Communication Skills Seminar | Communications Training

Communication Skills Seminar for Optimal Results

communication skills seminarcommunication skills seminar

Learn From the Best in the Business

This practical communication skills seminar empowers you to maximize — not just improve — your communication skills. Before the seminar, you take our complimentary self- or 360 assessment to learn about your communication style. You discover how to gain instant rapport with others (even the most difficult people).

You learn the techniques to minimize unwanted behaviors and resolve conflicts. Your don’t resolve your hot buttons by reacting to offensive communications with off-the cuff offensive remarks, or by suppressing feelings. These approaches simply reinforce your fear of emotional injury.

With Optimal Thinking, you:

  • stay centered
  • respond optimally
  • achieve the best outcomes

You listen carefully, interpret non-verbal signals, and communicate with optimal verbal assertion. With your best self in charge, you shift from the “me mindset” to the “we mindset”, and bring out the best from others.

Communication Skills Seminar Objectives

During the Optimize Your Communication Skills Seminar you:

  • examine the strengths and weaknesses of your communication skills
  • explore how to best resolve suboptimal thoughts, feelings and behaviors
  • gain skills to best deal with those who complain, criticize, blame and make excuses
  • learn how to listen carefully and motivate others to be their best
  • interpret and optimize non-verbal communications
  • discover how to untangle “mixed signals”
  • find out when silence can be your most effective communication tool
  • discover how to respond optimally even when you are ready to explode

According to a recent report by BBC Worklife, “The growing emphasis on soft skills is a notable pandemic shift with communication much more nuanced and complex when workers don’t see colleagues face to face.”

In this communication skills training, you learn how to fit in with others, even if you have little in common. You discover how to deploy others’ names and passions most effectively. Additionally, you:

  • learn how to deploy the presentation skills that optimize impact
  • optimize communications with those who practice one-upmanship
  • negotiate optimal solutions with different personality types
  • hone your verbal assertiveness to minimize undesirable behaviors
  • learn how to admit mistakes without losing respect from others
  • apply the most constructive techniques for resolving conflicts
  • discover how to respect the dignity, rights and vulnerabilities of all concerned
  • develop a realistic daily plan of action to optimize your communication skills.

Who Should Attend

  • CEOs, executives, employees, sales people, large and small business owners
  • customer service personnel, mediators, conflict resolution personnel
  • people who want to optimize – rather than just improve – their communication skills.


We provide this communication skills seminar on-site or as a virtual seminar (via Zoom).

Certificate of Completion

When you complete this communication skills seminar, you will receive our proprietary Certificate of Completion. This exclusive certificate confirms your education in optimal communication.

Call (424) 204-6133
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm PST or

schedule a callschedule a call

to discuss your most important objectives.