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My name is Reta Jenkins. My number is (PHONE). I have an AMEX serve account. On December 16 I made an attempt to transfer $200 from my sub account to my main account. In processing the request, an error message box popped up, stating,” due to technical errors the transaction could not be completed”. But in checking the transaction history it shows with the money was minus out of the sub account, the $200 but it never reflected the balance being transferred into the main account. I have contacted customer service several times in reference to the transaction and they stated there was some major technical problems that they were working on. But today is the 18th and I still have not received any resolution or any information as to win the problem will be fixed and the money either transferred over to my main account or put back in the sub account. Currently my sub account reflect the $350 balance I currently have left in there. There was $550 in my sub account before I made the transfer on December 16. I am reluctant about taking any money out of the sub account now because I feel they’re not going to give me back my $200. I am pursuing legal advice on this matter. I can’t believe this company is rob me of $200 I entrusted Amex account that I thought it was going to be safe. Please advise

2 years, 13 weeks and 6 days