Crack Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster


The hailstones were big enough to crack some windows.

He cracked his collarbone in a skiing accident.

The mirror cracked when she dropped it.

Workers cracked the large rock into three pieces so it could be moved.

The bird cracked the seed on a tree branch.

a tool used for cracking nuts

He cracked open the eggs.

Someone cracked him over the head with a beer bottle.

The baby cracked her chin pretty hard when she fell.

He fell and cracked his elbow on the ice.


The crack runs all the way from the top of the wall to the bottom.

an old patio with grass growing up through the cracks

The vase has a few fine cracks, but it is still usable.

I could see them through the crack in the doorway.

Light came through the cracks in the walls of the barn.


The company has a crack sales force.

known as one of the college’s crack tennis players

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