories plays a major role where we laughed our hearts out with friends.
Who told you the joke?
This joke is said by my friend Ram. He always cracks jokes in serious situations and doesn’t even care about it. He will say to anyone to make them laugh.
When and where it happened?
It happened when I was studying in the 10th standard. It was April 1st. Our class mam came to the class and questioned “Does anyone know why today is called April fool’s day”?
What was the joke?
My friend Ram suddenly got up and said April 1 is named April Fools’ Day after Steve April. He was born on the 1st of April back in 1579. He ran many businesses and was quite prosperous in his ventures, but he lost all of his father’s assets late in his life. After this, everyone started calling him the father of fools. At one point, he even married a woman who was older than him, and she divorced Steve because he was so foolish. He used to read and believe all kinds of fake stories like now you are listening. Happy April Fools’ Day, mam he said. Everyone in the class including the teacher started laughing.
Why did you find it interesting?
I found it interesting because of his timing and humor sense during a serious situation. We too believed the story but in the end, it was a complete twist.
It was one memorable incident from my school days. Laughing together with the teacher is an unforgettable experience.
IELTS speaking part 3 – Describe a joke that made you laugh follow up questions
The following are the follow-up questions for the topic “describe a joke that made you laugh”. The questions will be based on the cue card topic in part 2. The session is conducted for 4-5 minutes.
1. What kinds of things make you laugh?
Entertainment things such as relatable videos, comedy videos, and funny incidents told by my close ones make me laugh more.
2. Do you like making other people laugh?
Yes, I like making other people laugh. I cannot see anyone sad or stressed hence I try my best to make them happy by sharing funny incidents or jokes. I make sure at least they smile when they are around me.
3. Do you think it’s important for people to laugh?
Yes, it is necessary to laugh. If a person is happy they can do their work efficiently and also spread happiness around. But if they are sad, their surrounding people will also get affected because of them.
4. Is laughing the same as feeling happy, do you think?
In my opinion, both are different. We laugh only if we hear a joke or some funny incident and it only lasts for a few minutes. But being happy is connected to our emotions which leaves a pleasant smile on our faces.
5. Why do comedy movies always perform well?
It is because people love to laugh. Movies are for entertainment purposes. Thus, watching comedy movies in theatres with family and friends relieves their stress for 3 hours and makes them happy and light.
Related IELTS cue card topics
The 3 model answers given for the “Describe a joke that made you laugh” cue card will give an overview of how you can structure and present your answers. The follow-up questions provide an idea of what type of questions can be asked related to the topic.