Child benefits in the Netherlands
There are three common benefits and allowances families and single parents in the Netherlands can receive from the government:
Nội Dung Chính
Child benefit (kinderbijslag)
The child benefit aims to help parents cover the cost of raising children by helping cover costs such as children’s clothing, food and school expenses. This is often the most important benefit for many families.
Requirements for child benefit
To be eligible for the allowance, you need to be registered and living in the Netherlands. In some cases, you can live in another country – if they have a social security agreement with the Netherlands and if you are insured for the Dutch child benefit scheme (AKW).
The kinderbijslag is provided automatically to parents via the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). If not, you can apply for child benefit using your DigiD code. If your child is born in the Netherlands, the SVB should contact you directly.
Amount child benefit 2023
In 2023, the amount per child per quarter is:
- 269,76 euros for children aged 0 to 5 years
- 327,56 euros for children aged 6 to 11 years
- 385,37 euros per quarter for children from 12 to 17 years.
There are different rates for parents with handicapped children.
Child budget (kindgebonden budget)
You may qualify for the child budget (kindgebonden budget) if you get the child benefit and your income is under a certain level.
Requirements for the child budget
- You have one or more kids under the age of 18.
- You receive the child benefit (kinderbijslag) from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
- You have a valid residence permit.
- You earn below a certain level (the income restrictions are dependent upon the number of children you have).
- You do not have too much money (capital).
The budget is calculated on a sliding scale so the higher your income, the lower the amount. The full list of conditions and exceptions can be found here (in Dutch).
Childcare benefit (kinderopvangtoeslag)
The childcare benefit is meant to help pay for childcare costs for working parents and is calculated on an hourly basis.
Requirements for the childcare benefit
- You and your partner are both working or studying.
- You have a contract with a registered childcare centre (kindercentrum) or childminder (gastouder).
- You pay (part) of the childcare costs.
- You have a valid residence or permit.
- Your child is registered at your address.
The full list of conditions and exceptions can be found here (in Dutch).
The precise amount of the benefit you receive depends on your level of income, your childcare expenses and the type of childcare. In 2023, the maximum hourly rate for day care is € 9,12.