Connectivity Solutions / Review Express API / Get Started | Tripadvisor Developer Portal
This API supports the basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) commands using HTTP verbs: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. These endpoints all accept a JSON-formatted list as the request body, and the GET, PUT, and DELETE endpoints accept a single request form with the request ID in the URL. If you use a JSON-formatted request body, include the header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ in your request.
Connectivity partners can create email requests from the point of booking up to one day after the check-out date for each guest record for opted-in hotels, and then modify or cancel those requests if the bookings change. Querying, modifying, and canceling may be done with either the Tripadvisor email request ID, as returned in the responses to the create and list by location calls, or by using a partner-supplied external request ID, if included in the create call (optional, see below).
Tripadvisor allows each JSON-formatted body to have a maximum of 10,000 characters.
Tripadvisor will send a Review Express email to guests requesting a review of the hotel two days after the given check-out date, at which point the Email Request will be marked as sent and can no longer be modified or canceled.
Checklist for Implementing Review Express API
To test and enable the Review Express API, please follow the steps outlined in the checklist below:
☐ Complete your TripConnect™ or Review Express connectivity hotel mapping
TripConnect Partners: To get started, your business must be certified as a TripConnect Partner with a valid, completed mapping of your hotel inventory. Why? Review Express uses the same mapping source as TripConnect to match Tripadvisor-listed hotels to your connectivity partner. Without your TripConnect mapping, we cannot offer automated Review Express services to your hotel partners.
TripConnect Partners: To get started, your business must be certified as a TripConnect Partner with a valid, completed mapping of your hotel inventory. Why? Review Express uses the same mapping source as TripConnect to match Tripadvisor-listed hotels to your connectivity partner. Without your TripConnect mapping, we cannot offer automated Review Express services to your hotel partners.
Other Review Express Partners: Please submit your Review Express mapping via the SFTP server. If you do not have credentials, please contact your Tripadvisor Account Manager. See for details.
☐ Make sure you have your Review Express API key
After you accepted the Review Express API terms and conditions, we emailed you a unique Review Express API key. This key is necessary to test and enable the Review Express API. Please note: this is NOT the same as your TripConnect ID.
If you are unsure of your Review Express API key or did not receive the email, please contact [email protected] to ask for your key.
☐ Test and configure using our test property, Schrute Farms
We have created a test property that will allow you to configure and test the Review Express API. Please use location ID/partner ID 730099 to carry out testing and initial configuration*
*Please note: if you are a Connectivity Partner and you signed up to Review Express during the TripConnect Certification, the partner ID you will need for testing purposes is @@SCHRUTE_FARMS@@. All other partners, the test property has ID 730099 as both location ID and partner ID.
More information can be found here at API Testing section.
Please make a Create call against this location, using your own internal email address as the destination. For the fastest delivery of a test message, please set the check-out date to be one day before the current date.
☐ Implement the Review Express API on the production site:
Once you’ve completed the previous steps, you’ll be ready to enable the API in production. Please note: Review Express API must be configured to run daily.
☐ If you have no bookings over the course of a full week for your properties, send an API call to the test property
Tripadvisor monitors your Review Express API activity. If none of your hotels has had a guest booking to generate a Create call in a week, please produce a Create call using our test property and using your internal email address as the destination. You may need to rotate a number of email addresses, as our system checks when the last email was sent to a user and will not repeat the same email within a 30 day period.
Listed below are our recommendations for the most critical APIs and sequencing:
Call this request to return a list of all your mapped hotels and their current opt-in status. This should be run every morning to pick up any newly opted-in or opted-out hotels.
For more information see: check opt-in status request bulk
Set up CREATE request for opted-in hotels providing Review Express with email request record for each hotel guest based on guest check-out date. Submitting CREATE requests can be approached in two ways:
- Run a daily batch job to provide information for guests who checked out yesterday for your opted-in hotel partners.
- Generate CREATE requests as bookings are made, either in real-time or as a daily batch which picks up all newly created bookings. With this approach, you will also need to CANCEL or UPDATE the requests if the guest booking information changes.
Note: A CREATE request for a hotel that is not opted-in to automated Review Express services – or is not included in your mapping – will generate an error.
To learn more, please see: create request
Check the status of all scheduled emails. This can be set up to run daily and will provide the status of all scheduled emails to record in your system or display to your hotels.
To learn more, please see: list request