Choose the correct answer she English at RMIT these days? – Bin Nguyễn

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15. She ________ English at RMIT these days.

A. studies B. is studying C. will study D. is going to study

16. She’s at her best when she ______big decisions.

A. is making B. makes C. had made D. will make

3 . After you finish your work, you _____ a break.

A. should take B. have taken C. might have taken D. takes

5. When he returned home , he found the door _________.

A. unlocking B. unlocked C. to be unlocked D. have unlocked

12. Is it raining ? – No , it isn’t but the ground it wet . It _______

A. rained B. had rained C. has rained D. has been raining

vì nó vừa mới xảy ra và tiếp tục diễn ra

16. Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shinning but the ground was very wet. It _________

A. rained B. has been raining C. had rained D. has been raining