Cloud How to start with Amazon cloud server – AMIS, Data Driven Blog – Oracle & Microsoft Azure
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Just created an Amazon account and willing to create a first server? Use the interactive guide (Launch Instance button) to create your own oracle server within 5 minutes of time. Hereby practical notes to create a new instance.
After login to AWS select a region nearby, this for the speed of network traffic. At the upper right front of the webpage you can select a region. When you want to develop, the US East region is the region you have to select. Creating an Oracle environment may be done in a region of your choice. With Amazon it is also good to be known that pricing per server is different between regions. Before start you can check on the following link where you can get the best price for you environment (on demand).
- For a first Oracle environment you better choose an existing Amazon Machine Image (AMI). To create a new instance press the button Launch Instance on the dashboard. Within several steps you will be guided to create a new Instance. For this trial we show you how to create an Oracle environment for test usage.
- For our first server I use an predefined Image created by a colleague, there are several predefined Machine Images available. On the first tab we choose an linux image. When creating a server for an Oracle database, it is also possible to start with a RDS (oracle database)
On the second tab, we can select an Instance type. It depends on the software you want to install on the instance, for Oracle middleware applications such as Database or weblogic an instance with 2 cores and 4 or 8 GB of memory is eligible. Below the explanation of the codes used by Amazon:
T<number> generic usage for development and test environments
M<number> generic usage for production environements
C<number> CPU intensive usage
G<number> Grafical solution such as videostreaming
R<number> Memory intensive systems
I<number> IO intensive systems.
Costs per instance per hour are on the website, see above for link
- On the 3rd tab only the IAM role has to be set. Create a new one if not having already one. When creating a new one select one for Amazon EC2 and then AdministratorAccess for your own environment. When saved, you have to push on the refresh button before it is available in the dropdown box. Leave everything else as is to avoid additional costs.5.
- On the 4th tab you can select additional storage to your instance. Select a different disk instead of enlarge the existing disk This is better for an Oracle environment. So press the Add New Volume button for more disk space. Volume type EBS is right, only change the size you want to use. Volume type GP2 stands for General Purpose (see picture below).
- Appending an extra volume to an instance will remain in an reusable instance after reboot, else you have to install the software of Oracle again.
- The next tab is for creating tags to your Oracle environment. The TAG Name will also directly be displayed when using the dashboard for looking to the instances. Other tags are optional but very helpful for colleagues, department, name or id of the owner are very helpful for colleagues.
- On the 6th tab you have to configure a security group, you want to avoid access from anyone, everywhere by default port 22. When selecting on the source drill down menu the My-IP option only your own IP will be allowed to connect by port 22. Even other ports can be configured. For Oracle database or weblogic different ports will be used, so you have to configure them also.
- On the last tab review and launch by pressing the launch button, you will be asked for selecting or creating a key, when it is your first server, create a key for using it putty or other ssh applications. A private key will be generated, this one you have to store carefully, because this is given once. Using the key with putty, use the following link:
- You might also reuse a key when you already have one
- Your system will be ready after several minutes for using (state = running). You first have to run a yum update on the system by typing : sudo yum update –y
- Now the system is ready to install Oracle software and create an Oracle database or weblogic environment
Nội Dung Chính
About Post Author
Lammert Kiers
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